O.S Perfect Girl(Cryde)

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Okay dedicated to zombeywashere for requesting this Cryde one shot. Clyde and Craig at the side anime style. The song is over and over by three days grace.


Clyde P.O.V

I walked through the door with a taco in my hand. I took a bite chewing awkwardly as Craig stared me down. "You really gotta lay off the tacos Clyde." I rolled my eyes stuffing the rest of the taco into my mouth. Sometimes I wonder why I hung out with stupid Craig. I sighed knowing secretly I had a reason for it. A deep secret that kept me chained. 


Craig and I were walking home from the arcade. We just spent all our allowance and as usual, we were pissed about it. A little Asian eight year old challenged us to Dance Dance Revolution, for all our tokens. We thought we were being smart but when she kicked our asses we were pissed. "Fucking Asians, man." Craig sighed. I gave him a crooked smile.

"So where to now?" I asked. He scoffed giving a matter-of-fact answer.

"I'm going home, what else am  I supposed to fucking do." He began to walk ahead of me. I rolled my eyes catching up with him. I put my hands on his shoulders.

"How 'bout your ol' pal Clyde walk you home!" I shouted grinning at him. He gave me a dull smile. 

"That's gay." He simply said tearing away from me. I narrowed my eyes at him.

I crossed my arms standing in front of him. "Since when is walking a friend home gay. You could get jumped!" I screamed. He rolled his eyes going around me.

"You're always walking home with me, why don't you go home Clyde." He growled. I slumped my shoulders knowing it was true. I couldn't be at home right now. 

I lowered my head grabbing his arm. He came to a complete stop. Tears were forming in my eyes. "I can't be home right now... Dad's girlfriend is there... And I know mom would be mad." I whimpered. He lowered his gaze on me.

"Isn't your mom de-" He stopped in his tracks as I looked up at him tears streaming down my cheeks. I quickly wiped my eyes giving Craig a quick hug. 

"Great so you understand!" I screamed running as if I hadn't been crying seconds ago.

Craig connected the Xbox and we were about to play but we couldn't find the controller. "Look in the fridge!" He hollered from the living room.

"We're looking for a fucking controller, not some fucking milk Craig!" I screamed. He sighed screaming back to me as if I was being the stupid one.  

"Just look in the fucking fridge Clyde it's my fucking house!" In seconds he appeared in the kitchen he opened the fridge and right next to the cheese was a black Xbox controller. "Duh!" He screamed his face riddled with disappointment in my doubt.

I followed Craig to the living room with a mutter. "Why the hell was it in the fridge?" Craig jumped onto the couch and I quickly followed. The good controller was in Craig's hand and I tried to break it free. As we fought for the controller my hands fumbled and I dropped it in between the couch. "Good job Craig!" I shouted.

He growled reaching for it as I did the same. Our foreheads smashed together. We looked at each other anger in both our faces but we were both laughing.  Our noses were literally touching as we laughed at the stupid predicament. Wherever the hell we were we always had fun. We were just that cool with each other.

***End of Flashback***

I was in denial for the longest time. Liking Craig my best friend since the age of seven? How ridiculous was that? We were just best bros nothing else. Then why did I do this? Why did I question myself so much and why was it that whenever a pretty girl asked me out I'd deny them. I'd look for any reason to say no. Most importantly why did I wait for Craig outside the school every day? All this was starting to freak me out.

"Hey, Clyde you alright?" He whispered. I nodded turning away. "so I met the prettiest girl." He smirked. We began to walk to his house. I let Craig talk but I felt kind of irritated.

"She has the prettiest light hair and bright eyes. She's not much  of a sports person like you or I but damn is she smart." He continued. I wasn't that smart and I was a total jock, why did this bug me so much. "Her mom's the best too, she's so well put together you know?" He said. I stopped walking. 

I gritted my teeth as Craig faced me. "Dude, what's wrong?" He asked. I shook my head running the opposite direction.  "Hey, Clyde!" He screamed. I blocked him out running all the way to my house. You know what fuck Craig Tucker fuck him to the grave.


Craig P.O.V

Today was the day. Today I was going to tell Briana how I felt. Tell the cheerleader that I was desperately in love with her. I took a deep breath patting her on the shoulder. She smiled at me and I couldn't help but blush. 

"Craig!" I twisted my head to find Clyde running at me at full speed. I moved to the side and he smashed right into Briana. He was on top of her his taco smashing into her face. "Sorry random cheerleader didn't see you there." He said getting up. I cringed at his stupidity.

"What?" I hissed. He continued to look at the Briana. She wiped her uniform of taco and glared at Clyde.

"Sorry it's just Craig and I are always hanging out so you know if you're gonna date him you're gonna see A LOT of me." He chuckled. She growled storming off. 

"Hey, you forgot to give me back the taco!" He screamed. I bit my lip walking away. Clyde gave me a confused look.

He grabbed my hand making me face him. "What?" I growled. 

"Why so pissy dude?" He asked. I punched him roughly in the shoulder.

He grunted as I scolded him. "You just fucked up my chances!" I hollered storming off too.

It was almost four now. I was laying on the couch staring blankly at the T.V. Why the hell was Clyde cockblocking? I sighed frustrated when the doorbell rang. I opened the door immediately slamming it. 

"Oh come on dude!" Clyde screamed opening the door. I ignored him watching T.V "Fine I'm sorry about Briana there, we cool?" He asked. I flipped him off surfing through the channels.

He sighed sitting next to me. I bit my lip turning off the T.V. "Do you know how it feels when your crush wants nothing to do with you? When she doesn't even know you like her?" I sighed leaning into the couch. "you had to fucking cockblock!" I screamed. Clyde looked away probably feeling guilty.

"Let's just play video games or some-" I was cut off by Clyde who was looking straight into my eyes.

"I do know how it feels... I understand all of it and I needed to cock block, I had to..." He whispered. I was about to punch him when he continued.

"because I think I like you..." He whispered. I gave him an odd look. Was this a joke because it wasn't funny. He had his head down and I couldn't read his face.

"Like, as in like tacos?" I asked finding myself astonished at the probability.  He shook his head. As usual, it was just a joke. I was about to laugh when he continued to speak.

"More than tacos Craig..." He looked up at me with a nervous smile. I got up from my seat facing Clyde. I leaned near him, our noses touching our eyes locked on each others. He was red and I found myself blushing.

"Uh, the controllers are right behind you..." I said awkwardly my hands fiddling to find the controllers because my eyes refused to leave Clyde's.

Clyde quickly leaned forward his lips on mine.  "Thanks for always being there for me Craig, it means the world to me." He whispered. I smirked going in for a deeper kiss. 

"Whatever." I scoffed. He smiled handing me a controller. 

"Get ready to get your ass whooped Tucker!" He cooed. My smile grew wider.

"You wish!"

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