O.S What Could Be (HenriettaxGoth Stan)

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Just a random one shot of mine. Song is Zzzzz by the cab.

Originally Stan just wanted to piss off Michael who claimed that Stan was a wannabe, and damn was it easy. He just had to flirt a little with Henrietta who Michael obviously cared a lot about. The thing he didn't count on was actually falling for her, which really pissed not only himself off but Michael too.

Stan approached the goths and Henrietta immediately looked away, Michael glared and Pete tried to hold in his laugh. Firkle kept his deadpan expression, he really didn't give a fuck. "Hey." 

"Oh god." Henri muttered. a clear blush on her cheeks. Michael did his best to conceal his growl but hiding it just made it more funny.

I took a seat between Henri and Michael squeezing between them which made Michael even more aggravated but hell, I didn't really give two shits. It was uneasy talking with the tensions so high but still Michael gave it a go. He talked about his annoying parents and Henri talked about how she could relate which made the two smile. I quickly interjected before the two could bond over any other dumb shit.

"Yeah, well at least you don't have any annoying siblings." Henri let out a short laugh.

"Try a blond peppy conformist." I smiled at her words, Michael couldn't really agree with anything we were saying so I continued my dumb useless conversation with his sort of girlfriend as he reluctantly turned to talk to Pete and Firkle instead.

No one was at village Inn, so I guessed that they were at Henri's place, I wanted to check there before I checked the cemetery, I mean if they weren't at the cemetery I didn't want to spend even a second alone there.

I knocked on the door but it opened. I followed the voice I heard from upstairs, maybe I was early. The black door that was hiding the voice was open just a crack. I sighed knowing they were probably in there. I opened the door and immediately tried not to scream.

"Oh my god." She quickly covered herself.

"What the hell are you doing here!" She shouted. I bit my lip looking away(which was pretty hard to do for a teen my age).  I had a pretty nice view. The slim teen was only wearing a bra and thin black underwear.

"Uh.. Looking for the guys... I am... Wow, you look-" She stepped forward staring me in the eye with that glare and sneer I was so used to.

"Get out." She hissed. I smirked leaning forward and planting a kiss on her lips. She stared at me for a second but quickly kissed me back. I set my hands on her shoulders as I slipped my tongue into her mouth. We made out for a minute before I pushed her towards the bed. She broke away looking towards the wall.

She sighed as she looked at me. "I shouldn't, Michael and I are..." I wrapped my arms around her torso my left hand going down her spine and my right going up to unclasp her bra.

I let my hot breath tickle her ear as I spoke. "I know, but he's not here, is he?" She turned redder and I was about to see even more when I heard a scream.

"What the hell are you doing conformist!" I turned to see Michael, when the hell did my shirt come off?  He grabbed my Edgar Allen Poe, shirt and tossed it in my face. "Get the hell out of here poser!"


Okay, so maybe I took things a bit too far yesterday. I mean that was the farthest I've gone well almost gone with any girl, yeah, the most I've ever seen... I tried approaching the goths again but Michael threw a lit cigarette in my face, I'm lucky I didn't catch fire. The other just laughed at me. It wasn't a good feeling... The weird thing was when Henrietta came to see me in private. I don't know why part of me was suspecting she wanted to pick up where we left off, especially since we were at school.

"What do you want, wasn't humiliating me before enough?" She smiled for the first time, and I hated how it made me smile.

"Shut up, you were asking for it." Now my smile was gone. She took my hands and it took everything in me not to pull away, i didn't want Michael seeing, that guy could get really mad if he wanted.

"Look, you're really cute..." I hated that I was blushing, really, really hated that. "And I would maybe consider dating you, under different circumstances..." 

"But," I added for her. 

"But, I like Michael. We've got a lot more history, and... He's a way better kisser." I really didn't mean to scowl at her but by the way she laughed at me I could tell I was. She gave me a light kiss on the forehead. "Maybe, you're just not meant to be goth, Raven."

"Or maybe we're just not meant to be." I let out a lighthearted sigh kissing the weird goth on the cheek and leaving, no way was there going back to that, but maybe, there was more than just being goth to the world.

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