O.S Too Much Pressure(Creek)

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Dedicated to ciel-is-senpai for requesting this creek one shot My sissy rongodice wrote this for me cuz she was bored (her exact words) and she loves me. Song is dirty little secret by all american rejects. Tweek and Craig together up at the top :)


Recess was the only time we would meet. Our relationship wasn't public, it was meant for our eyes only.We hid away in one of the various classrooms, hidden from prying eyes.I pushed him against the back wall and attack his lips. A few seconds later, oxygen broke us apart. After a moments of rest, I moved my lips to his neck.Tweek tensed under my touch. He always did that when I kissed him anywhere other than his face. It just made him seem that much more innocent and cute."Craig," he whined when my teeth lightly bit into his flesh. His hands tugged at my hair and I smirked against his skin. I placed light kisses on his neck as I worked my way towards his lips again."Craig." He stammered with a lot more confidence than usual.I hummed in response and continued kissing his body. Tweek's hand rested on my shoulders and he lightly pushed me away. I paused for a bit and gently took a step back. Tweek tried his hardest not to twitch as much but he refused to look at me."We need to talk." He added reverting back to his panicky way of speaking.

"Okay," I responded staring at him with softer eyes.There was a period of silence between us. 

Tweek tried to present himself as confident, but he still twitched like crazy,"Gah!" He finally yelled looking my way. "It's too much pressure!"

I gave him a confused look. "What is?" I asked.

"This!" He confessed but it failed to clarify what he was saying.

My brow twitched in irritation. "What is this?" I asked in a harsher tone.

"The secrets. What if we get caught? What will we say? Gah! Thinking about it makes my head hurt." He started pacing back and forth continuing to mumble to himself about the consequences. I turned away in guilt. It was my idea to keep our relationship a secret because I didn't want to be seen as 'tied down'. It was out of my own selfishness.I sighed and looked back at Tweek. He seems a lot more unnerved and kept yelling to himself. Without warning, I pulled him into my arms. His head rested on my shoulder and he gripped my torso tighter than usual.

"Don't worry, we don't have to hide it any more." I answered and pulled away from him but still in his arms. He stared at me looking for any meaning in my eyes.I gave him a weak smiled and let go of him. I turned towards the door and started to walk out."What?" He yelled in confusion but I refused to look back at him.I didn't talk to Tweek for the rest of the day, nor during class the next.We were released for lunch and, like always, Tweek waited for me outside our classroom. I walked past him as if I didn't see him. It hurt, but I knew what I was doing was the right thing.I purposefully waited a bit before I walked to my usual table. As expected, Tweek stay amoungst our friends. I took a deep breath and walked towards them."Yeah, it was totally gay." Cartman finished his story.

"Hey guys." I announced standing behind tweek. He stiffened at my presence.Everyone went back to eating.

 I took off my hat and placed it on top of Tweek's head."Gah!" He shouted.Before he could question it, I leaned into his his ear. "Now everyone knows you're mine." I whispered planting a discrete kiss on his cheek.

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