Society Sucks(Kylexchubby reader)

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kyle at the side anime style.Dedicated to eddsworld2271 for requesting chubby readerxkyle. Warning you may get offended especially because Cartman and reader's attitude. So you know expect to be pissed when reading. Song is Hate me by Blue October Thanks for reading fweakies! (o/s) means original state


No one likes the fat girl, yeah I said it. Yes, I said it fat. Chubby seems more like a 'hey you're fat but because I don't want to hurt your feelings I'll say chubby. I rolled my eyes entering the school. South Park elementary. I moved here last Friday around seven. School had ended so I had to wait for Monday to go to school. Today was the day, Monday time for school. I bit my lip entering school. I was wearing an oversized Tee and a nice thick christmas sweater. Maybe not the best clothes for my first day but what could I say it was fucking cold!

I had to stand in front of every fucking person in class! Mr. Garley? Spoke softly besides me. "Damn, welcome to hell..." I frowned at his optimism. "Introduce yourself to the class! Tell us something about you, yada, yada, yada." He said bored already.

I adjusted my sweater looking at everyone as they stared at me. "Uh... I'm ___, I just came from (o/s). I don't like a lot of things but I like Youtube I guess..." I said red in the face. I could see people trying to hold in their laughter. The first one to break was a boy in a red sweater with a blue hat. Even I could safely say he was a fat ass. 

"Look at the fat ass!" He screamed pointing at me. He began to laugh hysterically. The others soon followed.

"Yeah bigger than godzilla." A brown headed boy in a red shirt muttered to himself laughing. I gritted my teeth sitting down in the first open seat. 

Kyle P.O.V

I wasn't one to make judgements or assumptions but when she walked in all I could think of was Cartman. God please don't let her be another Cartman. It was the last thing I needed. Once the laughter died she sat next to me. As long as she's nice to me we won't have a problem. I kept repeating that phrase to reassure myself. 

"Kyle careful she doesn't squish you." Craig whispered chuckling. Clyde soon followed. I blocked them out just repeating the same thing over and over again. They were being dicks again.

I needed to know if she was like Cartman, I just had to. I leaned over towards her. She continued to look forward ignoring me. "Hey, I'm Jewish." I whispered. No reaction. She was ignoring me, exact opposite of Cartman. I smirked, my life was saved.

"Sorry about Cartman...." I whisered. Again she ignored me. I rolled my eyes going back to work. Focusing on work helped me ignore Cartman's rude comments.

When I finished my last math problem my nerve finally broke. "She's worse than Jew boy!" He screamed. I got out of my seat steaming mad.

"Shut up fat ass!" I screamed. He laughed harder.

"What did ___ say?" He chuckled. I turned redder now. 

"I meant you! You're the only fat ass here, stop belittling my people Cartman!" I screamed. He put his legs on his desk laying back.

"Don't lie to yourself Jew boy." He muttered. Before I could retort, the bell rang. School was now officially over. 

reader P.O.V

There was only one silver lining today. One person stood up for me. Kyle, I found out his name because Garrison took roll call. Maybe this year wasn't going to be too bad. Kyle was talking to a couple of his friends when I approached him. "Thanks." I quickly muttered. I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. He gave me a confused look. 

"Okay whatever..." He said. I ran off knowing I didn't want him to see me red in the face. I hated how I looked in general but when I was plump red like a tomato I looked gross.

I was upstairs in my room. Mom and dad were fighting again. I sighed looking at the razor. Maybe it was okay if I just did it one more time. I shook my head tears in my eyes. I hated myself for not being able to talk to him. Not being able to look at people without automatically assuming they were calling me chubby. That didn't matter though, my personality was fine, I was smart, and I was pretty fucking hilarious. I smiled knowing the thought of cutting my wrists was stupid. I opened the window throwing the razor down. It smacked the window of our next door neighbor then slammed on the floor. I looked at it as it lay on the floor. My eyes were tearing up again. I slowly began to sob.

"Hey, ___ you okay?" A soft voice whispered. I looked up at the window that the razor had smacked. His green hat was off. His red curly hair was a little cute. I blushed wiping my eyes.

He snapped his fingers trying to get my attention. "__, hey look at me, you okay?" I nodded trying to hide my face. 

"Hey, is that yours..." He asked staring at the razor on the floor. I wiped my red eyes nodding slowly. He bit his lip staring me down. He quickly slammed his window shut. I burst into tears knowing he thought I was a freak, a lost cause.

I sat on my bed burying my face into my pillow. The door bell rang and mom screamed at me. "___! You have company." I opened the door about to scream at her when I was greeted with green eyes. 

"I need to show you something." He whispered looking at my grave face. I let him in my room. I sat on my bed again. He dug through his pocket pulling something out.

I gasped seeing the same razor that was on the floor. I tried to look away but he stopped me. "Please... look." He whispered. I bit my lip as he put both hands on the razor. He frowned breaking it in half. He took my hands his eyes fixated on them. I could hear him softly mutter to himself. "Don't do this." I could see slow tears. I backed away.

"I don't think we should be talking to each other." I said rapidly. He shook his head. 

"What makes you say that?" He questioned sitting next to me. I sat at the farthest end of my bed away from Kyle. I smiled a little.

"Look, I doubt you want another reason for Cartman to rip on you. Society frowns upon people like me." I turned away frowning again. I hated to admit it but I was right. I didn't want to bring someone I loved pain. No I couldn't do it. He pulled me into a hug. 

"Society sucks. I don't care." He smiled breaking away. I kissed him on the lips and he brought me into a deeper kiss. 

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