Restraining Order(Trentxreader)

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Hey guys so if you like this one shot and don't mind lemons read the next one (sequel) called *LEMON* Can I Wait? Okay... Dedicated to gothicgirl77 for requesting this  trent boyettxshy reader song is somewhere I belong by linkin park. Trent anime style at the side.


I sighed stabbing the cement wall to my left. Another day in stupid juvee. The day felt normally boring, this time though my next door neighbor seemed a lot more lively today. Josh Myers was in Juvie for tee-peeing about fifty houses in one night, it was a true art. He had been released by officer Barbrady to discover who tee-peed the newest teacher's house. A new voice made me come back to reality. "Ed, screamed to the top of his lungs as the zombie, his previous teacher..." The new girlish voice was cut off by Josh's rough one. 

"Boring! Zombies are so 2009..." I heard a loud thump as he began to laugh. "If you want to volunteer how 'bout you bring a better book bitch!" He said laughing harder and harder. I knew she was going to start crying. I knew she was just a little wuss like the rest of those who visited. There was silence for a few seconds.

I expected loud sobs but what I heard instead made me actually smile. Smile for once instead of frowning. It felt like months since I actually smiled even if it was this little. She was laughing, laughing really hard and it was a genuine one. "Funny, Josh... Sure, I can be a bitch, shit I am one, but... It takes a real ass to barely realize that!" She screamed bursting into laughter. I heard her shoes slowly echoed through the hallow room. I hurried to the bars of my cell as I watched her leave Josh's cell.  She had soft (h/c) (h/l) hair that softly bounced as she calmly left the cell. "Besides Josh, today's my lasy day with you ass holes!" She said then began to laugh harder. I gripped my bars as she walked off not even acknowledging me. I looked away a little saddened but  smiled a little. Why did I have to think about that anyway. I'd be able to leave in another year or so, I was fourteen after all.


"Now be careful Trent!" The lady at the front desk screamed waving good bye to me with a smile. I had tricked her into thinking I was being released today. I made fake papers and everything. Dumb bitch didn't even bothering checking with my doctors. I gave her a smirk walking off. The counselors told me that my anger would come back as soon as I left, we were working on ways to control it for when I was released next year. They were right about my anger as soon as I stepped out of the building my blood was boiling. Their tips seemed useless though. Take in deep breaths punch a pillow, what was I three? I laughed at them, now that I was out I wanted vengeance, revenge! I hand rubbed my shoulder that simply read, never forget.

After telling the principal I was looking for the guys because of a tragedy she quickly directed me towards their class. When I entered the class though, my eyes fell on a familiar face.  She seemed totally different though. Her head was down and when she did look up when someone spoke to her she'd blush and look away. When she spoke she spoke in a low whisper. There was no doubt in my mind that it was her. Same (h/l) (h/c) hair and deep (e/c) eyes. An all too familar voice broke my gaze though.

"Shut up fat ass! Don't belittle my people!" I narrowed my eyes at Kyle. With him were Cartman, Stan, and Kenny. The guys responsible for my imprisonment. I quickly got behind them gripping Kyle and Stan's shoulder.

"Hey... Assholes!" I hollered.

Reader P.O.V

It was him. The guy I so badly wanted to leave, the guy I even wanted a restraining order against. The guy who focused purely on hatred and sorrow. Blondie who I saw in the corner of my eye when I was at juvie. I wanted community service to keep my mind off of things. I was a total jerk to those guys. I only acted that way to people who were clearly inferior to me, but at school I was at the lowest point of the high school pyramid. He stared at me for a few seconds making me blush. I really wish I hadn't he was scum and I needed to stay away from him, what I did next was the exact opposite.

"Stay away from them!" I shouted getting out of my chair. He looked back at me with a smug smile his hands leaving Stan and Kyle's shoulders.

He calmly walked over to me. "What do you care little miss?" He teased. I rolled my eyes. This made his smirk bigger.

"What are you doing out of Juvie?" I growled. I looked to Kyle and the others were shaking in their skin. Was this guy really that bad? I smiled remembering it. This was the toughest guy back in pre-school. The guy who spent ten years behind bars. The idea made me hide back in my shell. Why the hell was I so damn shy. I frowned immediately.

Trent shot me a deadly glare. "One minute you're quiet then you're some empty shell or something." He scoffed. I looked away a blush on my face. He stared back at the guys and quickly threw a punch towards Kyle. At rapid speed I ran to him. I wanted to stop his punch, but I ended wrapping my arms around him holding him back. My face buried in his back. He looked down at me shocked. I gritted my teeth as he tried shaking me off.

"Get off!" He screamed. I quickly tightened my grip. "Seriously, hell what are you doing!" He shouted. The guys tried not to laugh but after Trent shot them a glare they went back to shaking in their skin. After a few more moments of this, Trent elbowed me in the head.

I repressed a swear backing away. I put my head down going back in my shell. I hated all the eyes on me. He chuckled again. "I guess I broke her silence." He snickered. I closed my eyes gritting my teeth.

"Still, you didn't hurt them, so I guess it worked." I whispered. He narrowed his eyes wanting to lash out at me. He extended his arm towards me. It trembled as he debated it for a second. I was sure he was gonna slap me across the face. I looked away watching from the corner of my eye. His arm fell flat after two seconds.

"Stay out of my way, mouse..." He whispered. walking away. I frowned my head falling flat. My shoulders began to tremble as I slumped over. I gritted my teeth starting to sob, I didn't know why I was crying. Not wanting any more eyes on me I walked back to my desk burying my face in my arms as the teacher began well... Teaching.

I was walking home as usual. I let my arms dangle with a frown. I felt hopeless, I never spoke, when I needed to. The chance arose like usual but again I denied it. Again, I moved but said nothing. Useless, that's all that I was. A tear rolled down my cheek. I quickly swiped it away, no I wasn't gonna cry again. 

"Shit you are one piece of work..." I heard a low deep voice say. I looked forward to see a familiar blond. He leaned against the only tree in my front yard. He gave me a cheeky smirk. I blushed facing away.

"What are you doing in front of my house?" I said in a low whisper. He began to laugh leaving the tree and approaching me.

He crossed his arms as he faced me. "You gotta, make up your damn mind! Damn, one second you're hopped up on courage then you're a little mouse. Seriously, I've never meant someone so bipolar." He said smoothly.

I sighed looking away, knowing it was true. "Scum like you deserve every word. All the damn swears I give you." I hissed. This made his laughter stop and a smile formed on his lips. A genuine smile.

"I guess I do, I mean I like every word, especially the swears." He said with a sort of chuckle. Another tear escaped my eyes. He gritted his teeth. "Seriously! What the fuck! Come on! Stop crying!" He screamed. I smiled wiping my eyes again.

I approached him again letting myself collapse onto him. "You're such an idiot." I whispered. He gasped his body tense. I rested my chin on his shoulder. "look, I don't even like you." I could sense him smirk. His hands quietly wrapped around my waist.

"Who said, I did?" He whispered. I blushed feeling embarrassed and trying to break away. "I've never really known someone like you, but, it feels like I belong here, only if you're here." He whispered. "I don't like you, I hate you... Because I can't bring myself to hate you." I continued to struggle. 

"Come on Trent this isn't funny anymore!" I squealed. He slowly retreated his hands, letting go. Before I could run off he stepped forward grabbing my hands.

"I belong with you, I know it." I turned red as he kissed me on the lips. After a couple of seconds I backed away with a smile.

"I'll just have to believe you then." I smiled walking away. Maybe the delinquents weren't as bad as I had first imagined. Maybe I didn't have to get a restraining order. Now thinking back to that thought it made me laugh.

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