Narumiya Mei X Reader

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"I can't believe I agreed to this." You mumble as you fix your skirt, looking at Narumiya who remains smiling

"It's okay (First name)-chan!" He reassures you before going behind you and pushing you forward, "It's only for a few days!"

"Why does it have to be me?" You grumble

"Cause you're my best friend!" Narumiya says enthusiastically before placing his hands on your shoulder

"I don't remember agreeing to be your friend." You scoff

"Well, we are."

"I don't remember agreeing to that as well."

"Come on!" Narumiya whines before pulling you towards the school, "You just have to act like my girlfriend for a few days...or weeks!"

"It's already tiring enough to be your babysitter! Why do I have to play that part?!"

"Cause a lot of people are annoying me!"

"Since when did people annoy you?" You raise your eyebrows at him, "As far as I'm concerned, you've always enjoyed the attention!"


"It's true." You shrug before holding out your hand

"Come on, let's get this over...and I'm only doing this for a few days!" You add the last part before Narumiya could say anything else

"Whatever you say (Nickname)-chan~" Narumiya grins, "Hey can I call you baby or something?"

"You don't have the right to that." You answer

"Then how about you call me baby?"

"I have no interest in doing that." You say, ignoring Narumiya who was pouting as you pull him towards school

"Baby girl and baby boy?"

"Do I look like an infant to you?"


"I don't like sweets."


"You're an idiot."


"I know I am but you're a headache."

"So I can call you that?" He asks excitedly, his steps now having a little bounce in them

"I never said that."

"Come on!" He whines, "Please?"

You stop walking and turn to face Narumiya, "Did you just say please?" You ask in surprise

"Is it that surprising?" Narumiya scoffs

"Damn, someone might have done something bad for you to actually say such a word!"

"Hey, are you even listening?!"

"A stalker? Overly enthusiastic fangirl?" You think out loud


"Maybe a crazy ex? But did he even date someone in the past? Some idiot made that mistake?"

"I can hear you!"

"Good!" You stick your tongue out at him

Narumiya grumbles something under his breath, you didn't hear it and didn't bother asking what it was, sure that it was just some nonsense

"Can I finally call you sweetheart?"

You remain silent for a few minutes before finally letting out a deep, long breath

"Just for a few days."

Narumiya's eyes literally lit up as he pulls you towards school, almost announcing to everyone that you're his 'girlfriend'

'Wow, not even an hour, and I'm already regretting agreeing to this.' You thought as almost every girl, who hears Narumiya screaming, glares at you

"Please stop." You almost beg Narumiya who frowns at you

"But we're dating!"

"'s not really that real." You say and notice that his face falls for a few seconds before it lights up again

"But isn't that the whole purpose?" He smiles, "To let everyone know that I'm taken so they'll stop annoying me!"

"Well yes..."

"Then-!" Narumiya starts to announce the 'news' to everyone who was in the hall

'Oh my god' You groan

'I'll make sure (First name) falls for me!' Narumiya thinks, wearing the biggest grin as he finally got to hold your hand and call you his girlfriend


I never noticed until a few weeks ago that I used to write in past tense (correct me if the term is wrong, I'm an idiot so 🤷‍♀️) but I'm going to try and change that writing style to present (?) tense (?)

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