Miyuki Kazuya X Reader

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Hi everyone!

This was requested by @qxrlni I hope you enjoy this!

Anyways, is anybody watching re:main? To be honest I didn't think I would actually get this interested in it but it's just filled with tons of soft boys so—it's kinda hard to not get invested 😋 ⁱᵍʰᵗ ʷʳⁱᵗᵉ ᶠᵒʳ ⁱᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵘᵗᵘʳᵉ ʷʰᵒ ᵒʷˢ

Anyways, enjoy and stay safe everyone!

Miyuki couldn't take his eyes off you, he was hoping that you would notice and turn to look at him, but no, you just continue to laugh at whatever (Boy's name) was talking about

"Oi Miyuki." Kuramochi nudges his foot causing the catcher to turn his eyes on his teammate

"What?" He asks, annoyance obvious in his voice

Kuramochi raises his eyebrows, an evil smile growing on his face as he looks past Miyuki and toward you

"Oh? Are you jealous, Miyuki?" He snickers as Miyuki rolls his eyes

"Of course not, why would I?" He huffs

"Sure~" Kuramochi teases which just surprisingly annoys the catcher further

Miyuki tries to focus on what the leader in their group was discussing but Kuramochi keeps on making commentaries about your every move and it was starting to irk Miyuki

"Look look she's hitting his shoulders with a smile—oh? Is he coming closer to her? And she laughs again!" Kuramochi laughs when Miyuki actually steals a glance at you, the scowl on his face growing as time pass

"I wish I had my phone with me." Kuramochi jokes

Suddenly the bell rings and the groups disperse as everyone goes to their friends to eat lunch together

"Hey, what are we having for lunch today?" You ask the two of them once you reach them

"Did something happen...?" You ask slowly as you stare at the two of them, Miyuki's face was blank but you notice his lips downturned making it look like he was pouting and he was avoiding looking at you while Kuramochi was cackling beside him

"Did something happen?" You repeat, now chuckling after you hear Kuramochi's laugh—it's just that contagious

"Nothing," Miyuki replies coldly before standing up and walking toward the door

You raise an eyebrow and motion to Kuramochi why he was acting so weird but Kuramochi just shrugs


"You definitely did something." You accuse Kuramochi when Miyuki continues to eat silently—he wasn't even teasing you!

"No I didn't, maybe you did." He argues causing you to make a face

"Me? I was just talking to (Boy's name)-"

You turn to Miyuki who places his spoon on the table too loudly

You blink in confusion

"Miyuki, you're seriously acting weird, what's up?"

"The sky." He retorts

"Okay, you're still a little shit." You nod, "But you have this nasty look on your face."

"Come on, cheer up! If you don't you might get the same lines that Inashiro's coach has on his face." You whisper and you watch as his mouth starts to twitch up

"Or do you want me to go get Sawamura?" You quirk your eyebrows suggestively as the catcher scoffs at your suggestion

"See! You finally look relaxed!" You point out, "I always knew you had a soft spot for Sawamura." You grin

"No, I don't." He rolls his eyes, "It's just you might get in trouble with all that dissing you're doing, we don't want the coach to scold you again, do we~" He says in a playful tone

"The coach isn't here, besides it's true! That coach looks like he has the world on his shoulders or something, you think it's because of Narumiya?"

"Good afternoon coach Kataoka!" He looks behind as you whip your head to look behind you

"I hate you." You kick him from under the table as he laughs

Kuramochi watches the two of you and sighs, accepting the fact that he was friends with two stubborn idiots who can't confess to each other

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