Shirakawa Katsuyuki X Reader

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Hi everyone~

This was requested by Fengful! Thank you for requesting~ 

I actually had a few ideas for the ending for this oneshot, but I think the one I decided with is good hehe 

Anyways, enjoy and make sure to stay safe!


"Shirakawa!" You call out to the shortstop, running towards him 

"Oh, it's you." He says once you stop in front of him, panting heavily at the early morning run you just did because of him

"Yeah, good morning!" You greet him brightly, despite looking tired just a few minutes earlier

"Yeah, morning." He greets back, still as monotonous

"Oh, Carlos, you're here too. Hi!" You wave at Carlos who smiles back at you, before apologizing when he follows Shirakawa who already entered the classroom 

"So cold," You sigh, losing heart for a moment, "But that's not enough to stop me!" You announce, full of determination


"Don't you think you were a bit cold there?" Carlos asks, jogging to walk beside Shirakawa, "She's been trying really hard to make you say yes, for what, almost three months?" Carlos asks, he really did feel bad for you, you were an extremely nice person, he sometimes can't believe that someone like you was trying so hard for Shirakawa 

"She'll give up eventually." Shirakawa sighs, he did turn you down but you insist on 'showing him your good side' 

"Why not just turn her down then?" Carlos crosses his arms, "If you're that uninterested then just it to her straightly, without holding back, at least she can move on in peace with that." 

"She's stubborn, she won't listen to me." Shirakawa dismisses the idea, making Carlos sigh, not understanding his friend's attitude 


"Did you see the new menu, did you try it?" You ask as you sit in front of Shirakawa, you've basically been eating with him since the day you confessed (And he turned you down), but you relented and told him that he should give it a few months to see if his feelings towards you would change 

"Not yet." Shirakawa answers shortly, continuing to eat his lunch as you put the bowl of soup in front of him

"That's part of the new menu, you should try it." You insist, smiling as he looks at the soup and back at you

"Thank you then." He pulls the bowl closer to him, "Mind letting me eat in peace?" He asks, noticing your eyes watching him in anticipation 

"Oh, sorry, I was kinda looking forward to your reaction." You apologize sheepishly, moving your eyes away from him and instead you look at your own food before starting to eat, still listening to Shirakawa 

"How is it?" You ask him after a few minutes

He remains silent for a moment, "It's not that bad." He coughs, excusing himself so he can get a bottle of water 

"Oh," You look down, disheartened 

"Don't listen to him," Carlos says, making you turn your eyes to him, it wasn't like he didn't have any presence, in the Baseball club, he was the second most popular member, just behind Narumiya. But whenever you were with Shirakawa, you didn't really notice the other people around him. You were just focusing on the red-head 

"He's probably just saying that, he enjoyed it. Look, he even almost finished it." Carlos chuckles at Shirakawa, his smile widens when he notices how your expression visibly brightens when he mentioned that Shirakawa liked it 

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