O.C Silent Sorrow(Craig)

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Dedicated to FunAboutFandomz for requesting her o.cx craig. KC at the side KC is her O.C so copyright. Song isRythm of love by Plain white T's



"Leave me alone!" I shouted slamming the door on Kyle. He swung the door open.

"Look! I just think you should tell someone about that game! Parents are supposed to be loving!" He screamed. I turned around flipping him off. Kyle was my best friend who had asked me out five times in the last two years. Maybe I would like him if he wasn't so nosey and if I didn't already like a certain rebel. I blushed at the thought as I trudged down the sidewalk. I was tired of Kyle always bugging me about my parents. He was the only person I had told about my adoptive parents and their games. I'd hang on the roof from a stern rope and the two would take turns smacking me with a branch. They'd leave me there for hours even days sometimes. I always had to find a way down myself.

In minutes I arrived at Craig's house. I knocked on the door and the door immediately swung open. "Hey?" He said more as a question. I rolled my eyes plopping myself on the couch. His eyes wouldn't leave me as I sat there crossed arms. "What are you doing?" He whispered. I looked away trying to hide my obvious black eye. He sighed sitting next to me. "Jew boy piss you off again?" He began to push my brown locks away from my face. "I saw it when you walked in... Crap it looks bad." He said and I pushed his arm away. I had a blush but it was more from anger than from Craig's touch.

"It's nothing!" I shouted. He rolled his eyes slapping me in the face softly with his limp hand. "Idiot, don't let crap walk all over you... Hate seeing you with a fucking black eye." I blushed again trying to back away. I gritted my teeth finally having had enough. Now Craig was being too nosey, just like Kyle.

"Fine you want a solution! I'm out of here!" I yelled my voice cracking as I ran out of the house tears streaming down. I hated crying especially because it showed emotion. I was more of a quiet person a shy one too. Showing emotion felt unnecessary for someone like me. I ran to the park knowing my parents were probably high on cocaine. I sat on the slide just watching the sun go down.

"Hey, stop bitching, come on... I'm just trying to help... I know what they do... I've seen you hanging there crying... I've seen how they pumble the fuckign crap out of you... Just stop letting them walk all over you!" He hissed. I continued to cry looking down, Craig always found me wherever I was but I hated that he never left me alone. "What did you mean by you're out of here?" I looked up shuffling in my seat on the slide. He touched my cheek softly making me stare at him. "Cuz, you know you're not going anywhere without me..." He laughed. I was taken back a bit as he planted a soft kiss on my lips. I blushed as I continued to stare at him as he smiled at me. "You wanna blow this joint.. Fine... but leaving me alone with these fucking morons, no way. There's nothing left for me here. Shit my parents, and friends hate me. My sister thinks I'm a total dick, I only stay in this joint because..." He paused looking down to the groun. I blushed harder kissing the top of his head.

"I... love you Craig." I whispered. He looked up with an immediate blush. I brought him into another kiss as tears streamed down his cheek. "Come with me... We don't need South Park... We need each other. Not some fucking assholes, just forget about it and we'll leave tonight." Craig's gaze fell on me as he let tears stream down. I shook my head. "Why are you crying?" I whispered. He brought me into a tight hug whispering into my ear.

"cuz, I'm happy... Let's just get out of here." He grabbed my hand carrying me on his back. "I love you too KC."

So you okay with this?

Course she was never mine to begin with

I know how much you digged her dude, but... This is for the best.

Save the crap, I get it... I saw you two in the park. It was... Cute

Well this is goodbye then? I'll take care of KC, don't worry.

Thanks but... Don't tell her I talked to you. She'll think I'll be nosey. Take care of her because I know how much you love her.

You're a good guy, you know that?

Yeah. Yeah I do.

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