Kamiya Carlos Toshiki X Reader Soulmate AU

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Hi hi everyone!

This is the last request for this oneshot book, once again, thank you -lazyrain for the request! Since this is also the last request, I also want to say thank you to everyone who requested in this book! It was always fun reading what ideas you all got and finally writing them, so once again, thank you very much!

There's still 4 oneshots after this and a last a/n though~

Anyways, enjoy reading and make sure to always stay safe!


"I can't believe people actually put this much effort into a high school club." You muse out, holding up your camera as you take pictures of the players, it was a good thing they actually allowed the photography club to take photos of them while they were training 

"How did I look? How did I look?" Narumiya makes his way toward one of your club members as you give him an apologetic smile before moving away, not wanting to handle the ace's enthusiasm so early in the morning

"Look out!" Somebody yells out as your eyes widen, thankfully you manage to duck before a ball hits your right on the face

"Shoot, sorry about that," Carlos says as he walks towards you

"It's nothing. I'm good." You say as he holds out his hand to help you up 

"You should probably be careful around here, you might get hit in the face." he reminds you as you smile at him and nod 

"Thanks, I'll remember that." You tell him, but he wasn't listening to you anymore, instead, he was staring at your neck 

"Um, is there anything wrong?" You ask him as he finally snaps back to reality and smiles at you 

"I just saw something familiar." He grins, "Oh, can I know your name?" He asks as you furrow your eyebrows at his sudden question, but you answer him nonetheless

"That's a nice name." He compliments you, his friendly smile never wavering

"Really? I think yours is neat too." You return the compliment, "Anyway, I should go back to taking photos, my seniors might wonder why I only have a few after all." You point behind you as he nods 

"How about taking one of mine then?" He asks as your eyes light up at his suggestion

"Sure, should I follow you? Are you doing something specific?" You continue to ask him as you follow him through the field 

"There. Take a photo there." He leaves you on a spot as he runs somewhere in front of you 

"Okay-what are you doing?!" You yell out as he actually takes off the shirt he was wearing 

"Come on, this kind of picture will definitely sell." He says lightheartedly before he grabs his bat and goes to his batting position

You had to remind yourself that you weren't there to stare at his back and instead to take photos, so even if you were still feeling flustered and your ears were ringing from the nearby people's scream when he takes off his shirt

"You got it?" He asks after a few minutes, his back still on you as he turns his head sideways to look at you 

"Yep," You say, "Thanks for the photo Kamiya-"

"Just call me Carlos."

"Carlos." You correct yourself as he nods and puts his shirt back on 

"Anytime." He says to you just as someone comes running to him 

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