O.S Toxic(Crenny)

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This Crenny one shot is dedicated to  trashcantown for requesting it. Song is Toxic by Britney Spears.

"What do you think about Kenny?" The brunette sighed dreamingly towards the girls. Wendy immediately smacked her in the head softly.

"Don't even look at Kenny. He's a player and... He plays for both teams, if you know what I mean." The brunette's eyes widened at Wendy's words. "He's gone out with a lot of the fish in this sea. Even tried to get me, but of course Stan wouldn't have that." The brunette nodded and looked back towards the blond.

Kenny was laughing with his friends he didn't seem like a player, but of course Wendy was always right and it wasn't wise to ignore her warnings. Just then Craig walked up to them squeezing between Kenny and Cartman. "Hey dudes." They all stared at him for a while then all said the same thing.

"Aw dude not again." They groaned. Kenny immediately wrapped his hand around Craig's shoulder and waved around his spoon.

"Hey, it's not like you guys were interesting to keep my attention. I mean. I like to go out for a spin." Craig rolled his eyes picking up his tray and walking to a different table. "Aw, look what you ass for brains did." He laughed. Again the boys rolled his eyes but Kenny stayed at his table.

Kenny P.O.V

I knocked on the door and immediately covered my face when Craig's dad answered the door. "What the hell do you want now?" When no punch came my way like the last 'incident' I lower my arms.

"Uh, I'm here for Craig? He hasn't been responding to my texts or calls or-" He glared at me and quickly interrupted me.

"Look kid, I don't need all the details! Just make it quick, you've got five minutes." I gave him a smooth smile when inside I was seething with rage but I decided to enter before my time was up. I quickly ran up the stairs.

I looked through the crack of the door to see Craig and his little sister. "I don't get it Craig, this kid almost got you arrested! Why don't you ditch him?" The brunette looked towards his ceiling throwing a rubber ball and slowly caught it as he inhaled.

"You wouldn't get it, besides... His parents are the ones who make the crack, it's not like he was trying to get me in trouble." His blond sister snorted in response.

"I don't get it Craig, he's a guy... And you sound like his bitch... I'm sorry Craig, but the guy doesn't care about how he talks about you or past relationships and he lets you think it's okay for him to get you in trouble. It's ridiculous. You used to not do any of the things you do now, he did this to you... Can't you see that?" I gritted my teeth at the strawberry blond thirteen year old and I tried so hard not to barge in there and rip her teeth out. "But that's what love is." I quickly hid behind the door as she walked away. "Bye Kenny!" She shouted slamming Craig's bedroom door. I cringed at how futile my attempts to hide were. There was no escaping the confrontation.

I slowly entered and was greeted to Craig who had a cigarette in his mouth. "Want a beer?" He didn't let me respond as he tossed me a  Blue Papst Ribbon. I caught it falling onto his bed next to him and examining the beer.

"Hey, this is the brand I showed you, huh?" He nodded slowly and opened it taking a big gulp. He looked to his ceiling almost avoiding my very existence. He inhaled the smoke calmly and breathed out. I watched every action intently. Scared that if my eyes left him he'd disappear. After minutes of silence I decided to get my own cig lit up. I grabbed one from my own box and jumped on top of him. He staggered back a little but there was no escape since he ran into the bed frame. Without removing my cigarette from my mouth or the cigarette from from his I lit my cigarette. "You still not going to talk to me?" I whispered our faces inches away. He leaned forward planting a soft kiss on my lips and leaning back in his bed. I sighed throwing my right hand into my pocket.

"Fine, but I got a little something new for us to try." That signature smirk returned to his lips and I smiled warmly digging the pot out from my pocket. There were only two bundles. I handed Craig one and my hand began to tremble that's when he finally began to speak.

"Hey, what's wrong?" His hand was about to grasp the bundle when I dropped it. I quickly shook my head and the shaking in my hand stopped. I didn't respond to him as I picked up the bundle. I gave Craig a fake smile as he slowly lit it. I felt my hand tremble as I slowly lit my bundle and Craig's little sister's words echoed through my mind. You used to not do any of the things you do now, he did this to you... Can't you see that? Was I really doing all that? I looked towards Craig who was already baked. He looked calmly up at me as he was spread out on his bed talking about how hungry he was. The trudging up the stairs told me that my time was long passed done. Did you know five minutes isn't a lot of time? 

I crushed the bundle under my foot slowly and gave Craig a quick good bye kiss on the forehead. I knew what I had to do... And it killed me.


"Hey you left me baked out of my mind yesterday, I thought you'd at least spend the night like you always do." I looked at Craig who had left his blue chullo hat at home. It made me frown, it was his cutest feature. When I responded with a simple frown Craig grew impatient as always. "Hey, I get it, I gave you the silent treatment, now you're doing it to me okay. But things are better now right? Come on. Come over tonight you left some of your things at my place the last time you spent the night." I shook my head plainly and Craig grabbed my hand. "What the hell is wrong with you! Talk to me damn it! Why are you being so-"

"We need to break up." An immediate laugh escaped his lips and I almost smiled almost believed things could work but my rationality got the better of me. 

"Funny, Ken. Now when you come over just sneak in through the window like always. I even found a new friend who can get us some party enthusiasts." 

"Didn't you hear me I said I'm breaking up with you!" I yelled irritated that he was prolonging what was no seeming to be the biggest mistake in my life and the most painful. His face fell but I wouldn't let myself get distracted with his banter again. "Look, Craig. It's not working... For any of us. Look at us. We're corrupting each other, and as much as I really really like you there's no denying that we've both tried a lot of BAD things because we've been around each other. I don't want to hurt you. Not in the long run so I have to do it this way... I'm sorry." I pecked his lips and disappeared. I felt myself repressing tears and biting my tongue, Craig and I were just too toxic for each other.

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