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Okay dedicated to SKITTLES_KAT for requesting this Craigxreader. Song is fall for you by secondhand Serenade. Craig and his pet guinea pig[SO KAWAI!!!! at the side


I really hated walking home. One because, walking.... Who likes walking? Two, it was after school so I was tired! Three I had no friends.. to walk with and of course. 

"Heeeey bitch!" to deal with fucking Craig. He shouted approaching me on his skateboard. He quickly scruffed up my hair skating away.

"Ass!" I screamed to the top of my lungs. He looked back with a smug smile."Not my fault you love dogs! Guinea pigs for life!" He shouted entering his house which was across the street from mine. I rolled my eyes entering my house. I was greeted by Macy who licked my face with a wagging tail. "Ok, girl love you too!" I said bursting into laughter. A couple of seconds later she went back to running around the backyard. Since I had not siblings I mostly relied on Macy. She never judged me, or laughed, she always comforted me. I sighed at Craig's daily comments. "Guinea pigs forever?" When I said it to myself I bursted out laughing. 

What was the point of having a guineau pig? You couldn't cuddle it, it couldn't show you affection. All it did was crap (sometimes in your hand) and eat. Yeah you could watch them run in their little wheel but wasn't that boring after like, you know two seconds? I laughed harder.

Craig P.O.V

I let Stripe roam around the room for a while. It was fun to watch him scurry around. He'd always come back for food or water or just to give me a little kiss or a snicker. I'd flip him off whenever he gave me the look.  Which is basically when he tilts his head confused and stares for a painfully awkward thirty seconds. I'd also flip him off when he gave me that hissing sound. Damn did Stripe have spunk, he was a real Tucker! I had been playing with Stripe all day. The guys and I weren't hanging out that much because they swindled me out of my fifteenth birthday party money.

A knock made me jump almost dropping my poor Stripe. "Craig, honey... Why don't you go play outside?" Mom said softly. I immediately flipped her off. She narrowed her eyes doing the same. 

"Mom, I was just outside, I skate to school and skate home, what more do you want?" I hissed. She slowly came in putting a hand on my shoulder.

She gave a heavy sigh before speaking. "Honey, most fifteen year old boys are hanging with their friends. Getting girls, and pissing off their parents.... Which, you have mastered... Come on sweetie leave the hamster be and come play outside... Damn it Craig, if you don't start acting normal we'll give that damn thing away!" I simply flipped her off in reply. She rolled her eyes slamming the door.

I smiled petting my Stripe who was almost asleep when dad slammed the door open. "Okay Craig! That's enough I've told you not to disrespect your mother!" He screamed. I looked at mom who was crying behind him. When our eyes locked she smirked sticking her tongue out at me then went back to crying. I tried backing away but my back hit the wall. He narrowed his eyes grabbing me and dragging me out of the room. 

"Damn it!" I screamed as he dragged me by the legs down the stairs then out the front door. "No! I need to play with stripe! Five minutes!" I slammed my fists on the door screaming the same thing over and over again.

Laughter made me stop. I sighed looking down at the cement. "What do you want ___?" I asked as she continued to laugh. My disappointed tone made her laugh harder.

"What's wrong Tucker? Parents finally got tired of your bull!" She shouted pointing her finger at me. I got up facing her with gritted teeth.

"Shut it! They just think I need to play outside..." I said looking down shamefully. "Besides it's not Stripe's fault.... He's not bull...." 

Reader P.O.V

I had to admit seeing Craig shouting in front of his house was hilarious but after he stopped being so cocky I felt kind of bad. When he began to whisper I could hear a slight tremble. It kind of made my heart drop. I looked down and let the awkward silence engulf us. "Just go ahead and laugh now... You have the right... Maybe dogs are less handful than guinea pigs." He was choking out the words and I could see some tears. I grabbed his hand as he began to sob. 

"What's wrong, Tucker?" I whispered letting my (h/c) hair engulf my (e/c) eyes. He tried wiping his tears but he couldn't stop crying.

"I... c-can't lose my best friend...." He said falling to the floor. He looked down letting his blue chullo hat cover his face. "D-don't look... Please, guys don't cry..." He said trying to laugh and chuckle it off. I bit my lip sitting down next to him.

I put my hands behind my head watching the clouds silently pass by. Why of all people was I the one to have to comfort Craig Tucker? "I get it..." I sighed. Craig looked up with a slanted smile. He shook his head as if I was lying. "I know it's hard to believe, but I don't have many friends..." He kind of smiled at that. I rolled my eyes. "So I cherish the ones... One I have... I can't lose my Macy, she's my best friend." A tear rolled down my own cheek thinking of losing her. "Come on, Craig get up. Guys don't cry right?" I whispered softly. His gaze fell on mine as he nodded slowly. When we were both standing Craig slumped over me, almost as if falling on top of me.

"Thanks... You know, ___... A girl like you is impossible to find and I realized, I've loved you from the start." My cheeks turned hot red. His chin rested on my shoulder as his arms wrapped around my waist. "Sorry I'm such an idiot..."

I looked down at his arms around me trying to find the words. "You're not-" I was immediately cut off by Craig who kissed my neck.

"hold onto your words... Don't make me change my mind..." I blushed harder as I brought him into a tight hug. He looked up at me with his blue eyes pecking me on the lips. 

"I... I love you Craig..." I whispered. He shot me a cocky smile walking off. I felt a little ridiculous as he continued to walk without returning the words. I looked down but quickly looked up at him when I heard his smooth words.

"I'm gonna go play outside like mom said, wanna come?" I smiled nodding and running to catch up to him.

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