*LEMON* Domino Effect (GregoryxreaderxChristophe)*Alternate Ending*

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Okay so this GregoryxreaderxChristophe Lemon is dedicated MadisonNadine for requesting it. Song is whispers in the dark by skillet. Thanks for reading :)

I sighed deeply as we walked into the complex. I held onto Christophe's arm tightly. He had a somewhat irritated look on his face. I couldn't settle my nerves as we walked through the halls. I didn't want to admit we failed. When we entered his office I was surprised at how harmless the blond looked. Christophe had always told me that he was dangerous, and that he was a beetch. I laughed remembering Christophe's accent. I wanted to rub his arm but as soon as we entered Christophe stepped away from me as if I meant nothing to him. The blond tapped his desk impatiently with a pen. "Jacav said he didn't get his shipment of chocolate... Care to explain why?" His eyes were smooth blue and I sensed innocence but they glared at us with a menacing tone. I found myself shaking in my seat. I wanted those ocean blue eyes to stop staring at my soul. To stop asking me for an answer that I was too cowardly to give. In truth we failed because I was too weak.

"Sheet... Look, Gregory I just-" I quickly cut him off before he could speak.

"It was my fault! I... We got intercepted by some suspicious lurkers in the streets. I couldn't defend myself, Christophe he... Saved me but they took the stuff. If I hadn't come the mission would've gone better. I'm sorry." I looked down disappointment washing over me. "You were right about me. I shouldn't have gone with him." I felt tears escape me and Gregory scoffed.

"Why on earth would you take the blame for the likes of Christophe? He doesn't give a damn about anyone." He laughed. I looked down the tears not wanting to stop. Gregory's words were all it took to make him mad.

"Shut up you piece of sheet!" Gregory almost scoffed when Christophe jumped across his desk wrapping his arms around his neck. "Take that back you beetch!" I could hear Gregory gargling and the two fell to the floor. 

"Christophe! STOP YOU'LL KILL HIM!" I yelled. Almost immediately Christophe eased up sitting up and gave Gregory on last punch in the face. I quickly walked out of the room not being able to look at the two. I was the cause of this pain. 

Christophe P.O.V

Gregory gave me a smug expression as he got up. "You know Christophe, that ___ of yours can repay me the money she owes me for failing this mission by doing another one... But I have to say they're a bit, unorthodox." I raised my eyebrow at him and he gave a small chuckle. "Men would pay a great deal for a girl like her, especially a fish who's never been touched. I would-" Before he could finish I smashed my shovel against his skull. No one on this earth was even going to even consider touching my ___.  I sighed as I looked to the unconscious body that belonged to Gregory who apparently thought my girlfriend was willing to do anything to solve this problem even sleep with him. I kicked Gregory's unconscious body and went to go find ___.

I found ___ crying as she sat on her bed. I couldn't believe someone like Gregory could bring tears so easily to her. I sat besides her and slowly brought her into my lap.

At my touch she immediately stopped her tears. She smiled as she looked at me. That was something I loved about ____ she found me so reassuring and honestly I did too. "Sheet, ____ don't worry about damn Gregory... Besides now we're alone." She blushed as she stared at me and I couldn't hold back my blush. I gently held her head as we began to kiss softly then rougher. After about a minute of making out I laid her down next to me and stroked her beautiful (h/c) hair. She giggled softly and planted one final kiss on my lips. I let my hands wrap around her waist as I rubbed her back.

"Christophe, can I tell you a secret?"I heard her voice whistle in my ear and I couldn't hide the fact that I was getting excited. I tried not to show it as I nodded. "I want you to be my first." I smashed my lips against hers roughly and my tongue begged for entrance. She gave a soft giggle as she let my tongue wander every inch of her mouth.

My hand slowly entered her shirt as I cupped her bra. I rubbed her nipples gently with my thumbs as I caressed her. She gasped softly removing her shirt and I did the same. My mouth fell open as I gazed at her breasts and she immediately tried covering them. She looked away in shame and I gave a small laugh.

"Come on ____. Show me." I begged. Before she could respond I let my hands snake around her breasts and squeezed gently. "See, they're the perfect size for my hands." I whispered. She blushed softly as I let my mouth wander to her neck. I bit down gently as ____ hummed in satisfaction. I felt on the edge of my seat every time she got louder but tried not to show it. My mouth slowly made its way to her breasts as I suckled her nipples and began to rub her lower. 

"Christophe!" She almost scolded as I outlined her private through her pants. I smiled knowingly slowly applying more pressure as I rubbed her pussy. 

"____ sheet I know, just be patient." I teased. She blushed in response bringing me into another kiss. I felt her warm hand slowly slide down my spine into my boxers and my heartbeat slowly raised. I increased my hand's speed once I realized how wet, ____ was becoming. In return her hand slowly rubbed my ass until she finally gripped my hard cock. I bit my lip trying not to show my shock. I refused to let her do anything to me thought because I had her just where I wanted her.

I slowly slid off her pants to see a slanky black thong and her throbbing wet pussy. I wanted to end it right there and gain entrance but my mind told me I had other business. I patted her wet pussy twice and I felt her shiver. With that I slowly entered my index finger into her. "Ah, Christophe?" She questioned. I smirked penetrating her with my finger deeper until she squirmed. I slowly taunted her in and out until she finally moaned.  I slowly began to add more fingers into her once I saw she wasn't as easily satisfied and I could see a gleam in her (e/c) eyes. 

I slowly wiggled my fingers around her pulsing pussy and continuously penetrated her as my other hand rubbed the top of her clit. I smiled as she continued to groan with every move I made. "Christophe, please!" She begged. I kissed her on the lips and she sighed as I began to plant soft kisses on her starting from her neck to her private. I tried to let my tongue enter her wet private when ___ slowly pushed me back. She pressed her body against me letting her breasts press against my bare chest and slowly sank down. When she reached my pants she slowly removed them along with my boxers. Her breasts lay on my hard cock for a second before she stood back up and pushed me onto the bed.

I looked at her shocked for a second that she lay on top of me. She bit her lip trying not show the anticipation in her. I smirked knowing we were both tired of teasing. Still I refused to be the one on bottom. I gently wrapped my hands around her and laid her down. She looked at me red in the face almost speechless. I gave her one final kiss before I let myself have fun. I let my dick enter her partially and slowly humped her. I saw her gasp as I went faster. I hadn't even gotten in her fully and I saw that she was about to explode. "It's not funny." She gasped. I smirked in response letting myself penetrate her. "Christophe!" She screamed. I let my tent get as deep as it could inside of her and she groaned once more. "Oh, wow..." She began. I ignored her words as I slowly began to thrust inside of her. Once she got the motion of it she began to move her hips around making the sensation even more intense. "CHRISTOPHE!" I lay a hand on her cheek as I increased my speed.  "I THINK I'M GOING TO-" Before she could finish I felt the sweet liquid explode as I did the same. I looked to ___ once more kissing her on the lips. 

"Je t'aime _____." She blushed nodding with a smile.

"I love you too Christophe." 

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