Tanba Koichiro X Reader 1

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You hum quietly to yourself as you continue drawing on your sketchbook, not giving a care in the world while you draw

You never notice your surrounding whenever you held either a paintbrush, pencil or any type of art material in your hand, that was why when Tanba came, you didn't notice him, it was only when he cleared his throat did you look up

You look up and there you saw the gentle giant, standing beside your chair awkwardly making you smile at his antics

"Good morning, Ko-chan." You chirp, pulling a chair closer for him to sit into, your heart beating vastly

"Good morning," he greets back and sits on the chair you pulled and looked at the sketchbook

He knew you were artistic, he knew that it was your passion, that was one of the many things that Tanba loves about you, other from the fact that you're you, of course.

when he was already sitting, you proceed to continue doing what you were doing, moving your hands over the sketch pad and once again forgetting the presence of your childhood friend and now crush, the only time you looked up is when a shadow blocked the lights causing you to squint

You  looked up and saw that Tanba was trying to look at your drawing, his eyebrows furrowed as he tried catching what you were drawing without having to interrupt you while you concentrate

You giggle at his antics, since childhood he was always the shy and quiet friend, you were quite similar to Tanba, you were just a bit more socially awkward and introverted, unlike your two childhood who loves to play baseball you were often locked inside your room, often reading or drawing, the only time you go out is when you're supporting them on their games

"Do you want to see, Ko-chan?" You asked making the ace blush beet red for getting caught but still nodding because of his curiosity

You took your sketchbook to hand it over to him, it was a portrait of you, him, and Manaka when the three of you were in middle school, he and Manaka were grinning side by side while you were behind Tanba as he carried you in a piggy back ride, smiling widely while you held on the medal, winning first place on the painting contest

"It's not finished yet, so it doesn't look much good but—"

"This is amazing (nickname)-chan" he praised as his eyes took in everything on the portrait

He then hands you back the sketchbook so you can continue working on the sketch, not noticing that Tanba was now watching you as you work

He took in everything, the way your hand would move as it made the artwork, the way that your eyes shined whenever you drew, and whenever you would bite your lip when looking for the problem in your work

'Your works are art,' Tanba thinks as he continued to watch you work. 'But you're probably the most beautiful one I've seen'


Sooo, Tanba part 1 is done, and part two is on the way, I'm planning on ending part one and two on Chris-senpai who comes after Tanba and focusing on normal oneshots, you know without the part one and two

Requests are open, please request if you have any story ideas!

Until next time 👋

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