Blowing up a hospital just seems Mean(Professor Chaosxevil reader)

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 the song is outlaws of love by adam Lambert. Thanks for reading. Dedicated to purplefox33 just for all the support :)

The world needed to be destroyed. All its inhabitants needed to be eliminated. Especially those evil good doers. All the stupid superheros. Now I had to take care of her. She had been roaming the streets for a while now. I wasn't sure if she was evil or a goody super hero. By the looks of  her costume I was sure she was a goody goody super hero. I bit my lip at the thought. There were so many super  heroes why more? I quickly jumped off the building falling into the dumpster that I hadn't realized was open. I quickly wiped the trash off me running for her. "No General Disarray!" I screamed.

She staggered back almost tripping on her cape. Her (h/c)  hair put back into a (h/l) ponytail. She had a dark blue mask on with goggles on her forehead. Probably night vision, I thought.  She easily over powered General Disarray. I stepped back ready to get my general and run.  First she needed to know who we were, why we did this. "I am Professor Chaos! All of you will succumb to my rule!" I screamed. General Disarray got up standing next to me. "oh and this is my general, general Disarray!" I screamed. We both smirked going back to back. Her next words stopped me. She flipped her black scarf over her neck again.

"I want to join you." She whispered. I looked at her dully. She started speaking before I could even answer. "who are you anyway?" General snorted. I put my arms in the air and laughed at her pathetic stance. 

"You can not know my identity but my alias is ____!" She  screamed. General Disarray got up standing next to me. "oh ha ha!" he snorted. We both smirked going back to back. What came next didn't comfort me.

She began to laugh hysterically looking down. I bit my lip as she continued. Soon enough her mask was falling off. My eyes widened at who it was. _____, the new kid at South Park elementary. Ha, I could take her no problem. I smiled whispering to my general. "Follow my lead." I whispered. He nodded an evil grin on his face.

"Well I guess you haven't had your South Park welcome yet, eh, ____." She frowned at her name. She was about to ask when I interrupted her. "I'm not that stupid. So let us... Welcome you to the neighborhood!" I screamed grabbing her she thrashed as General taped her mouth shut. I wasn't going to be tricked. She was probably a super hero in disguise. She was finally tied up now I grinned at our victory. One less super hero to deal with. She kicked me in the balls and I backed away. "Ah geez!" I screamed almost falling over. I could tell she was smiling at my pain.

"I really have to prove myself?" She muttered. I was about to question her when another voice once again interrupted me.

"You're gonna get a lot more than just that if you don't let her go!"  I looked up to see no other than. 

"Mysterion!" I gasped. General Disarray was long gone already. I let go of ___ but she was still tied down with the duct tape over her mouth. Mysterion came at me with full speed kicking me and punching me with all he was worth. I tried blocking but failed miserably. I staggered back almost falling when he delivered the final blow to my face. "ow, I think I broke a tooth!" I screamed about to run away.

Mysterion untied her and she ran to him. "My hero..." She sighed. He smiled cocky but frowned once he heard the cocking of the gun.  "My hero." She laughed evilly.

Reader P.O.V

I glared at the hooded figure to my left. "Thanks but I didn't need your help." I hissed. The guy didn't look at me.

"Thanks so much for the help but." I held it closer to his head. "but I really didn't need it." I covered my ears as the gun went off. "I rather blow up something like a hospital... or something." I muttered. I looked back to the blonde who called himself evil. What an over statement.

He looked at me shocked. I didn't really get it I mean rumor had it this kid always died. I sighed as I grabbed his hand pulling him into a hug.

"One less superhero right?" I asked. He forced a smile nervously speaking.

"But a hospital? Doesn't blowing a hospital just seem mean?" He asked. I smiled laughing bringing him into a kiss. "Oh boy." He smiled. Together South Park was ours and maybe the ginger's too....

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