O.S That Was Today?(Kyman)

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I feel like this one is really short, but I think it's sweet :) Dedicated to ItzScarlet. I was going to make this valentines day theme... BUT I think we can all agree it's a little too late for that XD so yeah. Song is The Unforgiven3 by Metallica (I'm not a huge fan but I like them  :)  So yeah. Requests closed blah blah you know the stick by now.

"Do you like it?" He motioned towards the fried chicken dinner and handmade blanket with a giant Clydefrog face on it. Cartman looked at it unmoved.

"What the hell is this for?" Kyle's eyebrow twitched.

"You seriously don't remember?"

"Remember what?"

"God damnit! You better be joking!" 

"Just tell me already Kahl!" He shouted. 

"Our three month anniversary. Remember?"

"Pft, like I quick a crap about our three month anniversary."

"You. Are. Unbelievable."

"What?" Kyle's shoulders tensed, he couldn't believe Cartman was pulling this crap. 

"You know what, go fuck yourself!" Hw shouted tossing a piece of fried chicken at Cartman's face. With that the teen stormed out of the room.

"His, loss. I mean look at all this chicken." He mumbled to himself.

Stan tried his best not to make this awkward, especially since the two had so much history, especially since he still had a thing for the redhead, still he tried to wrap his arms around him as Kyle pouted. 

"I can't believe that fucking- That dumb-Retarded- THAT MOTHER FUCKING-"

"Fat ass?" Stan offered, awkwardly patting him on the back.

"Dude, don't call my boyfriend fat."


"How could he pull this crap, AGAIN?" 

"Dude, he always pulls this crap, he's Cartman. He cares about himself, he's all about himself, he's you know... Cartman." Kyle pushed him away leaning into the couch.

"Whatever. Maybe three months is enough." Stan tried to hold in his relief and excitement, it was wrong for him to be happy about his best friend/crush breaking up with someone he obviously cared for a lot.  It was wrong to be happy about something that made Kyle upset. 

"Don't worry dude, you'll find someone." Stan sat up as Kyle did and the two looked at each other, Stan leaned forward their lips about to touch when-


"Fuck." Stan muttered.

Stan's front door burst open and Cartman appeared out of breath, fat ass, Stan wanted to mumble. Kyle got up immediately and Stan reluctantly did the same.

"I'm gone for like five seconds and you- Whatever, YOU GUYS YOU GUYS! I'm seriously. The bat mobile's outside." The two, both dulled their eyes at him. "I'm seriously." Cartman urged. Finally the two friends walked outside and Cartman followed them.

"I don't see the bat mobile fat a-" Stan stopped as a shadow flew over him. Kyle looked up in awe.

"You said you liked flying." Cartman smirked tugging the rope of the hot air balloon. 

"How, the hell did you-"

"Mitch Conner..." He mumbled. "But damn, Kahl. You can't wait a few hours for your surprise, fuck."

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