O.S Damn it we're Conformists(Michrietta)

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Haven't posted a one shot in a while so here it is! Michrietta one shot wrote this for myself because I love this ship :) so Michael and henrietta at the side (they're the goth kids if you're a south park noob XD) Song is colors bycrossfade


Henrietta P.O.V

Today was cloudy which was pretty odd since it was summer. Maybe today the weather decided that it would glimmer our mood. I looked down towards the grave that had his favorite phrase. His parents were hesitant to engrave it but we convinced them he would've wanted it that way. "They're all a bunch of Nazi conformists cheerleaders." I kind of smiled at the thought of little Firkle saying it now. The only one who wasn't here today was Michael. He probably blamed himself for Firkle's condition. The two decided to go do some graffitti on the dam. What they didn't count on was a local gang showing up. Michael was able to get away only because Firkle had agreed to keep them busy. I bit my lip knowing I should've stopped them somehow. Told them to hang out at my place or the cemetary instead. Now Firkle was dead and the gang members gone. Pete looked at me with a small frown. He breathed in some of his somke.

"Let's get out of here." He said walking away. I quickly left my vintage pipe next to the purple flowers we left him. Firkle's folks stayed back as I went to catch up with Pete. We didn't talk as we got back into town.

"Hey, you wanna go check on Michael?" He asked from out of the blue. His dull frown turned into a stern expression. I slowly nodded as we walked to Michael's place. I knocked on the door but it pushed open. This wasn't a good sign. I took a deep breath walking in. We looked around and a high pitch voice made us jump.

"Are you Michael's friends?" I looked dully to his mom of a conformist. I rolled my eyes nodding. She quickly called over her husband. "Look! They're gonna fix him!" Michael's dad's head popped from over the corner.

"Oh, come on in kids Michael's feeling a little down. Why not cheer him up?" He asked. Pete flicked his hair out of his eyes and we walked up the stairs to Michael's room. The door was open and Michael immediately flipped us off facing the wall. I sighed as we approached his bed.

"Hey Michael, we didn't see you at Firkle's-" Pete was interrupted by Michael's depressing words.

"That's because I killed him." He sighed burying his head into his pillow. I bit my lip looking at Pete. This was serious.

"C'mon it's not your fault he saved you like a conformist." Pete said obliviously. Michael faced him flipping him off then went back into his pillow. I put a hand on Pete's shoulder.

"You're not helping." I sighed. He shrugged.

"Go away you guys, I don't even care that he's gone." He sighed then buried his head into his pillow again.

"Michael dude, we're all upset, stop being a conformist." Pete said again oblivious. At that Michael stood up throwing a pillow at him.

"I'm not a fucking conformist and I don't care that he's dead! Now get lost!" He shouted. I saw Pete actually get angry which was pretty odd since he ws the best at hiding his emotions.

"Firkle idolized you! And this is how you fucking repay him! He wanted to be just like you when he got older! And now... Now,he doesn't even get a chance to grow up because you were too much of a chicken... Go to hell Michael and don't ever come back." I could see tears in Pete's eyes ruining his eye makeup. He slammed the door behind him as he left. I stayed back knowing Michael was probably the worst at hiding his emotions.

I sat on his bed rubbing his arm. "Hey." I whispered. He pulled the blanket over his head. I sighed laying on top of the bundle of blankets that was Michael. I yawned as I dug my head into his shoulder.

"You can stop the act now tough guy. Pete's gone, and Firkle's gone. Stop trying to be macho. Even Pete cried at the funeral, it doesn't make us conformists to miss each other. Don't turn away from the ones you love." I could sense tears in my own eyes, I hated to admit it but I missed Firkle too even if he didn't have to deal with conformists. Michael slowly pushed me off.

"Don't start too. Girls crying is such a conformist idea..." He said looking down. I quickly wiped my eyes sniffling a little.

"The idea that guys can't is conformist so why don't you cry already, you big baby." I nudged him softly and he gave me a small smile. He sat up yawning.

"You don't get it, you weren't there..." He whispered. I rolled my eyes.

"I still know that it hurts though... Probably a lot more for you." I said taking his hand. "It's okay to cry." I said putting both my hands on his. He pulled away immediately.

"I don't need to!" He hissed. I shook my head laying my head in his lap.

"Drop the goth act, no matter how much we hate it, we're still human, hell I cried like a fucking five year old when Pete told me, and I didn't know him as much as you guys did, I won't tell anyone if you cry. It'll just be between you and I. Pete doesn't even have to know." I said looking at him. He looked down towards his lap where my head lay. "so what do you say Michael, ready to be a conformist for a little?" He smiled laying onto his bed with a sigh.

"What the hell, sure." He sighed. I smiled laying next to him. I stared at him as he began to tear up. He silently cried to himself. "This is all my damn fault..." He chocked out trying to hide the cracking of his voice. He wiped his eyes trying to cover his mouth I quickly grabbed his hand.

"Let it happen." I whispered. He nodded with a sort of smile. I silently watched him as he went from crying to sobbing. I wrapped my hands around him as he buried his head into my shoulder.

"It feels awkward at first but you'll feel better once the tears dry up. Remember this Michael, I love to see your smile" I whispered patting him on the back. When he broke free from my grip he just stared at me. "What?" I asked. He had a goofy smile plastered on his face and I was sure I wanted to smack it off. "What?" I almost screamed. What he did in response made me blush. He leaned forward kissing me.

"Thanks..." I stared at him as he repressed a chuckle.

"No problem?" I said more of a question.

"You promised not to tell anyone I cried. Wanna make another promise about not telling anyone we made out?" He asked. I gave him a confused look. I blushed harder realizing what he was doing. I smiled inching closer to him.

"Only if you promise not to tell anyone I confessed to liking you." He brought me closer into another kiss that lasted way longer than I had first imagined, and that escalated to full on make out.

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