What it takes to Dribble(Bridonxreader)

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I wrote this because I fucking love the episode "elementary musical' from South Park. Bridon only appears (or at least has major speaking roles...) I don't suggest you read this unless you've watched the episode or if you liked this go watch the episode! If you know my reference at the end than I love you forever :) Bridon at the side anime style. Song is why do I love you by west life.


Reader P.O.V

I skipped around when I entered school. I couldn't be happier today was the day. "Auditions for drama!" I squealed handing everyone who came my way a flyer. "Audtions, I wrote the play myself!" I squealed filled with excitment. What I didn't know was that most teens at South Park High were crumbling their papers  after I'd hand them it. I stopped at someone's whisper.

"He's coming back from drama school?" Red whispered into Bebe's ear. I saw a clear blush on her cheeks. I quickly passed them but in pure honestly I badly wanted to eavesdrop.  Because of class I couldn't stick around much longer.

Once the bell rang I sat in my usual seat next to Stan and his girly girlfriend. I wasn't girly I just loved the finer points in the art of drama. I smiled reading over my script that the principal had approved. I only got through reading scene one when our teacher arrived. 'Okay, kids we have a new student. He's a little younger than most of you, he's a little smarter than most kids his age. Let's welcome Bridon." Stan rolled his eyes hiding his face in his desk as Wendy squealed. I looked at the kid not too impressed. "now Bridon, take a seat next to ___."  He quietly took a seat next to me. I looked at him from the corner of my eye. Wendy quietly whispered to Bebe.

"How good do you think he is in singing and acting now that he's come from Drama school?" Bebe snickered looking to Bridon. She nodded  blushing.

"To think he got sent there because he joined the basketball team." She laughed. I looked back to Bridon who was focusing on his math, at Bebe's words his pencil broke. When the bell ring I found myself curious about this niner in our tenth grade class.

Bridon looked over his shoulder and when our eyes locked he quickly began to run. I smirked knowing I loved a good chase. We were running for a good twenty minutes before Bridon had gone into the gym. I followed cornering him. "What do you want!" He screamed breathing hard. I smiled handing hiim a flyer. He glanced at it then crumbled it up. 

"What's up your ass?" I said calmly, but inside I was swearing every second. He kind of glared at me before answering.

"What makes you think I'd be in any stupid play." He scoffed. I rolled my eyes grabbing another flyer.

"I heard you were a pretty good dancer and singer before drama school, so why not?" I asked. He looked dully at me.

"Word gets around pretty fast, huh? I just got out of that hell hole you really think I'm gonna want to do your stupid play?" He laughed. I looked away crumbling my own flyer. "Drama was punishment, singing and dancing was forced on me, I'm not doing your stupid play." He said running off. I glared at him as his silhouette turned the corner. What an asshole.

After the whole Bridon incident I zoned out in class. Now, I wasn't that excited for audtitions. I could imagine Bridon fitting the role of Nick perfectly but now that I knew he wasn't up to it, I was bummed about the whole thing. I sat in the gym waiting for actors to show up. I sighed fearing no one would show.

I nearly fell asleep when an hour passed but someone's rough voice woke me. "Hey, this is the place for auditions for The girl with the Butterfly Tattoo." I opened my eyes to see a small group. Stan, Kyle, Craig, Wendy, Bebe, Red, and Kenny. Only Cartman didn't show up. I smiled letting them in and sitting up straight.

Most guys wanted the main part especially since there was a kissing scene. After about two hours of watching the guys act I knew only one guy could fill the role and he hadn't shown up. (and no I don't mean Cartman!) I watched the girls act and I knew Wendy was the only girl who could actually memorize all the lines.  I quickly grabbed my bag ready to leave.

"Hey you find your Brad yet?" I heard a stern voice at the door. I smiled facing him. 

"What are you doing here Bridon?" I whispered. He gave me a smirk stepping into the room.  

"Is it too late to audition?" He asked his smug smile plastered on his face. I smiled my (e/c) locked onto his.

"I don't know maybe, if you'd shown up on time maybe I wouldn't already have a Brad." He smiled laying his arms on my shoulders and looking straight into my eyes. I could feel a blush overwhelm my cheeks.

"Sarah, no matter what it looks like, no matter what I say, I'm not who you think I am. I've never asked a girl out, no matter what all the magazines and TMZ says, I've never even had my first kiss. It used to make me ashamed that so many people called me a super star when in reality I wanted the simplest things, but right now, all I want is you." His hands travelled up to my face. He brought me into a deep warm kiss. When we broke free I stepped back. He almost laughed.

"So do I get the part?" He asked to his pepy self. I was still blushing as he looked at me. I smiled patting him on the back. 

"Nope!" I shouted hugging him my chest against his back. His shoulders tensed.

"Why not, I made a hell of a Brad, I memorized my lines, and look at me I'm a fucking bombshell!" He shouted. I laughed whispering in his ears.

"Cuz I love you dumbass." I saw him blush as I released him. "besides Brad kisses Sarah in the play I'm not watching you kiss smart ass Wendy testaburger aka Sarah." He smiled at me back to his smug self. 

"But we can practice that scene all you want." I said kissing his soft lips. He smiled whispering to me.

"Alright, but only cuz I love you alright?" He whispered. I heard a crack of the dor which made me jump.

"Briiiiidon! What are you doing here what are you doing here!"

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