Raven Hair and Yellow Puffballs(Craigxreader)

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Forgot who requested this Craigxreader so if you did then comment XD Song is Secrets by *Drum roll* MY FAVORITE BAND ONE REPUBLIC! XD Sorry I need to fangirl too you know.


He wrapped his hand around me and I sighed digging my head into his shoulder. "What are we doing tonight?" I asked. He smiled stroking my (h/c) hair. I smiled kissing him on the cheek.

"Movie at my place, I'll bring drinks and ice cream you bring the popcorn and chips." I smiled nodding. Craig and I were dating for a week now. He hugged me tighter as he left me to my classroom. I pecked his lips skipping into my classroom. I gained an immediate stink eye from Bebe Stevens. I tried looking away but immediately got the same look from Heidi Turner.

After some whispering I finally decided to confront them. "What is it!" I shouted. They both smirked at me giving me those smug glares.

"You and Craig are still dating?" Bebe snickered. I sighed slamming my hands on her desk.

I bit my lip looking at her. "Yeah, why do you care?" I practically growled. They snickered and continued to give me their smug smile.

"Well, he's kind of abusive..." I gave them a confused look and their eyes turned sympathetic. "you know after he's all puppy dog for a while..." I rolled my eyes turning my attention back to the front of the class. I wasn't gonna listen to Craig's jealous ex girlfriends.

I couldn't help but think of they're words. Craig and I had been dating for only two weeks. I tried to brush off any fear and ran over to Craig's. We were in love he told me everyday.

Craig smiled letting me in. "Hey, I ordered some pizza take a seat." He whispered kissing my cheek. I smiled sitting down. I had nothing to worry about, the girls were just jealous as always. Craig stepped into the kitchen and I layed on the couch getting comfy. "Hey, ___ set the chips and popcorn on the coffee table. I mentally kicked myself. I totally forgot. "___?" He asked seeming a little concerned.

When I didn't respond he stepped back into the livingroom. "Hey where are the chips I want this date to be perfect." He said in a concerned tone. I looked away folding my hands together on my lap.

"Uh, I kind of forgot them." His eyes turned dull. He frowned at me clenching his fists. I got up a little shocked at his change in tone.

The room got pretty tense especially when he started to speak again. "You know ___. I really thought that you wanted today to be special." He rounded around the couch now inches away from me. I felt his hostility. I backed away finding myself scared.

"It's just, I got distracted cuz some of your exes told me that-" I couldn't finish as I was slapped against the face. I cupped my now red cheek tears escaping my eyes. 

"You talked to my fucking ex!" He shouted narrowing his eyes. His hand was up ready to give me another slap. I shook my head.

"No.. I... I." I didn't know what to say but soon enough Craig leaned forward striking me once again. I expected a slap but he ended up punching me which left me on the floor. I was crying harder now. I saw the smirk on Craig's face but soon it turned dull. He looked at my tears biting his lip.

"Oh my god... ___ I... I didn't." It didn't matter I was done with him. I ran out of the house crying. I couldn't believe they were right. I didn't want to believe his slutty exes were right.

Craig P.O.V

What the hell did I just do? I did it again. I fucked up again! I couldn't control my anger and again I fucked up something good I had. Heidi Turner Bebe Stevens they all cheated on me all dressed like whores and made fun of me sometimes. ___ wasn't like that I could tell. It was only two short weeks but I knew she wasn't like them. I sighed going back upstairs to my room. I fell asleep on my bed feeling pretty stupid and guilt ridden.


I walked into the school glares hitting me at every corner. Word spreads fast. I looked to Heidi and Bebe who flipped me off of course I returned the favor but when I approached my gang they all rejected me.

"Not cool Craig." Clyde sneered. I rolled my eyes. I looked towards Token who hid Nicole behind him.

"Fuck off dude." He hissed. Finally I looked to Tweek who was shaking. 

"AGH! Don't hit me!" He screamed running off. I looked dully at them and decided to leave. I needed to fix this. I needed to tell ____ that I was sorry that I loved her. Too bad she wasn't at school. She was probably hiding out at her house. I sighed grabbing my bags and heading out. 

I knocked trying to calm myself down. I didn't want to be mad not anymore, not after seeing what it did to me and the people around me. The door slowly crept open. "Go away." She whispered. I sighed forcing the door open. I could tell she was scared because she immediately ran behind the couch. I lay on the couch trying to ease my nerves. 

"Please ___ I know I fucked up alright? But you're acting like Tweek." I sighed. She continued to crouch behind the couch fiddling with her fingers. "Please ___, forgive me." I continued. I saw her shake her head and it made me jump off the couch and next to her. I wrapped my hands around her. "If you're scared then let me be your superman." I whispered. She cried in my arms for a couple seconds and then pried me off her.

"No, you hurt me Craig!" She shouted standing now with clenched fists. I bit my lip at her tears. I knew she wouldn't forgive me but still I had to try because ___ was the world to me.

I wrapped my arms around her kissing her cheek. "Please ___ you're the last good thing in my life. I can't live without you." I plead my voice shaky. She shivered at my low whisper. "Please I won't do it again because... Because I love you." I started to tear up as she backed away. I looked down ashamed at myself. I wanted to cry but her warm lips reassured me.

She shoved her hands in my pockets pulling me into a deep kiss. "I love you too Craig." She whispered after the need for breath broke us apart. I smiled hugging her. I wasn't gonna fuck up this time I wasn't gonna let the best thing that happened to me go.

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