Kominato Ryousuke X Reader Soulmate AU

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Hi everyone!

This was also requested by lazyrain, I hope you enjoy it! Though I did notice some similarities with the Miyuki Soulmate AU I did

Well, that's all. I hope you all have fun reading and stay safe~


"Oi, Baseball idiots, are you done yet?" You sigh as you stop in front of their desks, hands on your hips as you hold the worksheets in your hand, only waiting for them to finish to be able to pass them to the teacher 

You were the class president and were also voted as the year representative, so you know that the reason you receive so many tasks was that they actually think you're a responsible student. But somehow, for them, that also means treating you like you were their assistant 

"Calm down! We're almost there." Isashiki clicks his tongue

"What time will you finish then? You're only copying from one another and you can't even finish them immediately?" You ask bluntly as they freeze 

"We'll handle it, (Last name), you can pass it first," Ryousuke says as you turn to him, among all of them, he was the least to give you 

"Fine, just make sure you people pass it. I don't want to deal with the teachers asking me about your worksheets." You walk away from them as Ryousuke chuckles at the obvious annoyance on your face 

"Honestly, what does she have for breakfast that she always looks so damn angry." Isashiki scoffs 

"You really shouldn't be saying something like that," Ryousuke replies cooly, watching as you walk out of the classroom 

"Ha? Oi Ryousuke-" Isashiki suddenly stops mid-sentence as he stares at Ryousuke, his mouth agape at the thought that came to his mind

"Do-do you like-" 

"What?" Ryousuke asks him, turning his attention back to his teammate who immediately closes his mouth 


Ryousuke never really gave you any attention, as far as he knew you were just that reliable classmate who also seems too serious for your age so he never really got to talk to you. Until your second year when he just happens to catch sight of your legs and sees a familiar mark he had when he was a child

It was a hot summer day and you just happen to have to work together with the rest of the class for your performance in your Summer Festival, since you all agreed to do a play 

"(Classmate's name #1) please buy these things." You were giving everybody instructions on what they were supposed to do since you were the leader, and your teacher just decided to trust you with handling all of them 

Ryousuke sets down the box of props on the floor, wiping his sweat as he looks over to you, once you were done with giving instructions, you then faced your classmates who had questions about the script 

That's when he caught sight of the mark on your thigh, one that looked exactly what he had when he was a kid before they changed into the one his soulmate has 

"What are you staring at?" He looks up at your face, and even though he had a bit of distance away from you, he can tell that you were scowling at him

"Nothing, I just noticed something." He hums as you give him a look before turning your attention to a classmate who was asking you a question about the budget for the costumes

From then on, even though he doesn't always mean to, he ends up paying attention to you, and that's when he noticed that you were always doing something, whether it was for class, for the student council, or your club. There was always some sort of task entrusted to you 

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