Blind sighted(Gregoryxreader)

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Dedicated to MadisonNadine for requesting this Gregoryxreader. I meant to cut this one short after ___ says gregory's name but I was having too much fun with this idea. The idea was totally inspired by the pic. X) Song is we found love by rhianna.

"My eighteenth birthday? That's this weekend?" I cleaned my ears with a cotton swab to make sure I was hearing my mother right.

"Yes Gregory, your eighteenth birthday, now clear up your schedule because invitations have already gone out. You can bring your little friend if you want, you know, the french boy." My forked pierced through the piece of meat on my plate and hit the plate with a clang.

"Christophe and I were actually going to go to his house and study for a BIG project that day, mother." Mother brushed her mouth with a napkin, set it on the table and quickly snapped her fingers. I sighed as two men quickly adjusted a bib on my chest and tied it on my neck.

"Gregory, if you're not careful you could stain your blouse. Son, you need to understand there are going to be very important people at this party, and all of them are going to want to meet you. It would be a shame if all of your little study sessions were discovered, after your father and I have had to go through so much trouble to cover them up with the help of some of the people who are coming to your ball. Of course that little french boy will disappear for a while after taking the blame. You understand, to not tarnish our good name. Of course you can avoid all that if you just obey me this one time and show up to your birthday party. Understood?" I glared at her for a split second but quickly smirked.

"Of course mother! I wouldn't dream of having let you down. Now, what's the theme to this party I love ever so much?"

"Ooh! A masquerade ball of course, your father and I had it arranged. Your mask will stand out all the more. So everyone will know how special this day is and how special you are to us." I twitched and immediately excused myself from the table, I had to tell Christophe that I couldn't pay him this week, and that I couldn't send him off on his mission.

"AHAHAHAHA! You have to be fuckin kiddin me, you fuckin piece of sheet!" I held the phone far from my ear waiting for him to stop laughing. "AHAHA! A what? A masquerade ball?" I sighed speaking into the phone.

"My mother has told me to invite you... As you are one of the only ones who I can tolerate in my existence." He continued to laugh hysterically.

"I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING GO YOU PIECE OF SHEET!" I sighed thinking for a moment then smiled.

"Oh you're going Christophe; it's an order. Of course unless you don't want to get paid this week?"


"Stop moving for the love of God Christophe!"

"God? He's the biggest beetch of them all." I sighed louder trying to adjust the tie and mask on Christophe.

"I don't care what you think of God, Just stay still so I can adjust these!" With those words he began to squirm just to spite me.

"Listen to me Christophe!" I screamed with that he laughed finally sitting still. "All the guests have receieved an invitation with a drawing of this mask. The one I'm putting on you... They expect me to be behind the mask because it's my birthday... You can imagine how annoying it would be for me to be surrounded by people asking about me. So I'm allowing you to wear the mask. With this red hat no one will doubt you. As you enjoy the ball, I'll be looking around myself trying to find the people who know about our operations. The ones who could end it for us. Do this and I'll pay you myself out of my own pocket."

"Wait? You're letting me have your mask?" He laughed. I nodded rolling my eyes.

"Yes that's the plan." He began to laugh harder.

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