O.C Lucas' Bi....Cycle(Craig)

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 dedicated to  craigtuckerFTW for requesting her o.cxsp character. Lucas belongs to her so copyright. Lucas at the side and the song is reality by stained.


"Yeah, don't worry I'll see you at dinner!" I shouted letting the heavy door close behind me. I smiled grabbing my bike and biking to school. The road was pretty bumpy as I rode along. I silently laughed at those who walked, I wasn't a bully but I just thought it was funny that it took me so long to get a fucking bike. I sighed, as I started going full speed. It was ten minutes till. I got off my bike seat going faster. I smiled as the breeze brushed through my black locks.

I guess the bike couldn't handle my awesomeness though. It began to grow wobbly and my grip on the handles started to slip. I screamed to the top of my lungs as I was thrown from my bike hitting face first into a fence near my school.  I rubbed my head as I winced in pain. I sighed looking down at myself hoping I wasn't too hurt. My eyes widened to my knee. It was scratched up. I smiled as only a drop of blood escaped the cut. I started hyperventilling though. The sight of blood reminded me of gushing blood from my chest or wrists being slashed open or a head being smashed as blood flew like a river. "Wa..." Darkness overwhelmed me as I fell to the floor.

"Dude, dude! Wake the fuck up!" I slowly opened my eyes to some random dude slapping me across the face. I shook my head pushing him away. Probably another bully making fun of me for my interests. I rolled my eyes swearing at him.

"What the hell are you doing!" I screamed. The guy quickly got up wiping his clothes. He scoffed in my direction walking away.

"Just hoping you're not dead, damn." He whispered. I looked back to my knees that were once bleeding. My eyes widened at the bandages covering the cuts. 

"What a nice guy." I sighed getting up. I grabbed my bike walking to school. South Park elementary, my new hell. As I walked I couldn't help but think of the strange guy who was apparently not a bully. I blushed at the idea, damn why wasn't I normal. Why couldn't I like one gender like normal kids. Crushes were annoying especially if it was a cute guy who hated to show he was nice.

I entered the class, my black hair in my face. I couldn't look at the class as the teacher looked at me. "Class, our new student Lucas wants to introduce himself." Mr. I think... Garrison said. I stepped forward looking up just to lock eyes with the guy who helped me before. The guy had nice blue eyes and black hair.

"Uh, I fucking hate bullies, and I have different... Preferences. Have a problem, take it up with me, but I won't bug you unless you start it." I took a seat next to pretty boy. I immediately regretted it when his friends began to talk.

"Craig! Craig!" Pretty boy looked back to a blond with messy hair and a brunette with a jock vest. "Did you see how the kid, stared at you!" The brunette whispered bursting into laughter. I put my head down blushing madly.  Pretty boy didn't respond though which made me a little relieved. The guys around me kept talking about me and how I probably liked guys. I couldn't necassarily stand up for myself, what was I supposed to say...'yeah you guys are tottally right about me'. Damn this was annoying. The sweet sound of the bell made me jump up. My mood sunk when I realized  my bike was busted.

I walked incredibly slow to my bike. I tried to distract myself by thinking of something else but I couldn't. The past is what kept popping up. We moved from Dallas to get away. To forget our troubles and for mom and dad to forget they had a bi son, maybe they thought this would fix me. I rolled my eyes and an immediate image popped into my mind. Craig, that's what his name was. I blushed but I immediately frowned when I saw pretty boy in front of my bike.

I walked in front of him crossed arms. "What the hell are you doing?" I whispered letting my bangs cover my eyes.

"Fixing your bike, what the hell do you think I'm doing?" He said in a monotone adjusting the chain on my bike and replacing the flat.  "Wanna take it for a spin?" He got up putting a hand on my shoulder. "Go for it dude." I shrugged getting on the bike. It was wobbling and I was about to get off when Craig grabbed it making it stable. "Ok be careful I don't know if I set the chain right." I gulped hard gripping the handles. He started walking slowly pushing the bike along. In seconds he was running. "Ready dude!" He screamed as he ran as fast as possible. I whined biting my lip. "Letting go now, I believe you can do it, so just.... You know don't die." He said with no confidence. I gulped hard again as he let go and I immediately started swurving. 

"Damn!" I screamed as the wheels screetched. I ran into another wall face first. I closed my eyes as I felt the slow blood drip from my head.

"Oh, crap dude!" Craig screamed running towards me. I looked up to my forhead to be greeted with blood. My breathing increased as I once again began hyperventilating.  Craig tried talking but I was too stressed and scared. After that I totally knocked out. 

I woke up to find myself on Craig's back. "What the..." Craig turned to me with a smile. 

"You're almost home, just a couple more minutes... Sorry about, almost killing you." He sighed. I smiled just going back to sleep on his comfortable back. 

I shuffled around. The sheets felt familiar as I breathed slowly. I woke up to see Craig's blue eyes in front of mine. "Uh...." Was all that came out of Craig's mouth. I was too sleepy to really process anything. I blinked a few times about to speak when he leaned forward kissing me on the lips. I began to freak out kicking punching and backing away. Craig fell off the bed with a swear.

"Dude!" He screamed. He slowly got up rubbing his head. "Sorry Lucas... I, uh... I thought you were dead so, I was giving you CPR." He said freaking out. I blushed as he turned away. I let out a tired yawn escape my lips as I walked towards the guy. 

"Uh, I like you." I said too tired to really care anymore. I was still blushing madly though. He turned to face me and my mouth dropped at his blush. 

"Uh..." He said at a loss of words. I shook my head sitting back on my bed.

"I get it, go home now Craig... I'm just some little fag or something." I mumbled. I looked down to my lap.

Craig's hand slowly touched my chin pulling me into a tender kiss. He gave me a smirk as we broke free. "I guess that means I'm a double fag." I smiled closing my eyes as we entered another kiss. "I like you Lucas, a lot more than I should." He laughed, after that he left closing the door softly. Maybe I was bi, but didn't mean I couldn't enjoy the little things, especially my new bike.

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