O.S Sticks and Stones(Stenny)

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Dedicated to SkittlezKat for requesting this Stenny one shot. Song is sorry by chuck berry.

I was on the floor. I was a sophomore and a guy, what I was doing was totally not cool. I was crying all alone in the back of the school. Wendy officially broke it off with me. She never wanted to see me again. I had kissed Bebe and Wendy was pissed off. I was dared to kiss her once by fat ass because he knew how mad Wendy would get and then I kissed her again when she cornered me. It wasn't like I liked any of those kisses. I removed my red and blue hat covering my face with it. I didn't want anyone to see me. It was the last day of school and Wendy picked the perfect day to dump me.

I sat in silence for a couple seconds when I heard some footsteps. Part of me hoped it was Wendy coming to take me back and another part of me wanted it to be my imagination or some custodian. Instead the figure sat next to me.

"Hey what's wrong dude?" He whispered. I felt his hand run through my hair and I looked up to see my blond friend Kenny. I wiped my tears trying to act if I wasn't just crying.

I coughed loudly before talking. "Uh, nothing what's up Kenny, what are you doing for summer break?" I asked. He gave me a dull look.

"Wendy dump your ass again?" He asked. I looked to the floor again and could feel tears swelling up again.

"This time it's for good dude." I sighed. He chuckled a little looking to the sky.

"Then I guess she doesn't deserve you right?" He patted my shoulder and I looked up at him with a small smile. "We're gonna be all that in high school and you... You're gonna be the quarterback in football. That bitch doesn't know what she's missing out on. The guys and I were gonna have pizza at Whistling Willie's before I have to go to summer camp and fat ass goes to fat camp and Kyle goes to Jubilee. You're the only one who's staying in South Park during the summer remember?" I nodded letting a sigh escape my lips. It was gonna be weird not having the guys around this summer. "So come on, let's show that bitch what she's missing." Kenny smirked. He leaned forward slowly placing my hat on my head and we were inches away from each other. I wasn't quite sure what happened but I re member opening my eyes to find Kenny's lips pressed against mine. Before I could say anything I stepped back running away. I didn't even go to Whistling Willie's Pizza Place. The whole thing had me confused and not seeing Kenny to talk to him about the situation made it all the more awkward for me.

Kenny P.O.V

"And that's our game! The South Park Cows win with 6-0! Any words to the people Stan as South Park High's football captain?" I looked up for the first time during announcements. Stan was really making it big in football wasn't he? I hadn't talked to him in a while. I looked over to Wendy who gave a dreamy sigh and I rolled my eyes. That slut never had her mind made up. I didn't really understand why I cared to keep myself updated in Stan's life. We were still pretty awkward around each other since last year's kiss. I found myself hot red at the thought. I sighed looking around the room for any girl to pay attention instead of that.

My eyes settled on the one of the new latino girls in our class, her name was Manny. I slowly got out of my seat snaking my way towards her. I don't have to tell you how easy it was to get her number. Of course I wasn't getting to second base with her I wasn't even on the plate, I didn't want to be... Well maybe just a little. The female body was just so interesting.

During lunch I decided to sit with the guys. Stan was here and I decided to sit next to Cartman on the opposite side of the table. "You guys wouldn't believe how hot this chick is in my second class. She's got fine ass boobs." I laughed swinging the piece of paper that had her number on it around. I looked at Stan in the corner of my eye and I swore I could see his eye twitch. "I mean we made out for two hours, totally ditched third. Anyway how was your day guys?" I asked innocently.

"That's sick dude! We're not gonna sit around here while you go into detail about some slut." Stan almost yelled slamming his tray and walking off. I smirked as he disappeared but it immediately vanished when he sat next to Wendy and immediately kissed her. I could feel myself burn with rage inside and contemplated kissing any nearby chick or even Kyle or fat ass would do but it would ruin my elaborate plan. I just had to get as far with Manny as possible then smash it in asshole Stan's face. Then my revenge would be complete. This little war we were playing at was pure mental torture. We weren't using words just sticks and stones and I knew it wouldn't end well but I didn't  give a damn. I glared at Stan as he started making out with Wendy and she looked at him perplexed.

"Wow, what was that my Christmas gift?" She smiled stroking his arm. Stan looked my way looking at me smugly as if Wendy hadn't even been there. "so, are we back on?" She smiled. Stan quickly hugged her.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

I looked at Manny as she lay in her bed. She had a short crop top on and a really short skirt. We were just watching T.V today but I knew I had to get to second base maybe third if I wanted to bug the hell out of Stan. I thought for a moment about all the curves in her body and for a second I felt nauseous. Why the hell was I doing this, to get Stan's attention? I never wanted that before, did I? I sighed remembering our kiss how stupid I was. Maybe that's all it was a stupid mistake. I sat next to Manny and it was like my instincts kicked in, there was no stopping it.

I wrapped my arms around her as we lay there nothing wrong with the scene but she turned to face me and we began to tongue wrestle. My hands traveled south and Manny did nothing to stop it. She laughed and giggled and I remembered other girls who did the same. Other girls who ended up calling me scum who tried calling the cops accusing me. I don't remember what happened to get me to the point where I was on top of her only my boxers remained on me and her with her undergarments. She gave me that smile. The seductive one and I bit my lip. That's when it usually ended for me. When girls turned into Medusas trying to turn on me. She leaned over trying to kiss my lips when I fell off the bed.

"What's wrong Kenny? I thought you wanted this." She pouted. I scrambled to my feet annoyed scared and grossed out.

"No, no, no... Look! I, I've been using you to get someone else's attention. I'm a guy it's what we do. I'm a pig. I get it let's just skip that part apologize stay friends... Pen pals sounds better. And forget this happened..." She scowled at me throwing me my clothes and I remember running from her tall bulkier dad.


I threw a rock towards the gym watching as it fell after impact. I sighed moping in my lonely sadness. In the corner of my eye I saw Stan with Wendy. He looked over to me quickly kissed her on the lips and ran towards me. I hid my face hoping he didn't already know what was wrong. "Hey dude." He whispered. I looked up ignoring his words and threw another rock. I sighed annoyed as Stan wouldn't leave. "Hey, I just.... I think we should talk." He continued. I threw another rock hoping he'd disappear. "You know... Talk about what happened last summer, what it's doing now." I quickly stood to my feet finally finding the rage inside me.

"What Stan? You mean the thing that totally had nothing to do with you? The thing that did nothing to you because you're so obviously still in love with your ex!" I grabbed another rock and tossed it in his face. He sighed as it fell and grabbed my hand before I could grab another.

"Look, dude. I don't... I don't like Wendy..." I scoffed immediately.

"Then why have you been making out with her all school year?" I hissed. His eyes went to the floor as he took a seat.

"Because you were making out with that girl all school year... I thought... Maybe you didn't care about what happened  last year." I looked to the ground sitting next to him and tossing another rock.

"I didn't forget. Hell I was the one who kissed you. I just thought... Maybe you still weren't over Testaburger. So I tried avoiding you with Manny. I thought maybe you thought the kiss was stupid. You'd forgotten about it."

Stan faced towards me this time and placed both his hands on my face. My cheeks were burning red from the confession. He slowly pulled me forward into a deep kiss. "I haven't forgotten about that kiss a single day. It's on my mind 24/7." I smiled as we parted and stayed there in silence simply throwing rocks at the dumb gym. Everything around us was dumb, we were the only thing that made any real sense to me.

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