O.C Is it Wrong?(Craig)

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Sarah P.O.V

Yesterday I kissed Craig goodnight. It was forced, mom made me. It's not what you think. Craig and I aren't a thing well we're kinda a thing. In that sense I mean we're brother and sister. As always though the urge hit me. The urge to kiss him on the lips. Don't give me that look. Whoever I tell they leave me. I have no one but Craig... I mean my family. I don't want these feelings, I don't want to be drastically in love with my brother but I do and there's no denying it. The usual morning thoughts left as the alarm clock rang.

I dragged myself out of bed and into the shower. I cleared my brain of everything. I just had to search the sea for another fish. I always hung out with Craig maybe if I was lucky one of his friends liked me. I breathed in, crossing my fingers hopefully.

Craig P.O.V

As usual I was up before my sisters. Ruby was tucked into her pink blankets because she was still in elementary, and Sarah slept like a rock. I finished my cereal when my mom called me over. "Craig, honey wake up Sarah she'll be late for school!" I rolled my eyes and in response she flipped me off. I did the same running up to her room. "Sarah get you lazy ass up!" I body slammed Sarah's bed to see only a stuffed animal was under her blanket. Where could she be. I left the room realizing I stinked. I hadn't taken a shower for a while now. I sighed going for the bathroom.

I swung the door open and Sarah immediately screamed. I did the same looking away. "Holy crap Sarah. I didn't! I didn't mean to look." I yelled. I had seen more than I ever wanted I blushed running back down stairs. I guess I was skipping my shower.

"Craig we have to talk to you!" Mom screamed. I grabbed my chullo hat running out of the house. "Sorry late for school!" I screamed blushing. How could I see my own flesh and blood naked. I shivered at the thought, gross.

When we got to school I avoided Sarah with all my might. I sat next to Tweek and Clyde. They were surprised but I kept my head down. I only lifted my head when lunch came. I sped like Red Racer to the lunch line. I quickly got my lunch and sat down next to my gang. When Sarah came I threw out my lunch and went outside I couldn't handle it.

I couldn't focus for the rest of the day. My thoughts were filled with Sarah, and that damn image I saw this morning. It was a curse goddammit, and because of her I managed to get myself a weeks-worth of detention because I wasn't paying attention. I also flipped off the teacher, but that doesn't matter. Not to mention I earned myself a one-way ticket to hell from all the thoughts I was having. Damn these teenage hormones. Unfortunately, the school day had to end. There was no way for me to avoid her anymore. I was forced to go home and see her.

When I walked through the door Sarah was sitting on the couch with mom and dad. I knew they were mad at my behavior and me avoiding Sarah. Sarah had her face buried in her hands. I knew she was crying. They all looked towards me. I hesitantly sat down across from them.

"Ma, pops." I said looking down. I turned stiff at the tension. Mom sighed.

"Craig how do I put this gently..." She said wandering off. Dad slammed his fists on the livingroom table angered.

"Damn it just tell him she was adopted already!" He screamed. My face flushed red. Sarah wasn't my real sister. I sighed a breath of relief. If this was true than why? Why was Sarah crying? My mom grabbed dad's ear.

"You don't just yell it out!" She screamed flipping him off. I did the same as mom dragged him upstairs by the ear. Sarah's sniffling made me look back to her.

I breathed in a gust of air. "What's wrong Sarah?" I asked bluntly. She looked up wiping her tears.

"It's just that.... That." She bursts into tears again. This was annoying me. The Sarah I knew was brave and never cried, ever. I forced her to her feet.

"What did you do with Sarah! This isn't you, you're stronger than this. Damn it you're stronger than me! Now tell me what's wrong!" I hollered shaking her fiercely. She looked up with a slanted smile.

"What's wrong? Well I love you Craig." She whispered a smirk overwhelming her face. I took a step back surprised. I smiled blushing.

"Damn it me too." I whispered. At that she squealed tackling me into a hug and kissing me all over. After a few seconds I forced her off. "let's do this right alright Sarah?" I asked wrapping my arms around her waist she nodded whispering to me.

"Sarah Summers..." She pushed her lips against mine and I gladly hugged her tighter slipping her the tongue. I guess everything was alright. Sarah was just in my reach. Now she was mine.

Song by Taylor Swift called Untouchable. Thanks a whole lot to HH3Fan for letting me use her O.C Sarah Summers who has a striking resemblance to Repunzel.

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