A Mysterious Encounter(Mysterionxreader)

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Mysterion anime chibi style at the side! OK since this is a MysterionXreader. ___ can mean your name or you super hero name. song is ' hero' by skillet. OK thanks for reading fweakies!


I knew I wasn't the only superhero in South Park but I had never really noticed him. He was a mysterious symbol for good. I was doing my weekly patrol on the town when we met. I quickly jumped from the ladder of a two-story building knowing I didn't want my courage to crawl up and into my stomach. My purple cape flew into the air as I fell to the floor my black combat boots clacking on the cement. I adjusted my blue and black mask a couple of times before thinking of anything else. As I started to run seeing curfew was closing in I collided with a wall of chest. I grunted falling to the floor. "Hey watch it kid!" I hollered rubbing my arm since it scraped against the brick walls. He looked back at me and grabbed my hand helping me up. I tried not to laugh as my blue glove almost fell off. I looked away blowing my (h/c) hair out of my eyes as he stared at me. He wore a question mark on his dark cloak and a light purple shirt with an 'M'. He also wore brown shoes and underwear on his pants.

"I don't have time for this." He grunted running off. I smirked knowing he couldn't get away with dissing me. I followed him around every single corner. He looked back a few times and smirked. He had no problem with a strange crazy person chasing him.

I didn't really know why he was running but damn did he run fast. It was almost like he was enjoying it. As I finally caught up to him I gained the courage to speak to this masked figure. "Where the hell are you going?" I asked in between breaths.

"Just scoping the streets for evil, the city needs my help and I must answer the call to save her." He gave me a smooth smile. "Look I don't have much time to talk I just wanted to introduce myself I'm-" Just then a scrawny ginger looking boy began to hit him on the head with his fists and kicking his spine. He started to struggle as a voice echoed through the streets.

"Mysterion, we meet again." The voice echoed. I looked up trying to find the source. Mysterion held my hand with a tight grip.

"Be careful Chaos has been a little courageous. He doesn't stay in his comfort zone anymore." He whispered in my ear.

"Isn't this excellent Disarray we get to knock out two superheros in one night. All you good doers are the same! We'll make sure you goody two-shoes don't ruin our plans!" Chaos shouted. He hopped down onto a nearby dumpster then jumped to the floor. He struggled to regain his balance but quickly composed himself. "good job general." With that Mysterion sent General Disarray flying.

Mysterion was smirking at his victory, Chaos meanwhile headbutted Mysterion in the gut and pinned him to the wall. Mysterion kicked him in the balls and Chaos fell to the floor. "Don't make me beat the crap out of you!" He shouted about to run. I held his hand making him stop.

"Let's do this!" I shouted. He smirked at me.

"Okay I wonder what happens when Mysterion and __ together." I couldn't help but smile too. He grabbed my hand and together we began to kick Chaos' ass. Mysterion began to kick him in the head as I kicked him in the stomach. I also took care of punching him in the face. After a few minutes of doing so we heard a scream.

"Oh no, I gotta get out of here!" I turned my head just in time to see General Disarray running away. I smiled as we stopped.

"Good job Mysterion.." I sighed He smiled and shook my hand.

"You too _____." I narrowed my eyes as I realized something.

"How did you know my real name?" He smirked again.

"I've been watching over the city for years now you don't expect me to have watched you?" I looked dully at him. That was probably true. I just moved to South Park and I kept my popular alias I composed when I lived in North Park.

Mysterion began to walk away from me I guess this town really did need more than one super hero. I watched him walk for awhile when a moving shadow caught my eye. It was moving towards him and fast. "Watch out!" I hollered running in front of Mysterion and kicking Professor Chaos to the wall. He was really persistent today. Mysterion looked at me shocked, he clearly didn't see the attack coming. His mouth hung open in awe as he stared at Chaos scurrying away.

"Uh, thanks...." Was all that he could say. I moved the hair out of my eyes smiling.

"Yeah, no big deal. I'm just gonna, get out of here..." I said feeling awkward all of a sudden. Mysterion smiled at me and I practically froze as he put his hands around my waist.

He pulled me close whispering in my ear. I couldn't help but blush as he spoke. "It's just courteous to show my appreciation." I shut my eyes as we kissed then and there. He broke away what seems like hours later. I sighed as I looked at him red in the face. "can I walk you home then?" He asked. I smiled and nodded lightly not even questioning how he knew where I lived. Who knows maybe he was my next door neighbor. No, I lived besides the train tracks in the ghetto next to some lame ass Kenny kid no way.

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