Shelly's New Friend(Stanxreaderxkyle)

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Inititally was going to be a stanxreader but i changed it... Song is First time by Lifehouse Pic doesn't belong to me Dedicated to torahwashere for requesting this.


Kyle P.O.V

I walked into Stan's house. We were gonna watch Terrance and Philip behind the blow again. I opened the door to see Shelly throwing things at Stan. "Hey Shelly." I waved. In response she threw a lamp at me. I scarcely dodged it. 

"Get out of here, turds! My friends are coming over!" She yelled  lisping because of her head gear. She had already knocked the piano over Stan's head and flipped the couch.

"God, Shelly we're leaving I just need Stan." I almost screamed and pleaded. She huffed in anger. She was about to strangle me when the doorbell rang. She sighed.

"That's my friend you turds better not embarrass me or else I'm gonna make you into turd sandwiches." She shouted. 

"I bet she's ugly dude." I whispered to Stan as I helped him up. Stan smirked nodding.

"Yeah I bet the moment she steps in Shelly's headgear will break." Stan snickered. I snickered too but the sweet voice at the door made me stop.

My jaw dropped as I looked at her in awe. Meanwhile Stan was ranting about being beat up and how annoying Shell'ys friend was. I stared at the girl at the door. She had beautiful (h/c) (h/l) hair and shining (e/c) orbs that glistened in any lightening. "Hi Shelly, ready to study?" She asked. Shelly nodded helping her over all the things she had thrown at Stan and I. 

"Don't worry about the turds ____, they were just leaving." She said trudging up the stairs. I continued to stare at her as she walked behind Shelly.

"I'll see you later, guys?" She asked before Shelly pulled her out of view. I stared at where she was. I couldn't see her but I could picture her perfectly. ____, what a beautiful name I blushed as I realized my feelings. A hand was swaying back and forth in front of me. For the longest time I thought it was my own but the words reassured me. 

"Dude, Kyle! Earth to Kyle, wake up!" Stan shouted waving his hand in front of me again. I shook my head. 

"Uh what?" I asked confused. He smirked at me and I turned redder.

"You were totally checking out ___, weren't you Kyle." Stan said smirking. I punched him in the shoulder.

"Whatever let's just go, Cartman and Kenny are waiting for us at the theater." I said brushing off Stan's comment.

Reader P.O.V

Shelly and I were practicing fractions and decimals. After this we were going to focus on the Egyptians. I couldn't really focus though. That boy I saw when I came in was different. He wasn't annoying like Stan or the other kids his age he seemed more mature. Damn, what was I thinking, I didn't even know the kid. Let alone his name. A blush crept up on me when I realized I had never had my first kiss yet I was almost thirteen. Damn it. 

"___." Shelly whispered. My eyes widened. 

"Sorry, I was just thinking." I said. She rolled her eyes, moving onto the flash cards. I gladly zoned her out, thinking about the kid. I could see a hint of red under that green hat. I almost laughed. He was cute, I had to admit it.

Kyle P.O.V

We walked out of the theater. We were kicked out. They realized we hadn't had a parent with us for an r rated movie. The only reason the guy sold us tickets was because we paid a homeless guy to buy us tickets. Now the four of us were bored as hell. I hardly cared though. I could only think of ___. I had no idea why I liked her so much. She seemed nice and beautiful. Probably really smart too she was older than me. There was the problem she was older, way older. She probably didn't even know I existed. I sighed burying my head in my arms.

After about an hour of sulking we decided to head home. I tagged along with Stan since we lived so close. We stopped by Stan's house. I walked him to the door giving him a quick brp hug. I was about to walk away when a sweet voice made me stop.

"Hey wait!" I turned around seeing ___. She had a big smile on her face. I blushed. She put her hand on my head. "what's your name?" She asked quietly. I blushed harder.

"Kyle." I whispered. Her smile widened. She pulled me into a hug.

"This is crazy." She whispered. I gave her a confused look as she let go. She began to blush. 

"What?" I nearly snapped. She kept her smile. She hugged me again.

"I like you Kyle." She said kissing me on the lips.  I turned stiff.

"Me too..." I said almost frozen. Was this just a dream.  "I love you ____." I said kissing her again. She smiled.

"I love you Kyle." She said hugging me again. I couldn't believe love at first sight actually existed.


"Tft, I don't get it."


"I thought you liked ___."

"Yeah I do."

"Then why?"

"Why what?"

"You knew Kyle liked her."

"Yeah so?"

"Why didn't you tell her you liked her first?"

"Because my friend liked her more."

"Whatever you say turd."

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