La Petite Tourette XD(Thomasxreader)

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OK this is Thomas Xreader. Thomas has Tourettes so I am not censoring so be weary. XD OK Thomas at the side. The song is The Reason by Hoobastank. Dedicated to IloveCoffeeandTacos or requesting Thomas. Thanks for reading.


I was kidnapped, shit, bitch , cunt... By no other than Craig. He tied me up to a chair and now we were in a janitor's closet, damn titties! "Why am I fuck, in here Craig?" I asked calmly.

He rolled his eyes loosening the rope a little. "Just came to warn you I set you up on a blind date." Craig said flipping me off.

"Oh, God! Why? Do you shi! Shit, hate me?"

Craig rolled his eyes looking at me dully. "All my friends are in a relationship, even me. I don't need you to be cock blocking. So I set you up." He smiled slyly. I hated the fact that Craig was one of my only good friends. He was impressed by my swearing even though I've explained a thousand times that it's my tourrettes. Just then I remembered to ask.

"Did you mention I have tourrettes?" Craig smiled again.

"Uh... Just be at Whistling Pete's Pizza Place six o clock sharp. Bring this red rose, that's how your date will find you." He said dully. "Whatever. Shit!" I said leaving the room.

How could I cock block I didn't even like Craig's girlfriend. It was impossible. I didn't know what to do for the rest of the day I wasn't in the mood to hang out with Craig especially after tieing me up and accusing me. I didn't really have any other friends so I just sighed and went to the library.

The library was supposed to be a quiet place but I was never too good at being quiet. My tics always annoyed people or made them run to the hills. I grabbed any random book sitting down. There weren't many people around so I was hoping that no one would confront me about my outbursts, it was embarrassing and depressing. I was reading Tuckeverlasting in peace for a couple of minutes before one of my outbursts took over. "Ah, bitch, cunt, fuck!" I hollered. Everyone in the room glared at me but quickly went back to their reading. I blushed burrying my head in my book.

This time I was able to hold it in for a good thirty minutes. Finally I let it out. "Butt licker, balls, shi, shit!" I hollered. Everyone glared at me again, but this time a girl got up walking towards me. She gave me the nastiest glare.

"What's wrong with you?" She growled disgusted. I gave her a sad look, putting my head down. "Are you a freak? Some of us are trying to read!" She screeched. I tried my hardest not to cry as I sat there speechless.

I heard another chair being pushed out but didn't bother looking up. I heard a rough angry voice. I knew I was going to get in more trouble. "Heidi, why the hell are you being such a bitch!" The words made me look up. Tears were streaming down my cheek as I looked at my savior. "You're making a scene some of us want to read our damn books, leave him alone." The girl, Heidi stared at my hero biting her lip.

"But he-" Heidi was immediately cut off.

"Why don't you do us all a damn favor, and leave." I smiled as Heidi left speechless, her middle finger up pointed towards us.

After the library I decided to walk home. I was missing school but my councelor Mr. Mackey suggested I leave. I wasn't even in the mood to go to the stupid blind date Craig set up. I sighed, plopping myself onto my bed. I fell asleep minutes later.

"Thomas... Thomas, THOMAS!" I heard a voice scream. I was being tossed and turned. My eyes popped open and I saw Craig hovering over me. He pulled me out of bed. "Come on, you have to get ready for your date!" He screamed.

I rolled my eyes crossing my arms. "No, I'm not, damn it, going!" In response Craig threw a clean shirt and jeans at my face.

"I'll be waiting downstairs." He shouted. I rolled my eyes getting dressed into my dark green jeans and my yellow striped shirt. I quickly walked down stairs knowing if I didn't go, Craig would probably try to kick my ass.

Craig made me hold the rose with both hands when we arrived in front of Whistling Pete's Pizza palace. He patted me on the shoulder with a grin. "Good luck, Thomas your date is right in there. Act like yourself and try not to tick too much." He said leaving me alone. I didn't know whether to leave the restaurant, ditching my date or walk in depressed. I closed my eyes thinking of how bad the beating would be and quickly walked through the doors before I could chicken out.

"Pepperoni or sausage?" The guy asked the (h/c) haired girl at a nearby table.

"No, I'm not ready to order I'm waiting for someone." She said quietly. The waiter shrugged leaving. I stared at her for a while, when I realized something. This was my hero. I grapsed my rose not knowing whether to walk over or not. I swallowed hard in fear. I continued to stare at her beautiful (e/c) eyes. I blushed when our eyes met and she smiled. She got up running over to me. I took a step back as she hugged me. She gave me a kiss on the head. "You're my date Thomas?" She squealed. I gave her a shy smile nodding. I looked to the waiter as he waited patiently.

"we'll take sausage, shit, fuck you!" I said.

Tears formed in his eyes as he ran away with a scream. "I just wanted to know if you wanted pepperoni!" My smile didn't leave as ____ grabbed my hand. I sat down happy for once.

She whispered something in my ear. "I have to tell you a secret Thomas." I gave her a confused look and she continued. "I asked Craig to set us up." I blushed as she kissed me on the lips. Maybe Craig wasn't as bad as a guy as I thought.

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