Conformist Bitch(Petexreader)

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The song is by Weezer it's called the Perfect Situation. Pete anime style at the side.


My stupid mom dropped me off in front of my new hell, South Park elementary. We had moved here from North Park since the divorce and my behavioral issues. What a bunch of bull. She tried to kiss me goodbye but I just flipped her off walking into the school. Before the doors closed on my mom's endless chatter, she said one more thing.

"Remember, have fun ____!" I rolled my eyes finally letting the door close on her girly voice. How was I supposed to have fun. All the kids were probably gonna single me out, again. This was such a pain. This sucked ass. I didn't even want to go to class. Hell I didn't even know where it was. As I began to walk I slowed my pace not even knowing where I could start.

It took two hours to find my new class. As I entered the classroom all I could hear were gasps and a curse from the teacher.

"Damn it not another, emo kid..." He stuttered cringing his forehead. "look one of them actually made it to class today." He said rolling his eyes. We were clearly getting off on the wrong foot here, especially since I was freaking goth not a fucking emo! "Okay let's get this over with, introduce yourself to the class tell us a little about yourself, and take a seat next to Butters and Clyde." He said looking back at his magazine. I sighed getting in front of the class.

"Hey, name's ____, I like the color black and death... Lots, of lots, of death... And despair, I only read Edgar Alan Poe and I hate you all." I said calmly. I looked dully at their expressions seeing more than half of them didn't acknowledge my existence. Those who did didn't give a damn, they just went on to talking amongst themselves. As I looked around I saw an empty desk between a goofy looking blond and jock looking brunette. I guess the blonde one was Clyde and the jock looking one was Butters, how weird.

It was weird being in a class for once. I was on the verge of going in sane! All the girls cared about were stickers and boys. All the boys cared about were farts, and insulting each other. So grotesque. For once I was glad when recess came. I didn't intend to go to the playground though, that was conformist. I wanted to go to the back of the school and maybe give in and sneak in a smoke or two. I wasn't planning on attending school all day. Maybe I'd stay there or maybe I'd walk home. It was whatever I felt like, mom was at work and dad lived in North Park. I didn't care.

The bell rang and finding out that I couldn't climb the fence to escape my hell decided to go to the loading docks to have myself a smoke. As I walked there I saw four faint silhouettes. Knowing I wasn't going to the conformist playground I just kept walking. When I arrived someone flicked a cigarette bud at my face. When I recovered I glared at him. I quickly stepped back. ."What the hell was that for!" I shouted. He rolled his eyes.

"We don't like conformists here get out of here." The goth said. He had black hair with red dye.

I rolled my eyes, all goths didn't really get it in the first place, mainly because I didn't wear makeup and I didn't smoke. "Drowning alone, I gasp for air, coldness creeps over pale skin. There is sadness so deep it pulls me down Happiness dies in a dark deep sea."

"Whoa." They all said. I nodded as they introduced themselves. Pete was the only one with highlights, Michael was the tallest Firkle was the shortest and Henriettta was the only girl. I took a particular liking to Pete. He showed a little more emotion than the others and he wasn't hesitant to talk to me. We talked all day and I realized Pete was my first crush at this school.

I was out of breath when I finally got to the fair grounds. I hadn't realized the note till about lunch time and I approached the entrance for the carnival. He probably sneaked it into my bag when I wasn't looking. I ran up to him and looked at his face. He had a slanted smile. He had probably been waiting for hours. "Come on Pete!" I squealed. He looked up at me with a slanted smile. I waited one second before grabbing his hand and dragging him to the Ferris wheel. While I waited in line Pete decided to get us something to drink.

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