The "Dumb" Blonde(Gregoryxreader)

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Okay dedicated to creepyrianne_MID for requesting this gregoryxreader. Song is I'm a believer by smash mouth. Arevoir means goodbye in french :)


The first day of high school. I took a deep breath as I looked to the door. Yardale High. I didn't really know what to expect, I went to Yardale all my life and it was for the gifted and talented students. I knew one thing when I stepped into my first class I didn't expect to see the two. Christophe and Gregory. They went to Yardale for a while but after some time they were kicked out. I always just assumed that they were too dumb to maintain the 4.0 GPA you needed to attend but from their presence today I could safely assume their expulsion was for other reasons. A clicking sound made me turn to the left. It was the blond Gregory. "You dropped your pencil." He whispered. I swiped it out of his hand. I nodded paying attention to our teacher instead of some silly boy.

"Now class tell me some aspects of the Reign of Terror." I raised my hand and I swore I saw her point towards me. I realized I was mistaken when he began speaking.

I sighed as I looked at him. "The Reign of Terror was a revolutionary movement in France in response to the oppression of the French people. A bloody time for the rich, noblemen, and royalty." I sensed a blush as the teacher nodded. I swallowed the emotions. I always fell for the smart asses who were uptight and snarky. I couldn't put myself through that, no, not again.

I tried zoning Gregory out but every damn question the teacher asked he'd have an answer the perfect answer. I had to fall asleep to get him off my mind. The bell didn't wake me up no it was a delicate shaking. I looked up yawning. "Gregory what are you doing here?" I said groggily. He smiled helping me out of my seat.

"The bell rang, I thought you wouldn't like to be late to your next class." I dulled my eyes at his words. Everyone expected me to be such a goody goody.

I crossed my arms looking away. I really hated to be late to class though. I knew it was true, I never did anything wrong and I often was above average in all classes. Sometimes I just wanted to change all that about me and be normal for once. I nodded towards Gregory who walked me to my class. It was really nice but I didn't want to get to know him. I was tired of all the guys in this school. All smart, conceded and nice, unless you were unlucky. I quickly waved goodbye hiding in my classroom.

Gregory P.O.V

I couldn't believe I was doing this. Going to class and for what? To impress ____? Had I really sunk low enough to actually give a damn about school? I could easily be in the eleventh grade but had passed the chance since contacting Christophe would prove to be difficult. I sighed leaning in my chair. ___ was smart she loved classes and as much as I hated to admit it she was pretty cute. I took out a piece of paper to look as if I was taking notes when actually I was drawing. She was all that was on my mind. Love, it was something I had never experienced or wished to. Before today it seemed as if only stories held true love, just a mere piece of fiction.

I was desperate to keep that. To keep that feeling of love, the nerves, butterflies, and sweaty palms, I didn't mind them at all. I loved the feeling of liking someone this much, but with love came pain. How could a rich snarky princess like me? Someone who was focused more on worldly affairs than education, someone who was too conceded to give a damn about anyone. Still I cared about her, but then again, it was only to make myself happy. Selfishness it was what my life was based on. I looked down to my doodle seeing her. Seeing damn __ taunting me. She was smiling one lone strand of (h/c) on her forehead. One eye was winking as she gave me a thumbs up. I bit my lip trying not to stab the figure. Why taunt me?

Class couldn't end sooner. I grabbed my lenient bag slinging it over my shoulder. Time to get home, Christophe and I had work to do. "Oi, blondy what the hell are you doing?" I dulled my eyes at the brunette who impatiently tapped his foot. I sighed looking to the side. I had forgotten that we agreed to meet early so we could go discuss a payment. I was too busy actually being in class to do so. "Gregory you piece of sheet, I'm talking to you!" He screamed. I rolled my eyes as he hit me in the shoulder.

I sighed as I began to walk with Christophe. He wanted to go on strike because he claimed that I wasn't paying him enough. A sweet voice stopped me in my tracks. "Gregory wait!" I turned around to see her. Christophe uttered a swear but I quickly walked towards her.

"Uh, ___ hey what's wrong?" I stuttered. She smiled and gave me an abrupt hug.

"Just a thank you for walking me to my classroom I mean you could've gotten a detention... So" She looked over my shoulder towards Christophe who twiddled a cigarette between his fingers. "Who's your friend? It's Christophe right?" She blushed. My eyes widened as I realized what was happening. I shook my head.

"Uh, Christophe? He was just leaving!" I shouted a little too loud.I tried to cover my mistake but I was blushing. How absurd. "___, please Christophe... He..." I couldn't finish my sentence before he stepped forward with a smirk on his face.

He put one arm on her head then slouched down so she could look him in the eye. "Eh, ___..." He stared dully as if thinking. His hand left her. He spoke carefree. "Not worth my time, I don't give a sheet, Gregory call me later it seems like your schedule just cleared up!" He shouted walking away. "Arevoir!" He shouted with a laugh then disappeared. I looked back to ___. She had a frown on her face.

She bit her lip and it just broke me into a million little pieces. "___." I sighed. She began to tear up she covered her face with her hands. I didn't hesitate to bring her into a hug. "I'm sorry Christophe's behavior wasn't... It was uncalled for I hope you can forgive him." I whispered saddened myself. How could she like him even after all my attempts. She probably hated me. I sighed as she continued to tear up. I was on the verge myself. "Please... The two of us have gotten in enough trouble I doubt you want that..." I whispered. She immediately broke away. She clenched her fists screaming at me.

"What the hell tells you I don't! I'm tired of you assholes telling me what to do and who to like! It's my life so stop telling me how to run it! If I like a bad boy than I like a bad boy... Hell..." She started to calm down and I wrapped my arms around her again.

I brought my lips close to her ear whispering gently. "Can I be your bad boy?" I felt her shake a little but I was sure it was from embarrassment. She blushed staring at me. I smiled kissing her on the lips.

"Gregory... I- I" The blush plastered onto her cheeks made me feel arrogant. Maybe selfishness wasn't a bad thing as long as she loved me back than my mind was at ease. I put a finger to her lips.

I brought her closer to me. "Sh... I love you too."

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