Cheesey Poof Party(Cartmanxreader)

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OK so dedicated this to Abbeyis2Fab4You because she's the only person on wattpad that I know that is a Cartman fan girl! :pThe song is hate that I love you because I know the majority of people reading hate Cartman.XD Pic of Cartman at the side chibi anime style!


Fat ass's party was tomorrow. He put Kyle and Stan in charge of the whole thing since his mom was out on vacation. I guess even she deserved a break. As much as I hated it I actually felt bad for the kid. In a way we were alike. We both didn't know our dads at all, and lived with our moms who... To put it kindly pimped themselves out. I didn't know what I was going to wear. Was I going to go all out and look fancy or was I just gonna show up in a tee and some jeans? Kyle and Stan gave me one job for the party and that was to buy chips. I decided to buy about seven bags of ruffles and lays. I knew Cartman was probably gonna end up eating all the food.

I remember spending the whole day doing chores and hanging with the guys. We just threw rocks at cars again. Man did my life need some excitement. Lately Cartman and I have been getting along probably because he was in a good mood because his birthday. When I got home mom was tipsy almost falling over. I sighed walking up the stairs knowing mom would feel better in the morning.

The next morning I woke up to a pillow in my face. "Wake up ____!" Kyle hollered. I grumbled tossing to my side. He continued to hit me. After five minutes of endless Kyle I decided to get up and kick him out. I quickly got dressed going for the casual look. After all I never really liked girly things. I was a tom boy all the way! I hopped out of the room, running down the stairs.

"Yawn! That's what you're wearing!" Kenny shouted. I smacked him over the head with a pillow and took a seat with them. I sunk deep in the couch wishing for some Kentucky Fried chicken. Like always mom wouldn't let me eat it for breakfast.

"why are you guys in my house anyway and where's fat ass?" I asked.

Almost all the guys laughed at me. Only Stan was able to answer my question without snickering. "Cartman wants a surprise party so he slept over and we're setting up at your house remember? We talked about this yesterday." Stan said with a slanted smile almost chuckling. Yesterday, my ass they probably woke up this morning deciding this. Shit I didn't care, mom had a hangover this would be payback for not making me an actual dinner yesterday. I was so deep in revenge that I hadn't noticed the guys were gone. I looked around a bit, not knowing what to do when I heard a shout from the backyard.

"Hey____!" My head twisted towards Stan's voice. "where do we put the Ferris wheel!" He hollered. My eyes widened as I saw a giant Ferris wheel and elephants coming into our yard. I knew they'd also bring fireworks and knowing Cartman probably a fucking jumper. As always Cartman wanted his party to be the talk of the year. This year though his mom just left the credit card for him. This was going to be fun.

The sun was setting when the boys walked in tired. Everything was set up in back. It was Craig's job to get Cartman here. It was supposed to be a surprise party but Cartman picked the date and organized the entire event. I didn't really understand the whole thing. Did the kid even know what a surprise party meant? We all gathered our presents and put them on the dining table. As always Cartman assigned us gifts to buy for him. I got lucky and just had to buy him an Xbox1 controller. I'm pretty sure Kyle was stuck with buying him a laptop. Kyle was probably stuck with the most expensive gift because according to Cartman he was greedy filthy.

When we heard a knock on the door we all got into position and turned off the light. We could hear Craig and his gang in the background. "Look, Cartman, I guess no one's home!" Craig yelled.

"Yeah, cool huh?" Clyde said.

"Totally." Token smirked.

"No one? Gah! That's, Nrr! Gah!" Tweek hollered probably pulling his yellow hair out.

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