*LEMON* You Had me at Hello (Petexreader)

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Dedicated to ItzScarlet(I think) for requesting this petexreader lemon. song is you had me at hello by a day to remember.

"We shouldn't be doing this." I sighed. Pete roughly pinned me to the bed. 

"And why not?" He laughed. Another sigh escaped my lips as I looked at his handsome brown eyes.

"Because you're an annoying goth asshole." I laughed. He smiled a little gazing into my (e/c) eyes.

"And you're the  peppy school president conformist." Before I could agree he smashed his lips against mine and lay his hands on my waist. I let his tongue explore every inch of my mouth until the need for air broke us apart. "But there's something I really like about you ___. So I want to do this." He whispered massaging my inner thighs.

I blushed madly grabbing his hands. "I don't know Pete I mean..." His eyes dulled as I grabbed his hands stopping his actions.

"Come on, ____. We've been dating for almost two years now. I want to show you just how much."

"But... What if someone finds us." I objected. He brought our intertwined hands towards his heart. 

"Then I can finally tell the world that I have an awesome kick-ass girlfriend who's been showing the world her fake self for her stupid parents. And you can say you're dating a cute innocent goth kid who you corrupted." I punched him softly in the chest laughing but he fell onto the bed pulling me with him. "Please, ____. I love you." I blushed madly realizing this was one of the rare occasions Pete told me he loved me. 

"I love you too Pete." I felt his hot breath on my neck as he slowly kissed me. I couldn't help but admit that I did want this. I loved Pete with all my heart he was the only one who knew me, the actual real me. His mouth left my neck and I let him slowly undress me as I closed my eyes. I didn't want to keep him waiting. It was my idea to keep our relationship a secret I owed him something back after all this time. I gasped at his touch as he slowly removed my underwear with his mouth. I felt a trail of kisses from my thigh to my private and instinctively stepped back opening my eyes.

"What?" He said laughing at my red face. I shook my head swallowing the saliva that was forming in my throat.

"Nothing. I'm just... Nervous.." He smiled warmly at me bringing me into his arms. I enjoyed the cute little moment but felt his wandering hands rubbing my inner thighs. 

"I'm not gonna take a break because you're a little flustered ___. I mean you shouldn't be you're perfect." His seductive whisper made me redder but I decided not to care anymore. 

"Than show me I am... Whattya got big boy." I brushed my hand through his black locks caressing his cheek with my other hand. "Come on." I expected Pete to hesitate to blush or be nervous but immediately after the words left my moth he placed his hands on my hips, lifting me and pushing me against the wall.

We began to make out and I let my hand snake down into his pants. As soon as I did, I felt his shaft expend through his pants as he pressed against me kissing me furiously. Pete didn't let me take a breath before he began to kiss my neck again, his tongue softly tracing my skin. He never stayed in one spot as he searched for my sweet spot. When he bit down softly just above my shoulder I felt a euphoric buzz throughout my body. I let out a slight moan and Pete stayed there digging his teeth softly into my flesh. I was so fixated on the rhythmic motion of his actions that I hadn't realized his hands slowly rubbing my nipples, slowly then fiercely in a lustful cycle that I couldn't help but love. I let out a desperate moan realizing I was slowly becoming wetter and decided I wanted a peek at what Pete really had to offer.

Without leaving his touch I bent over so gently and undid his pants revealing the giant tent in his boxers. I couldn't hold back my gasp surprised at how big it looked covered. Wanting to repay Pete I ever so gently removed his boxers revealing his rock hard buddy. I bent down slowly wanting to take a better look. "Ah, you don't have to-" Before he could finish talking I licked the precum off the tip of him. I felt him shudder and gave a low giggle before wrapping my mouth around the tip of his penis. He let out a small gasp and I began to bob my head backward as slow as I could. My tongue enjoyed the presence of his base as I thrust back and forth slowly. I could feel Pete's gaze turn towards my chest as I bobbed back and forth, my body flung my breasts almost in my own face and when I realized Pete's intent lustful gaze he looked away red in the face. I didn't stop though I kept my slow rhythmic pace that annoyed Pete so much as he held back his frustrated groans. "Ugh, baby... Please." I stopped immediately at his words, I was about to retract from him when he roughly pushed my head further against his lower and my mouth consumed him. Without question I began to thrust my head back rapidly. I let my tongue feel every inch of him and never stopped when he shuddered. "___! Baby, oh my god..." I felt his hand run through my hair sweetly.  I felt Pete expand in me and he gave a a louder moan this time, but before he could get carried away I withdrew smiling at his hard cock. I couldn't deny that I wanted him even more now, that I had seen him.

Pete tapped my hips as he slowly wandered to my slit. I gasped immediately but Pete just responded with a smirk. He rubbed my lower gently in circles then with his other hand caressed my breasts. He pinched my tender nipples softly then bit down roughly. I thrust my head back as he continued to suckle and bite on my breasts with his mouth and rub my lower with his right hand. "Pete..." He hummed not removing his mouth from my breasts sending a tingling sensation throughout my body. I stared at him for a while and when I said nothing he went back to what he was doing as if it was nothing. I squirmed as I felt my lower getting even more wet. I couldn't hold back anymore, as sweet euphoria entered my body. I felt my hand  wander to my lower where Pete's hand was, I wanted him to understand how I felt, that I needed more, but he kept in his position. I lay my hand on his and he smiled as he smirked at me. 

Pete slowly penetrated me with one of his fingers and I squirmed like crazy getting hot liquid onto his hand. "Damn..." He smirked. I kissed him once more on the lips and he began to thrust his fingers around the opening of my slit. He didn't go in deep and it made me shudder. He slowly massaged me arching his fingers back and forth. "Pete, babe... Please.." My desperate moans made him faster  and soon he had all fingers inside me. I wriggled under his touch and I felt him penetrate me deeper. He kept his rhythmic pattern until a loud moan escaped my lips. "Pete just!" He didn't even hesitate. He pushed me against the bed placing a soft kiss onto my lips before his hard cock penetrated my throbbing private. I let out a gasp as he pressed against me. "Oh, my god." The statement clearly shot the goth's ego because he had no problem with teasing me now. He went slowly straddling his hips around ever so gently but hitting every corner inside of me. I bit my lip refusing to show him I wanted more. I slowly thrusted against him faster urging him to continue. The message was clear and Pete got it. He slammed hard against me keeping the same pace. Hard and fast. The bed rocked furiously as he continued and I found myself screaming. "Pete! Oh my God! Please! Just like that! Yes!" My screaming made him even faster and I found myself all in knots. I felt his cock rock back and forth into me, faster and faster and faster. "Ohhhh.... Yeahhhh... Pete please!" Before I could finish I was interrupted by the warm liquid that escaped me and the warm liquid that entered me as Pete slowly laid back down. I played with his hair in between my hair and he had a goofy smile plastered onto his face. "I love you." He smiled gently kissing me and turning on his back so he could face the roof. 

"I love you too."

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