Kyle's Little Brother Grows Up(Ikexreader)

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Dedicated this to boondocksaints2001 for requesting Ike. He's at the side anime style. The song is Smile like you mean it by the killlers


"Ike, kick the baby!" Kyle hollered. I glared at him.

"Don't kick the fucking baby!" I yelled. Of course Kyle thought it was cute since I was about four at the time. Kyle ran at me with full force. He kicked me through the window.

"Ike! You broke another window bad baby!" Mom screamed. I winced in pain already used to the pain of being kicked by Kyle. I woke up with a jolt.

"Kyle bubby, go wake up Ike for some breakfast he doesn't want to be late for his first day in fifth grade." Mom hollered. Kyle trudged up the stairs with a sigh. He threw the door open.

"Get up baby." He teased. I rolled my eyes getting out of bed. Kyle and I weren't exactly on the right foot ever since I could talk. I'd always beg to go on adventures with him and I'd steal the ending statement or something, it made no sense. I mean I was just sharing what I had learned that day. Not to mention the girls liked me better. I was cute in their eyes.

I didn't like the idea of going to fifth grade. All the kids were older but they were fucking stupid. I mean seriously. I sighed sitting in my chair for class. The bell had rung but our teacher wasn't here. My eyes began to wander looking for nothing in particular. My eyes stopped at a girl staring right at me. She didn't have anything special about her just your ordinary fifth grade student. Her (h/l) hair bounced as she bobbed her head up and down poking me in the cheek. "What you doing?" I asked. She gave me a giant cheesy smile facing the front as the teacher smacked a ruler at her hands. I looked up recognizing him immediately. This was the infamous Mr.Garrison.

The girl continued to stare at me as the lesson went on. Her e/c) eyes fixated on me as if she were in a trance. She didn't even bother looking at the board. It didn't matter though, Mr. Garrison wasn't talking about anything but T.V shows. When the bell rang I was estatic to go home and tell Kyle about my weird day. My smile dropped as the girl waited for me at the door. She followed me and sat next to me on the bus but hadn't said a word. She also followed me off the bus. She made sure I knew she was there by poking me every second. Having had enough I turned around confronting her.

"What do you want!" I screamed.

She stepped back surprised. "Can I hang out with you? I know we just mt but.... Oh this is happening so fast, Uh I'm ___." She blurted her hands folded as if she was ready to beg. I gave her an icy stare as she gave me a puppy dog face. Her(e/c) eyes sparkling. "Please?" She whispered. I rolled my eyes motioning for her to follow me home. She must've been new. Me being a fool must've seemed nice. It made sense if you thought about it long enough.

She beat me up the stairs looking through each door trying to find my room. Once I was up, I found her sitting on my bed with a smile. She wasn't alone though, Kyle was with her. The two of them were in deep conversation and it was about me. "Nice to see my little bro is doing okay at South Park elementary." She nodded lightly blushing at his presence. Kyle was about fourteen at this point. I didn't know why, but I found myself storming in and a little irritated.

"Are you talking about me?" I asked my eyes scanning down to the album of baby pictures Kyle was showing, ___. I turned red with anger.

"What you want me to leave?" Kyle asked calmly, with a bit of a chuckle. I nodded my head promptly. He got up sighing. "Okay..." Before he left he moved ____'s (h/c) hair out her eyes giving her a light kiss on the forehead. My mouth dropped and I found myself repressing a scream. "See ya." Kyle whispered winking. I practically pushed him out of my room.

I closed the door and she gave me a smile. A small creak at my door made my head turn. I was steaming mad and looked towards the door where Kyle still stood. I bit my lip and tackled him. He repressed a laugh as I punched him with all my might. Not even my strongest punch phased him. He just continued to smile. When I was tired out, he sat up carrying me over his shoulders. "Let's have a chat shall we Ike?" He asked his smile barely changing. He looked to ___ giving her that idiotic wink. I rolled my eyes as we walked to his room.

Kyle quickly threw me onto his bed and tackled me. I grunted as he sat on my stomach. After pleading mercy, he rolled onto his back facing the ceiling. He sat up looking at me with that same idiotic smile. "What!" I yelled. He smiled bigger now. "What?" I barked. He began to laugh. I crossed my arms, looking away. "Why don't you go and make out with ___." I sighed surprised at my own words of pitiful jealousy.

Kyle began to laugh hysterically. "You really think I like her don't you?" He chuckled. I nodded and he turned serious. "How the mighty have fallen." He said in a monotone. I gave him a confused glance. "You really don't get girls huh, you're a genius but when you walk into my department you're clueless. I thought you would've read the signs, at least the sabotage." He chimed mockingly. I looked at him trying to figure it all out. Soon enough I was face palming. "Sure Ike I'm totally head over heals for a ten year old, when I'm fourteen and have full grown girls to chase." He rolled his eyes, patting me on the back. "That girl likes my little bro I'm not gonna let her get away. Besides it was the first thing she told me when she stepped into your room. She's rambunctious." I widened my eyes getting off the bed and going back to mine where ___ waited.

I sat next to her scooting close to her. She grabbed my head and pulled me into a kiss. This girl always got to the point. She smiled letting my head go. I blushed as she stared at me. "I really like you Ike..." She whispered.

"I like you too...." I said kissing her on the forehead.

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