O.C Birthday Bash(Craig)

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So Jasmine at the side, Jasmine belongs to JasmineKuso Jasmine is her O.C. The song is on the outside looking in by Jordon Pruitt the song is my life in a nut shell.... btw my sis helped me write this I was lacking motivation cuz I was tired so yeah


"Jasmine, Jasmine." The voice resonated in my ears. "Jasmine, get up." It continued, irritating me. I tossed and turned pulling the blanket over my head to drown out the annoyance. "Guess what day it is?" Clyde's familiar voice asked.

I abruptly sat up, bumping heads with said person. I let out a groan of pain before sending daggers towards Clyde. "Clyde the fuck!" I hollered, caressing my poor forehead.

"It's your birthday." He announced with a smug look on his face. At first I ignored it and jokingly pushed him off my bed. "Why do you care?" I asked. Before he could utter a word, I realized that this was the only time of year that he was allowed to punch me.

Damn,why did Stan even let him into the house, let alone my room. I sighed at the thought of my family. If Shelly remembered, I'll have bruises before the end of the day.

"Jasmine." Clyde called. I didn't give him the chance to take a step towards me as I ran downstairs to the kitchen.

Everyone was already in there. Mom was cooking eggs, Dad was reading the newspaper, and Stan and Shelly were already eating.

"Hey guys." I greeted taking my seat next to Stan. They all mumbled a small greeting, not sparing me a glance.

The lack of attention wasn't anything new, but it was my special day. Attention was expected. Maybe they were just tired, at least that's what I kept telling myself. I gave up the idea of a simple 'happy birthday' and poured myself a bowl of cereal.

It seemed awfully quiet, more so than usual. I began to whistle for my own amusement but stopped when Stan gave me a death glare. I sighed and played with the last few pieces of cereal in my bowl. "Aren't you guys forgetting something?" I whined hating the silence.

They all glance at each other before landing their gaze on me. "No..." they confessed in unison. It really pissed me off.

"Alright, I'm off to school." I snarled yanking my backpack from the couch and storming out of the house.

Stan and Clyde eventually caught up to me, but I ignored their attempts to talk or apologize to me. The only thing that kept me walking was the hope that my friends would remember my birthday.

School wasn't one bit better than at home. I was ignored, avoided, and set as an outcast. I thought lunch would be different, but boy was I wrong. Jimmy took my seat next to Craig, but I couldn't push him since he's crippled. Next the guys refused to give me a seat. My only option was the empty seat at Stan's table. Best present ever, a whole 30 minutes with my brother and his obnoxious friends. Yay me.

I took a seat next to Stan expecting some type of reaction, but nothing. Not even a 'what are you doing here' like usual. In an attempt to get some type of response, I tried to interrupt their conversations, but no one bothered to notice me. After about ten minutes I gave up and focused on my food. The rest of lunch time was spent in my own self pity.

Class ended with no one saying hi or even acknowledging my existence. I wasn't conceded like Cartman thinking I was dead but what if I was. Not in the literal sense but what if I was dead to everyone around me. Did I do something to hurt everyone? Did I say something offensive? All sorts of questions filled my mind pushing me further to the brink. Without my knowledge, I was crying. A line of tears ran down my cheeks. I didn't want anyone to see me so I ran behind the school hoping no one saw me being weak. Unfortunately, there was and he was the last person I wanted to see.

"Jasmine" I looked up from my sadness to see Clyde. I put my head back down, sure I liked Clyde but I didn't want him to see me acting like such a pussy especially since we'd flip people off whenever we went to the mall or anywhere actually. He was like a second Craig to me. Too bad not even the guy who supposedly liked me remembered."hey, talk to me." He whispered. I shook my head. I looked out from the corner of my eye seeing he was now sitting next to me on the cold cement floor. "what's up?" He said dully. I looked up at him wiping a tear away.

"No one remembered." I whispered. He gave me an odd look.

"Remember what?" He asked. I went back to sulking. Clyde stayed here with me though which was odd.

"Hey it's getting late why don't I walk you home... Or better Craig's place?" He asked looking at his watch nervously. It was my turn to give him the odd look. I blushed knowing I didn't want to see Craig because secretly I liked him too, but I was too chicken to tell him just how I felt. I sighed getting up. What the hell was I going to do if not just sulk here. Clyde smiled practically dragging me to Craig's house. Why was he so excited? I couldn't ask, I mean the two were best friends.

Clyde knocked on the door and it creeked open. He urged me to walk in first which was weird since Clyde was never so polite towards me. I walked in being blinded by light.

"SURPRISE!" I heard about twenty people scream. I covered my mouth as I scanned the room seeing all my friends and even my family here.

I smiled warmly blushing as my gaze fell onto Craig's he wiggled his eyebrows but before he could say anything my family had to ruin the moment. I hugged mom then dad almost crying again.

"I thought you forgot!" I screamed punching dad softly in the gut. He smiled as Stan explained.

"It was asshole Craig's idea to ignore you and throw this fucking thing for you." Stan said bored with me already. He quickly ran to his friends. Mom and dad went back with their adult friends and Shelly went to talk to the sixth graders. I felt a rough punch on my shoulder.

"One." I turned around at the rough voice. My eyes locked onto Craig's blue ones. I quickly punched him in the face.

"You ass!" I hollered. He gave me a smug smile bringing me close to him.

"You're welcome." He whispered kissing me. "happy birthday Jasmine."

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