Basket Ball Tryouts(Tokenxreader)

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token at the side anime style Dedicated to poketrainerfangirl for requesting Token. Song is Mercy by my FAVORITE BAND ONE REPUBLIC!


I walked into the gym, seeing several students waiting for their turn. Waiting to show coach what we were made of. I was shocked to see I was the only girl here. To my right I saw Kyle. He was awesome at basketball and my ex. He was the one to get me into the sport in the first place. He ended up cheating on me with Bebe Stevens. It hurt but I didn't blame him, I mean I wasn't exactly a princess. I tried to take my mind off things by looking around. It helped with nothing. My eyes immediately locked onto another boy that gave me trouble, Token Black. I had the biggest crush on him but he was always on an off and on again relationship with Nicole my former bully. He looked at me and I quickly looked away before he could see me blush. He knew I liked him, I just knew it. Nicole had threatened to tell him thousands of times I was sure she had already told him.

I sighed as Token waved to Nicole as she stood in the side lines with her palm palms. I sighed irritated. All the guys just liked the damn cheerleaders. I fucking hated that! Seriously because she can move and shake stupid palm palms she was the shit. So annoying. The thing that stood out  to me though was Nicole's reaction. She didn't wave, she stuck her tongue out. They were probably fighting again, damn why did I care?

I took in a deep breath as I realized my turn was next. Kyle winked at me. I learned from the best. Well at least I thought so. I grabbed the basket ball dribbling. We were using the half court. I dribbled knowing not to travel.

After about ten shots to the basket I was stopped. About seven of the shots I made had actually made it in. Coach whistled in front of my face. "Thank you! (l/n)! We'll let you know!" He shouted addressing me by my last name as usual. I brushed past the guys sitting on the bleachers. Kyle sat with Bebe in her cheer leading outfit. Token was alone which I found odd. I observed him from a far.

Token P.O.V

***Flash back***

"Token we need to break up." She said softly. I looked at her oddly. Why all of a sudden? We usually had a pattern of when we broke up. 

"Why?" I asked only half shocked.

"Why! Because I've seen the way you've stared at her!" She shouted. I gave her another confused look. She slapped me across the face. "____, you drool over her every time she walks by! We haven't talked in weeks. Token, it's over and I mean for real this time." She hunched her shoulders, walking away mad. Had I really been admiring ____? I didn't know if I liked her but if I had been caught in the act than I guess I did. I half smiled at my opportunity. Down side ____ was dating Kyle. I rolled my eyes. Knowing Nicole she'd probably try and go for him again. She did still like him.

***End of Flashback***

Bebe was with Kyle but soon enough Nicole rounded around the corner grabbing Kyle's arm. How was it that she could move on so fast? She gave me a nasty glare then began stroking Kyle's arm. I rolled my eyes. They began to wander, as I wished Nicole would stop rubbing it in my face. My eyes immediately locked onto ___'s (e/c) orbs. They were perfectly beautiful. She immediately frowned at me. I was taken back. That wasn't like her. Soon enough the coaches were done. Coach Watson stood from his chair.

"Tryouts are done for the day we'll announce who made the team in two to three days!" He hollered. ___ practically ran out the door almost avoiding me.

I quickly followed her so she couldn't run home. Today was Friday and I wasn't allowed out of the house on weekends. I caught up to her, tapping her on the shoulder.

"___, what's wrong?" I quickly said. She gave me the stink eye again. Before she could speak Nicole shoved herself in front of us.

"Hey Tokes, hey ___, wanna meet my new boyfriend." She cooed holding Kyle's hand. I narrowed my eyes. She kissed Kyle on the cheek. "___, you know Kyle right?" She asked as Kyle kissed her on the lips. I clenched my fist knowing I just wanted her to leave.

____, didn't seem bothered. She grabbed me holding my hand. I immediately blushed. "Yeah, look Nicole, I don't care because Token and I are a couple now and, we're better than any cheater and untrusting girl." She hissed. Nicole rolled her eyes.

She laughed obnoxiously. "You and Token, yeah right. I'll believe it when-" She was cut off probably from shock because ____ pulled me into a deep kiss.  Nicole looked to Kyle who was grinding his teeth. "Fine! Whatever have fun with that freak! Come on Kyle." She commanded. Kyle stood firm.

"Fine!" She screeched walking off. Kyle came up to ___. She stepped back still holding my hand. 

"Look, ___ I know you and Token are happy, I get that I just wanted to say sorry for being a lousy guy.... Friends?" He stuck his arm out for a hand shake. ____ crossed her arms. I nudged her.

"Come on, he wants forgiveness." She rolled her eyes shaking his hand.

"Friends." She muttered. I smiled. Kyle shoved his hands in his pocket and walked away. She looked back to me. We both blushed. 

"So..." I said awkwardly. 

"So?" She whispered. She looked down embarrassed. I smirked. I wasn't going to let her get away not when I was this close. I grabbed her, holding her close in a hug. 

"I love you, ___." I whispered. She kissed me on the lips. 

"I love you too Token." She said kissing me again. This year's basket ball try outs turned out to be the best.

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