Hongo Masamune X Reader

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Hi everyone! Are you guys having a good day?

This was requested by @Soesiantie! Thank you for the request and I hope you enjoy this!

Anyways, that's mostly it! Enjoy and stay safe~

Masamune was never good at figuring out other people. First because he never really gave them much attention unless they were some strong opponent and the other because well, people are complicated

If he has to give an example of that person who proves to be difficult then he'll say you. You're strict to the point that some of the other players in the team dislike you and even call you the 'demon in training' but at the same time, you're kind and take care of others...although that itself is annoying for Masamune; he already had a mother at home, Renji on games, he didn't need you to be one of those people who frequently scold him

Not only that but you were always blunt and strict with him, although Renji did say that perhaps that cold treatment was because of his own attitude on the first day of practice

Masamune grunted, ignoring all the orders you were yelling out. He knew that you were the assistant coach but you were in the same year as him, how good were you that he had to take orders from you immediately?

"You should have listened to her." Renji reprimanded him

"She's the same age as us, how good is she?" He said bluntly, finally growing annoyed at everybody telling him off

"Good enough to be your coach, that's for sure." He heard your voice as he turned around, face still neutral as he stared at your scowling face

He wasn't sure if that was it or the fact that when you try to act friendly afterward he just rolled his eyes and ignored you

But anyways, he ended up figuring out the ability you had as time passed so as much as he hates to admit it, you are someone he can respect...which just annoys him even further

But now he wonders if you were even thinking properly

"Why do I have to play relief?" He scowls, this was the Summer championship, so many strong teams were ready to hit off them and you were putting him—the ace on hold?

"Because we have a lot more games in the future, why do you keep on insisting on this? Can't you just trust your coach?" You ask in annoyance

Just like you, Masamune grows hot-headed, trust you? Were you even making the right calls or were you just getting back at him?

"How can you be so sure that we'll play more games?" He grumbles

You bite your lip, trying to keep your emotions at bay, but what he said just made you more pissed than you previously were

"Because we're strong." You say with finality in your voice, "You're not the only key player this team has and just like the players, the coaches are top notch and can make decisions which can bring the team on top." You glare at him, "So just rest in your room because our decision will not change, you are going to be the relief pitcher for tomorrow's game." You jab a finger on his chest, "Because your coach thinks it's the best for this team." You could feel him getting angrier at your statement but you didn't care, you've known him for a year already

"Why the hell are pitchers so damn stubborn?" You mutter to yourself when you walk away from him, rubbing your temples at the argument you just once again had with Masamune, you could feel his gaze at you, full of resentment, although not as much as he does for the coach

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