Filling The Void (Cartmanxsuicidal reader)

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Dedicated to KawaiiAmber for requesting this cartmanxsuicidal reader song is my heart by paramore


We sat down at the lunch table eating our lunches. I began laughing at stupid Kenny. "Look you guys, look at that, he doesn't even have condiments on his balony sandwich! It's just bread and a piece of balony!" I laughed. He rolled his eyes taking a bite out of his lame poor kid sandwich.

"So what are we doing with the extra ticket to the new Terrance and Philip movie?" Jew boy asked. We all fell silent as we started to stare at the ticket in his hand. Stan put his hands behind his head leaning back.

"Well I can always give it to Wendy!" He yawned. I began to laugh again.

"No way hippie! I'm not spending time with no dumb girl! That's like giving the ticket to the loner girl ___!" I laughed pointing to her. She sat alone tossing her food back and forth with her fork. She had been going to our school for one month now and still had no friends. I'd laugh at her but after some time of the guys not doing the same I just stayed quiet.

"Dude, even I think that's a bad idea." Jew boy whispered with his greedy laugh. I laughed jumping out of my chair. "Cartman, no! I'm serious!" He screamed. I didn't care. I was about to hand her the ticket when Kyle and Stan body-slammed me. She looked down at me with a dull look.

I gave that devious smile of mine handing her the ticket. Her hand stayed motionless as she turned her back to us. In seconds she was gone. "Fine leave you dumb bitch!" I screamed. Kyle and Stan sighed of relief getting off me, how could they call me a fat ass? This bitch was seriously pissing me off.

I saw her during class. When we got into partners I naturally went with Kenny but she stayed in the back of the class al by herself. Always either fiddling with her wrists or long sleeves it was pretty weird. Hell why was I even looking at her? "Oooh! You like her!" I heard a muffled voice say. I looked to my right seeing Kenny with a huge smile on his face containing his laughter. My eyes turned dull.

"You're dumber than you look McCormick, she just pisses me off like that stupid bitch Wendy but ten times worse." That's when he couldn't contain it anymore. He began to laugh harder.

"Yeah and you ended up having a crush on her for two years!" He bursted into laughter and I smacked him over the head making his face smash into his desk.

"Shut up Stan's right there!" I harshly whispered. Kenny smirked bigger. He flicked my hair with a devious smile.

"All the more reason to like ___." He smiled. I rolled my eyes looking back to the doodles on my math assignment. Kenny as always was as dumb as he was poor. It was only when she narrowed her eyes at me that I realized that I had been staring at her.

I gritted my teeth. That's it I was gonna give this bitch a piece of my mind! Once the bell sounded I knew it was time. I couldn't focus on a movie with this bitch on my mind. I stormed right towards her. She always walked slumped forward. I quickly grabbed her shoulders. "Hey ___ I got something to say to you bitch!" I screamed. My smirk fell as I saw tears. I still wanted to confront her since I was pissed so I continued. "What gives you the damn right to be giving me those damn looks you stupid dumb bitch..." I said my voice dying as her tears increased. She slowly buried her face into her hands.

"Like I want to be here! I rather be dead!" She shouted. I bit my lip as she rolled up her sleeves. Scars traced her long arms. What the hell? I let my bangs cover my eyes for a second. I stepped back sensing a knot in my stomach.

"Dude... I... I didn't mean it." I started. Her crying was hysterical now. I sighed as she looked at her wrists. She shook her head not believing me. I grabbed her arms and I could feel her try to tug away from pain. My arm was on her cuts. "I'm serious, I didn't know... Anyone could feel pain so intense it matches mine... I get it. I'm sorry... I don't know how else to-" The thing about girls was that they always found the perfect way to shut a guy up. ___ kissed me on the lips and I hugged her tighter. "I love you ___." She smiled digging her hand into my pants pocket. I jumped but in seconds she had the movie ticket.

"Me too." She smiled planting another kiss on my lips. I turned red as she vanished like the void I had always felt deep within me. I always had the guys but who was I kidding they didn't like me too well but now at least I had __ who actually loved me and it was a lot more than I deserved.

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