Silent Jobs(Gregoryxreader)

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Hey guys sorry for the slow updates, my computer crashed so yeah. Check out my craigxreader and my kylexreader book, they're coming out well :) So dedicated to FunAboutFandomz for requesting this gregoryxreader  Song is Remembering Sunday byAll Time low. gregory at the side anime style.


I paced around the room, I made sure to stay near my table. 9:02, she's late. I think to myself. I'm cringing as I bite my lip. Maybe she doesn't want the deed done, maybe she changed her mind. No, I'm praying I'm wrong. If she changes her mind, and decides to tell the cops on Christophe and I, we're goners. I'm biting my lip to the point where it's bleeding. I look to the floor kicking the table. I'm glad it's attached to the floor because I wouldn't want to make a scene. 9:03. Time is ticking, time is wasting, the nerves are getting to me, I let the iron soak into my taste buds. Blood, it's a familiar substance that I've grown to enjoy the taste of. I sigh finally letting myself fall to my seat. I take a look at the menu, it's Sunday morning isn't it? My menu drops to the table as I hear stomping feet and a shout.

I look forward to see a (h/c) hair colored girl. She's waving furiously and running towards me. I give a dull smile. "I'm sorry I'm late!" I rose from my chair.

"We said 9 o'clock sharp!" I hissed. She nodded biting her lip and sitting across from me. I rolled my eyes grabbing the water the waitress had brought me. "I don't like to be kept waiting, now what is it that you want done?"

She gulped hard reaching for her pocket. "I need someone to learn a lesson, the hard way. I can pay half now and the rest when it's done." I smirked at the bundle of bills she held in her hand.

"200 now and 300 when it's done? What did this person do exactly? I need to know in case you decided not to pay the rest." My smirk fell when she started to cry silently. I looked away trying not to care. I hated getting to know customers. "I need a picture too, to make sure we get the right guy, now spit it out." She reached for her pocket again. She handed me the paper and I simply nodded. She wiped her tears anger overwhelming her.

"The bastard cheated on me, I need someone to kick the crap out of him, don't kill him, just... Just teach the son of a bitch a lesson, alright?" A smirk overwhelmed me again. I nodded stuffing the picture inside my pocket. 

"Meet here in two days same time, and ___. Don't be late or I will leave." She nodded stepping out of the booth and leaving the restaurant. I watched her leave finally letting the blush overwhelm my cheeks. She  was pretty I had to admit that, but what a crybaby. I bit my lip at my thoughts. She was doing something about it so maybe she was different. I clenched the 200 dollars in my hand. It was time to call up Christophe and get this done, I didn't want to think about the stupid girl.

212 Lemon Street, I was sure this was it. I looked up at the house. How was Christophe gonna pull this off. He looked back at me with dull eyes. "I'm gonna need your help for once." He whispered. His tone never changed when it came to me did it? I smiled as he handed me the shovel. "Ze  alarm is set, I need you to make a distraction as I do ze dirty work." I smirked nodding. I watched Christophe climb towards the window. I expected the alarm to go off, but it didn't. I heard two screams that worried me.

"Fuck off!" The smashing of a window came next then a deep prolonged scream. My eyes widened at the falling body. Christophe smashed into me making me fall to the floor. A boy with black hair stuck his head out of the window. 

"Zat hurt." He sighed rolling off of me. I bit my lip as he stuck his tongue out at us. 

He sighed laughing at us. "I'm a black belt dumb ass, tell ___ she's a dumb bitch, she's the one always looking at other guys and never dressing up for me. Couldn't keep my attention span, now leave me alone!" He shouted. I narrowed my eyes gripping the shovel harder. Christophe tried stealing it away from me because he wanted to finish him but I wouldn't let him do it. Thinking of her crying, it made me mad, it made my blood boil. I climbed to the window again. 

"Stay here, I'll take care of this." I whispered to Christophe who tried to get to his feet. I smiled as I was greeted with his smug face. 

"Stephen right? Prepare for hell." His smirk grew as he got into his fighting stance. I swung the shovel which he gladly dodged. I threw the thing to the floor. He began to punch me over and over again. I staggered back as he finally paused for a breath. I was huffing for breath as I formed a fist. I swung it at him, again he dodged swiping his feet at me so I fell. In frustration I quickly grabbed Christophe's shovel. I screamed to the top of my lungs smacking him with full force to his head. In seconds he was on the floor. "Stay the hell away from her." I hissed. I sighed letting myself stop my erratic breathing.


I checked my watch again. 9:10. I wasn't angry I was more nervous. I would transfer half the money to Christophe and the other half went to me. I didn't really know what came over me yesterday. I usually hated fighting that's why I hired Christophe, but yesterday made me feel... Happy. I sighed going deeper in my seat. I guess she wasn't coming. I set some money on the table for the waitress. 

I let myself wander the streets. I had to see her again, I just needed to it, there was no explanation and honestly, I didn't want one. __, she was in my class... She lived in South Park she lived close to that stupid Stephen guy. I decided to check there first. 

Reader P.O.V

"Sorry I'm late!" I screamed. I ran into the restaurant, nothing. No one at all. Stephen had called me last night, apologizing crying, begging me to take him back. Of course I said no. I really just wanted to see him, to thank him and maybe... I blushed at the thought as I ran out of the building. I looked around for a little. Nope, not out here. Gregory went to Yardale with me, I decided to check there first.

Gregory P.O.V

He backed away throwing things at me. "Get the hell away from me I said I was sorry!" He shouted the bandage around his head. I smiled at the pitiful person in front of me. He tried crawling away but I grabbed him from the collar.

"I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to talk. Have you seen ___?" He gulped hard looking away.

"No, and I don't plan to since she refused me... I DIDN'T KNOW YOU LIKED HER I'LL STAY AWAY I PROMISE!" I blushed at the words. I let him fall on his ass.

"I DON'T! She... She just hasn't payed me yet." I whispered. He sighed relieved.

"She's probably at the library she goes there a lot." I nodded slamming the door on the pathetic kid.

Reader P.O.V

I only knew his name, this was crazy. I had checked Yardale but gave up. Now I was running back to Stephen's house. Maybe he knew. I ran at full speed but quickly smacked into someone. "Hell." I grunted rubbing my head. I gasped blushing when I heard his voice.

"No, it's my fault." I looked up to see him smiling his hand out towards me. He helped me to my feet but quickly looked away.

My mouth dropped as I remembered something. "I'm sorry! I have it now, I just didn't expect you to actually lea-" His lips made my rambling stop as he stepped forward smashing his lips against mine.

"Shut up please." He said after we parted. I nodded my mouth open surprised.

"I- I..." My loss of words made him smirk. He simply nodded walking away.

"Just don't tell Christophe, he'll never let it go." He laughed walking away with a wave. I blushed nodding once. Maybe hiring Gregory wasn't such a bad idea, it was certainly something I'd remember for as long as I lived.

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