Cigarette Bud(Michaelxreader)

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dedicated to MarianaFalletti for requesting michael. Michael at the side anime style. song is whatya want from me by adam lambert.


Pete P.O.V

She was such a conformist seriously why the hell did I have to deal with her. Not only did she always steal my money and cigarettes she'd follow us. Not all the time but most of the times. When we went to Henrietta's place, the graveyard even Dennys. ____, was being a pain why couldn't I be an only child. She was the only reason I was ever a conformist. That's how mad she'd make me. Today was one of those days.

Since Henrietta's house was getting fumagated we decided to go to Michael's place. His parents were the ultimate conformists. They tried taking Michael's coat and cigarettes how lame. We went upstairs to his room and I didn't notice her till the door closed.

Henrietta P.O.V

It was so annoying being in someone else's room and sharing the evil depths of the world. We were about to sit down and share our poems of death when I shut the door and Michael's jaw dropped. It seemed like he was staring right at me. I looked dully at his wide eyed face. A soft sound made me turn around. My eyes narrowed.

The girl reminded me a little of Pete. She had a fringe and (h/c) hair. She didn't look goth so why was she here. Pete came towards her seeming a little annoyed. I moved out of the way as he put his hand on the girl's shoulder.

"___! What the hell are you doing here!" He shouted much to our dismay. She looked away with a frown.

"Sorry am I bugging you again, Pete?" She whispered.

Michael P.O.V

She seemed so different. I hardly understood. She didn't talk too much which was a rare characteristic in conformists especially girls.  Her (e/c) eyes pierced into my soul as if she was reading me like a book. I saw misery and hate. I wasn't too sure if it was directed towards me though. She wore a rosary around her neck and had purple shoes on. I almost smiled realizing she was Pete's sister. Probably the little conformist sister he'd talk about on occasions. Pete was scolding her.

"I told you to buzz off twerp." He scolded waving his finger at her.

"But Pete I'm so lonely at home!" She screamed a saddened look plastered on her face. It barely seemed like a scream. She didn't talk much so it sounded like a monotone. I didn't know why but I felt a little rage inside me.

"Conformist." He scoffed. She looked at him with anger boiling up inside. I expected her to cry but again she surprised me by screaming.

"Fine! I'm leaving!" She stormed off slamming the door. I didn't really know what to think afterwards. Henrietta began reading one of her poems. I couldn't wrap my around the contents of her words. I couldn't even hear her. I could only focus on her, her image and how she had to leave so fast.  I bit my lip trying to swallow the feeling. I didn't want to be a fucking conformist. I sighed knowing this wasn't the first time I felt this way. Felt like a conformist.

We were well into high school now. I didn't expect anything but I got a huge surprise when I saw Henrietta. I didn't notice it at first but I was feeling nervous. She was a lot taller than I remembered and a lot less.... Well I  knew was she acted the same she wasn't a conformist she seemed for noticeable and confident. I got over it quickly though. It was still fucking Henrietta we were talking about here. It was the first time I had felt this. Now I felt this with ___, Pete's little sister.

Pete waved his hand in front of me. "You're not going over there are you?" Pete asked. His eyebrow raised. "She's so freaking conformist it's not funny. Go over there and you shouldn't even come back. She actually goes to school and knows about celebrities. Don't go over there unless you're a conformist." He flipped his fringe out of his face. Now everyone was staring at me. I felt a little more uneasy.

I began to look around feeling more nervous. Why was I feeling this way? Heat rose to my cheeks. My pale skin seemed to grow darker. What the hell? The room began to start spinning. I couldn't take it anymore. "I'm heading to the store... I uh, need to buy another pack." I lamely said. Henrietta gave me an odd look.

"You wanna come up with another excuse we have two packs right here." She cooed holding the packs in her hands. She grabbed one putting into her vintage pipe. She smirked as I looked away. I flipped her off heading out of my house. How degrading. I was reduced to leave my own house because that damn conformist. ___, what kind of witch are you?

Reader P.O.V

Great the goth was walking. As usual away from me. This was probably the first time he had even acknowledged my existence. Damn, he probably still didn't notice me, let alone my name. My eyes turned dull as he passed me. I hadn't gone too far from his house. Once Pete kickedd me out I just hung out next to the liquor that my uncle owned. He stepped in his face dull as usual. I didn't even see what I saw in this guy. Seconds later I heard a scream it was coming from uncle Kane. I looked through the window. He was screaming at the goth. My uncle glared at him screaming to the top of his lungs. I expected the goth to be disappointed and sad. I was wrong again. His face was unmoved he was even flipping him off.

"You little brat! You can't just stuff a pack of cigarettes in your pocket and hope to get away with it! Come here." He hollered. He tried grabbing the goth but he quickly stepped back swiping around and knocking uncle Kane down. He grunted getting on his knees. "Just wait until I catch you." The goth looked back smoking his cigarette. 

"That's not gonna happen, and it's Michael. Fucken conformist." He scoffed leaving the store the packs of cigarettes still in his pockets. He had the cutest smirk on his face. I decided to spoil his mood.

He leaned against a wall pulling out his lighter and one of his cigarettes. Before he could light it I jumped in front of him. He frowned bigger now. "What do you want conformist?" He almost hissed. I didn't care I kept my smile. He rolled his eyes giving me another dull look.

"Enjoying your cigarette." I snickered. Another odd look. In return I pointed to the cigarette in his hand. "As for me if I want gum I just buy it in a pack of twenty instead of you know." Michael looked to the cigarette. "not gum rolled up in a paper cigarette." He bit his lip tossing the gum cigarette in my face.

"How the hell?" He muttered. I began to laugh. He growled at me. "I guess you don't want these cigarettes." I said smoothly tossing the pack at him. "My uncle owns the liquor store dumb ass. He puts the fake gum ones in front for you and your friends to take. The real ones are in the back. When someone steals they mean to get in then out but have you ever thought of looking at the product before grabbing it." I continued to laugh as he stared dully at me taking out one of the cigarettes in the pack. 

"I don't need a little girl telling me how to shop lift especially Pete's little sister." I glared at him as he began to walk away. Again because I was Pete's sister I was losing people. First it was just Pete and my friends he drove off. Now even Michael was leaving me. 

He wasn't too far away from me when he said it. "Crying is so conformist. It's just like you to do that..." His voice wasn't flat this time it had a slight hint of what seemed like consideration. He turned around to face me with a somewhat smile. It looked more creepy than joyful since it seemed like he hadn't had too much practice with smiling. He slowly walked over to me.

"I was wrong to think you wouldn't be as conformist as they said you are." I gritted my teeth knowing them included Pete. He grabbed my arm as I tried to walk away. He smiled again but this time it came effortlessly.

"But I think that's okay..." He looked away as soon as the words left him. His grip eased as I faced him flushed red. "Damn it this is conformist..." He trailed off trying to look away. I moved in front of him making sure there was no way he could escape.

"So it doesn't matter that... Pete's my big brother?" I asked awkwardly. He gave me a warm smile pulling me closer.

"No, cuz I think I like you...." He whispered. "Hell Pete's how I met you." I smiled again. 

"I've liked you too." He leaned in closer blowing smoke into my face. I pressed my lips against his enjoying both the nicotine and the kiss. Afterwards he put out the cigarette. Only leaving the cigarette bud on the floor. I knew I wouldn't be like that anymore. I wouldn't be lonely or crushed anymore, because I had Michael with me for eternity.

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