Araki Ichiko X Reader

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This was requested by loverxs_yams23 thank you for requesting and sorry if its short, I don't know much about Araki, that being said I did watch the episodes that he came out and it made me want to rewatch Ace of Diamond
Anyways, thanks again for requesting!
Enjoy and stay safe!!

"There's a lot of people here again," You comment as you walk to the field where Araki was currently with his team

You couldn't help but chuckle at some people who were watching them, more specifically those who were all talking about your husband. Well, to be fair although he wasn't young, he's good-looking and smart. You could still remember how many people considered you a rival when you two were in college just because you were going out with him. But you two persevered and even got married

"Coach Araki, may I talk to you for a few minutes?" You say behind him as he turns around, ready to welcome the supposed reporter

"(First name), I didn't know you were coming!" He says in surprise as you smile and kiss his cheek, a gesture that made him smile

"I wanted to see how you and the others are doing. I also bought you this." You hand him a bag with snacks

"We're going to eat dinner in a few hours but I wanted to make sure that you and the kids have energy to last through training." You explain as he nods

"Thank you, dear." He wasn't the type to be overly affectionate in public since he was both a teacher and a coach in school but you can tell he was grateful for the thought

"How about you wait for me to finish so we can eat out for dinner." He suggests as you beam at his words

"Like a date?" You grin as he laughs

"Yes, like a date." He confirms, looking around before quickly placing a chaste kiss on your forehead, "Tell me where you want to go and I'll take you there." He pats your hair as someone from the team calls him over, most likely going to ask something

"Go, I'll wait over there!" You urge him and push him lightly as he smiles at you

"Thank you for waiting for me." He whispers before walking to his student who was staring at him, not used to seeing his coach act so affectionate

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