Not what I expected(Kevinxreader)

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kevinxreader The song is called Cold by crossfade. So, some Star Wars references. Since Kevin loves Star Wars, Dedicated to Creepy_RianneMID for requesting Kevin. Kevin at the side anime chibi style.


Reader P.O.V

I wasn't new to this school. Just because I had quote on quote social skills, I was popular. I had already made it on the cheerleading squad. (I had walked in on their practice by accident when trying to find the library) I already had better grades than Wendy Testaburger, and I had a boyfriend who was the coolest kid at school besides Craig. I didn't want a boyfriend, but Bebe Stevens decided that for me.


I was sitting on my couch Monday afternoon watching T.V. right after school. My eyes left the T.V. as my phone buzzed. Bebe was texting me.

'Bebe: OMG! ___! You won't believe what Wendy told me!

___: What?

Bebe: Clyde Donnavon has the biggest crush on you!


Bebe: So!

___:So what?

Bebe: Do you like him back!

___: Uh...

Bebe: I knew it! Wait until everyone at school knows the most popular girl at school is dating the most popular guy at school!

___: Wait, Bebe!

She didn't answer after that, but the next day, I found Clyde attached to me like a leech and everyone talking about how cute we were. Damn that Bebe.

***End of Flashback***

I didn't really understand how society worked. How was it that they decided my high school life before I did? I would rather be hanging with the guys than the stupid girls at my school. No, take that back. I would rather be alone. The guys here weren't my type. They were obnoxious. I learned that from Clyde. I sighed, realizing the bell was about to ring. Our teacher, Mrs. Chant began to talk, snapping me out of my flashback.

"Okay, students remember after school, each club is hosting their own booth. Make sure to walk around and find one that interests you!" I rolled my eyes at her. To protect my image, I knew I'd probably just skip the whole damn thing. Her next words made me blush slightly. "and I understand Kevin wanted to say something about his club before the bell rang?" The boy named Kevin nodded. I looked at him smiling big. I had seen him around school but we never talked. We were on opposite ends of the social pyramid  in high school. I frowned when I heard comments towards Kevin. He had a storm trooper helmet from Star Wars.

"God dammit, Kevin!" Cartman shouted. I wanted to smack him but stayed in my seat as the popular girls laughed.

"What a loser!" Bebe cooed. I rolled my eyes. I badly wanted to defend him. I was in love with Star Wars, but for some reason, I couldn't find the courage to say it. I was a coward. Cartman threw his pencil at him, and Kevin frowned.

"Uh, this year we're.... I'm starting a Star Wars appreciation club..." He almost whispered. Clyde got up, throwing a crumbled piece of paper at him.

"Lame! Go back home, Stoley!" He shouted. Everyone in the class laughed with him. I cringed as Kevin looked down and continued.

"We'll be watching Star Wars every Friday and do art projects appreciating from Luke Skywalker to Salicious Crumb. Yeah, we're even appreciating the evil villains. And who could forget Darth Vader. So far, I'm the only member, and we need a vice president..." Everyone began to laugh at his last statement.

"Good luck, nerd! No one's gonna want to be part of your lame club!" Clyde threw another paper at him, and he returned to his seat with tears leaving his eyes. With that, the bell rang, and everyone ran out, well besides Kevin.

Kevin still had his head down crying. Mrs. Chant walked towards him. "Kevin, I know you're very upset. But you can't stay here. I have to take my children home... And I have better things to do..." She muttered. Kevin looked up, running out of the room. I watched him for a while before leaving myself.

I decided to stop by the booths. At my old school, they called this event Club Rush. At South Park High, I guess they didn't have a name for it. I wanted to at least support Kevin. Maybe we could even be friends. I looked around for his booth and found a blond boy in a booth labeled Star Wars appreciation. I walked up slowly.

"Bradley Biggle here! I've just returned from a far away journey to help my old pal! Wanna join our club? I can guarantee that we'll have fantastic adventures! Shablagoo!" He hollered, spraying me with minty cereal. I looked at him dully. Suddenly, Kevin hopped into the booth.

"You're freaking out the students. Not everyone knows you're a real superhero!" He whispered harshly in Bradly's ear. "I'll take over for now. Why not say hi to Henrietta..." He said again. Bradley nodded, leaving the booth and flying away.

"Shablagoo!" He shouted a trail of minty cereal falling behind him. I looked at him for a while, but Kevin got my attention.

"What are you doing here? Came to make me cry with your words that hurt more than when Darth Vader uses the force!" I almost giggled at his words. That made him angrier. "What do you want!" He shouted.

I began to walk away with a whisper. "I guess girls aren't allowed in your club..."

"Wait, what did you say?" I guess I didn't say it soft enough because Kevin's voice made me stop.

I looked over my shoulder. Kevin was staring at me with wide eyes. I looked at the face in the crowd around me. There were a lot of kids I knew but at this moment, I didn't care if they heard me. I turned around and walked closer to Kevin's booth. "I said, I guess, girls aren't allowed in your club."

His eyes widened, and he clusmly walked out of his booth towards me. A large roar of whispers spread through the crowd. "You. The popular, smart, gorgeous ______ wants to join my club." I blushed from his compliments and slowly shook my head. "This isn't a joke, right?" He asked, taking small steps towards me. The group of people didn't stop their whispers.

"No, I really want to join." I genuinely smiled, and he blushed. It would have been a sweet moment if Clyde hadn't come butting in.

"______, you can't be serious. Why would you want to join this loser?" I glared at Clyde. He was a jerk, but right now, he was really pushing my limit.

"And what if I am." I challenged him. He scowled and glared at me, asking for me to continue.

"Then we're through, just like your rep." He said matter-of-factly.

I scoffed and clung to Kevin's free hand. The gossiping grew louder, and Clyde became frustrated with humiliation and jealousy. "Fine by me. I never wanted to date you anyway. Let's go Kevin, looks like you have a new vice-president." I said, pulling him back towards his booth. He was dumbfounded by what happened, and his cheeks were a deep pink color.

Back at the booth, my own cheeks were flushed from my previous actions. I finally acted like myself.

"Did you really mean it?" Kevin suddenly asked. He stared in my eyes, and I looked back at him.

Again, I smiled, and his cheeks turned pink again. "As sure as Luke Skywalker is Princess Leia's brother." I wrapped my hands around him, kissing him on the lips. Gasps were all around us, but I didn't care. For now, I was gonna be myself. "I love you, Kevin..." I whispered. Still red like a tomato, he nodded.

"You're my princess,____. I'll always love you." He said, going in for another kiss.

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