One too many Scars PT.1(Christophexreader)

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Dedicated  SPChristopheGoth for requesting this christophexreader. Christophe at the side anime style. Song is X&Y by coldplay. Part2 is called healing wounds.(next chapter)


Christophe P.O.V

I had one simple job and now I was in this terrible mess.  I had to think of something I liked, just to bare the pain. They were all around me. Snapping at the tips of my jeans, biting my ankles. Damn did I hate these fucking-

"Guard dogs!" The yell made me turn stiff. In the air was a girl with (h/c) hair and burning (e/c) eyes. I covered my head as she began to smack the dogs with a ruler. "Damn you pests don't give up do you?" She asked smacking the last one. The dog whined walking away.

"Sheet, who ze hell are you?" She turned towards at me with a large grin. 

"I am de dog whisperer!" She shouted. I looked at her dully. She began laughing. "Just kidding, I'm ___, who are you?" I glared at her seeing the piece of fabric in her hand. It had come from my pants. She probably got it from a dog's mouth. I quickly swiped it out of her hand.

"I didn't need your help! I could've done it myself! I am Christophe DeLorne, and you better stay out of my way if you know what's good for you!" She gave me an odd look walking off. I sat myself down brushing off the dirt from my freshly new cuts. Damn did I hate guard dogs.

Later that day I reported back to Gregory. He wasn't going to be too happy that I failed to get the money from South Park's museum. I knocked on Gregory's bedroom door. It slowly opened. I walked in seeing only darkness. "Damn Gregory, it's five p.m open a damn curtain." He swung around in his chair facing me and turned on a lamp on his desk. 

"You've come baring bad news?" He hissed. I looked away. Damn how did he know? I nodded slowly. He quickly slammed his hands on his desk. "I needed that money Christophe!" He shouted. I glared at him as he sighed. "luckily I have a back up plan. Tonight at around nine the guards of South Park's central bank start locking up. Get there by 8:30 to get the jewel. It looks like this." He slid a paper towards me. I was about to lift it when he slapped my hand. "not here dunce." He hissed. I nodded calmly slipping it into my jacket pocket. I left the house preparing for tonight. I needed my shovel for this job. I made the mistake of leaving it at home when I hit the museum and a small little girl had to save me. How disgraceful.

I sighed as I walked to the bank. I was zoning everything out but a siren made me snap back into reality. "Stop her!" One shouted. I gritted my teeth as she ran passed me the jewel I was supposed to bag in her hand. It was ___ from earlier today. I wanted to smack her on the head with my shovel. That's what I decided to do. I grabbed my shovel from my back and ran after her. No way was she screwing me over again!

I chased her down catching up easily. When she turned to face me she gulped down hard. It slowed her down enough for me to tackle her.  I didn't have to use the shovel after all. She tried hitting me but I quickly pinned her down.

"Get off, I need this!" She shouted. I glared at her forcing the gem out of her hand. I was about to give her a snarky remark but I realized she was crying. I probably hit her too hard. I helped her up and she immediately slapped me in the face. "Papa needs that! He's sick and I can't... I can't live without him..." I looked at her as she cried clutching her hand. "please..." She begged. I looked down at the gem. Was this girl lying to me? Why was she crying then. I swallowed hard putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Take it." I said putting it in her palm and closing  her hand. She looked up at me tear stricken. 

"Really?" She sniffled. I smiled nodding. Damn would Gregory be mad when he heard this. She tackled me into a hug. "Thank you Christophe!" She screamed her arms around my torso. She buried her head into my shoulder her hair tickling my neck. I blushed. She looked at me with tears of gratitude.

I looked at her mouth open. She kissed me on the lips. I stepped back looking away. "I meant what I said, stay away from me if you know what's good for you." I hissed. She blushed stepping forward.

"But I love you." She sighed. I shook my head. I put my arm down angry.

"Well I don't! I never want to see you again!" I screamed walking away. My back was to her, I didn't want her to see my tears. I heard her burst into tears. I frowned. I didn't want her to be dragged into my bull shit life. She only robbed for her dad. I couldn't do it. "I love you." I whispered to myself tears falling to the ground, she could only live happily ever after if it was away from me.

Reader P.O.V

Christophe walked away with me crying. I bit my lip as I let him slip away. I've always had scars from all those who left me and now Christophe was giving me a new one. Dad leaving would be another one, but the scar Christophe left me was one too many.

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