Short Hair(Yandere Kennyxreader)

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Wrote this for fun because I didn't want my xreaders to be 69 so this makes 70... I think. So yandere Kenny at the side. (still love him) Song is The Arms of Sorrow by Killswitch Engage.

I quickly dumped the rat crap off of my bedroom floor. I had to see ___. I had fought hard for her, and now we were finally together. She was a rich little princess and I was just some guy who had waffles for dinner. I rolled my eyes throwing my backpack on my back.

I had a smile planted on my face as I quickly ran to school. In just five minutes I was there. ___ was standing there with her beautiful (e/c) eyes and delicate (h/c) hair. She stood awkwardly in front of me for a while rejecting my hand that slowly traveled to her arm. I bit my lip looking away. It was an awkward thirty seconds before she finally let me wrap my hand around hers.

We walked in silence as I walked her to her first period. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't? I was a little disappointed when we arrived because it meant I had to release her hand. I was shocked when she quickly tugged away from me. "Uh, see you after class?" I said awkwardly. She glared at me with four words that broke my heart.

"We need to talk." She quickly closed the door behind her before I could respond. I was left standing there as the bell rang for class to start. I stared at the door anger building up on me. I worked so hard for her and now it was gonna end, it was gonna die. I spent my allowance over and over taking her out and dressing even nicer to impress her. Stopped being my perverted old self so her parents would approve, tried my best in school so I could graduate with her, and now I was gonna lose her. Lose her like everyone else in my life.

I didn't go to classes all day. I needed to know what ___ was gonna tell me. Why we needed to talk. I sat at the stairs counting the minutes down till she would walk out the school doors. The suspense was driving me crazy. I held its grip firmly. In one hand I held flowers, just in case this was all a misunderstanding, in the other stood my last solution. To keep ___, to keep her with me forever.

Hours later the school cleared out but I still saw no sign of ___. I sighed hiding the object in my left hand under my parka sleeve and held the flowers wanting to eat them. "Kenny?" I heard a sweet voice whisper. I looked up to be greeted with those beautiful familiar (e/c) eyes that could only belong to ___. I quickly went to my feet.

"Hey, so what do we need to talk about." I said giving her the flowers. She smiled sniffing them.

"Well..." Her hesitation was enough, enough to push me over the edge. I stepped forward the object in my left impaling her side. She gasped her beautiful pink tulips hitting the cold ground as she soon followed.

"Don't say anymore..." I demanded in a cold tone. I smiled at her blood, even more beautiful than I had initianally imagined. In seconds the light in her beautiful (e/c) eyes was hidden by her eyelids. Watching it sent a shiver down my back, what a rush. I stared at her kissing her cold lips. ____, could finally be mine, but I needed to make sure if she were ever to leave no one would ever want her. I gripped the knife I had just impaled into her and swung it across her delicate (h/c) locks. "Now, if you leave, no one will ever love you as much as I will." A smile overwhelmed my lips as I heard a low whine escape her lips. "I love you too." I whispered

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