O.C Over The Years (Craig)

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Dedicated to KatherineTheKiller for requesting this O.CxCraig. Song is intoxicated by the cab(LOVE THEM) Okay Lizzie is her O.C. Remember requests closed for this book thanks. O.Cs thanks to rinmaru avatar maker 

"Who the fuck are you?" The boy snarled. That made her smirk bigger.

"Who the fuck is asking?" Craig narrowed his eyes. Still the girl with purple hair refused to back down. 

"Look, why don't you just go with the rest of the girls, they're playing on the slides... You don't really need this dodgeball." Now she looked irritated.

Her grip on the top of the dodgeball ball tightened, but Craig refused to let go of the bottom of it. "Yeah, cus I totally want to just gossip around a fucking slide, I already told you. I want in!" Craig's eye twitched as she screamed, basically spraying him in the face with spit.

The intense stare-down went on for a few more seconds before Craig kicked the ball out of both of their grips. "GET IT JIMMY!" Of course Jimmy wasn't necessarily the right person to trust with running to get the ball, everyone else was so stunned at Craig's quick actions they couldn't move, except of course for the only girl in their jurisdiction. She sprinted for the ball catching it just before Kyle could grab it. 

"HAHA! Take that! I'm in, now who wants a face full of rubber?" Craig's eye twitched even more but he couldn't speak. He raised his middle finger. 

"Fuck you too, fudge face." 

"Wha-" Before Craig could finish asking about his stupid new nickname he was sent back by the dodgeball hitting him in the face. No, doubt he'd have a couple bumps and bruises next morning.

"By the way, it's Lizzie. Maybe after you stop acting like the fudge face you are you can get on my level..." The blue hatted boy sat up trying to make sense of things but things were getting hazy. The girl was in front of him now. She offered him her hand. "Come on fudge face." The urge to beat her face in with a dodgeball was a million times worse than Craig ever first intended but there was now denying he had to get to the nurse. 

"It's Craig." He lamely corrected. 

4 years later

"HURRY THE FUCK UP LIZZIE! I WANT TO GET OUT THERE BEFORE RUBY RUNS OFF!"  He pounded on the bathroom door again with all his strength.  She let out a heavy sigh and opened the door. Craig had to take a step back to try and hide his anger and, the slight red in his cheeks. He knew when you got older Halloween for teens was mostly for pranks and girls to dress in slutty costumes, but... He tried shaking off that thought there was still something very wrong with her costume. "Dude, I said I was gonna be the vampire!" Lizzie's blue eyes dulled.

"No, you said you were going to be Red Racer, why the fuck would you dress the same as me. I've been talking about dressing as a vampire for weeks!" Craig face-palmed and turned towards the hallway.

"RUBY! Are you ready!" 

"Don't rush me! Fucker!"  Craig's eye twitched and Lizzie let out a small laugh that made Craig even more annoyed and embarrassed.

"What the hell did you say to me!" An exaggerated heavy sigh left Ruby's mouth and she stormed towards Craig in a  Philip costume from Terrance and Philip.

"Craig, I appreciate that you want to take me trick or treating...." Craig kept his stoic mask as he looked at his little sister. If he wasted all this time for nothing he was going to explode. "But," Craig's eye twitched again and it took everything in Lizzie not to laugh. "Karen-Terrance, Ike-Conan, and Firkle-as himself... Have decided.. Well, we're a little too old for you to babysit us."

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