The Libraries' Dark Secrets(Wendyxreader)

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Song 'Just the way you are' by bruno mars. Ok so this is Wendyxreader. This is a guy reader...



Damn was South Park elementary annoying. The guys were all idiots. I tried getting into sports but the captain of the football team was an asshole. I couldn't stand Stan Marsh and his little gang. I wasn't high on the popular charts but I wasn't low on it either. Not Kevin Stoley low anyways... I didn't really care about not being accepted into the football team, I'd rather be in the library anyways. Shakespeare was calling my name! The bell rang so I gathered my things and left. As I walked in the hall I tripped because of someone's obvious scheme. I looked up from the floor to see Stan Marsh. I gritted my teeth, man did I hate this asshole. "Oh, sorry dude..." He said as his friend Cartman laughed. He tried to help me to my feet but I refused flipping him off and walking away. What a jerk, why would he offer help if he obviously tripped me. What an asshole. I hated Stan with all my heart. He had everything and I had nothing.

Wendy P.O.V

I always went to the library after school until my mom could pick me up. Only on rare occasions did I really find a book that I'd actually check out. Our library didn't have the best selection of books mostly just books for little kids in elementary. I searched high and low for a good book and found myself with Shakespeare. I returned to the table and saw a sports bag and a backpack that didn't belong to me. Wanting to just read my book I shrugged it off. My head was buried in only one of the ten books by Shakespeare I had grabbed. I heard a low muffled voice and immediately raised my head. Fuck.

"God damn it." He muttered. I looked back down as he took a seat where all his bags had been. He said nothing directly towards me so I buried my head in my book once again. Hamlet here I come! I could clearly see ____ struggle to look through the pages of his book, what a dumb ass. After a while of trying to discretely watch him, he looked up at me.

"So uh, you like Hamlet?" He asked. I raised an eyebrow at him surprised he knew what I was reading, but of course even monkeys could read and spit out the title of a book when it was facing them.

"Uh, yeah." I said not even looking up. I could see a tiny glimpse of a smile on his face. I tried not to get angry at his cocky expression.

"I'm just a little surprised, I always pictured you as a Romeo and Juliet kind of girl..." He said trailing off. I smiled almost laughing at his statement.

"Yeah, well I do admire his work and the symbolism but it's not half as good as Hamlet. Besides Romeo and Juliet contains the vivid vague minds of the teenager I already have enough of that." I said knowing he probably didn't understand half of the things I said. He smiled at me with a bigger grin.

He shrugged smiling. "I guess that's one person's perspective. I mean I agree Hamlet is a lot more controversial to some of Shakespeare's other writings but Romeo and Juliet's symbolism enthralls you to read more. It gives you a deeper depth on the average life of a nobleman, can't we all just agree on that. While Hamlet gives you a more skeptical perception in life especially with who you can trust.."

I looked up from my book at last, speechless. Could I actually believe what I was hearing, _____ was actually smart. My mouth stayed open in awe as he looked at me with that smirk of his. I couldn't say anything, I could just stare.

Reader's P.O.V

I can't believe I had actually said that, not that it was too hard to construct, only that I hadn't shown a soul, about my smarts. Now for some reason I was telling Wendy all this. How odd. Shouldn't I have hated this girl because she was in love with my worst enemy. The next time I looked up I was blushing. I wasn't really sure why I was feeling so shy all of a sudden.

"You know you got the last Hamlet book in this run-down library right?" I croaked. She smiled probably catching a glimpse of my blush. She forced my book down so she could see my face. Suddenly her smile turned into a frown and she buried her face into her hands as she lay her head on the table. My eyes widened with shock. What did I do? She quietly began to sob. "what's wrong?" I asked touching her hand. She looked up with a small smile but continued to cry.

"It's just my boyfriend kind of dumped me..." She said looking away. I wiped away a tear on her face and smiled.

"You deserve the whole world Wendy..." Inside I was swearing my fucking head off though. Stan had everything, phenomonal athletic abilities, smarts, friends, popularity, great family, and a hot... cute girlfriend. How could he just leave her, out of nowhere? Then it hit me... Did I hate Stan because everything he had or just because I loved Wendy? I thought about this for a moment and then looked back to my hand that were still on Wendy's.

I looked up at her blushing red. She giggled at my shy state and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips. "No, Wendy you deserve more than me..." I whispered. She kissed me again giggling.

"____, dumby, I don't deserve you I deserved greedy filthy, groteasue Stan. You don't have to change, I love you just the way you are." She said.

I smiled once more kissing her when I heard a loud motion from Kyle. "Shhh!" We laughed and went back to reading still holding hands.

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