Angel's Dust(Christophexreader)

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Dedicated to xZosiaxa for requesting this christophexreader. song is one of those nights by the cab (lol found her!)

I had a delivery to make. If I failed one more time Larry would have my ass. I know with a name like that you'd think he was working at a grocery store or maybe a business cubicle but Larry is who I had been talking to recently to get Christophe and I into the drug business. Nothing big, we were smuggling a less harmful drug weed. Or at least that's what Larry told me. Once I failed him he had revealed to me that the packages actually contained meth.

I smashed my fist into the desk annoyed. I didn't like to be fooled. Larry had said we were the only youngish guys to join his business so we'd get across city borders harmlessly, probably. Obviously Christophe and I couldn't get it done, there were guard dogs and I was the only one willing to fight them. 

This was our last chance and Christophe was being difficult again. "I'm just saying I rather not work with a deceiving beetch." A smile formed on my lips as he crossed his arms with a huff.

"You're just mad because he made a fool of you because you squealed when you saw the dogs coming for you... I hauled my ass for you. Now it's your turn to get the job done. Got it?" I hissed. He rolled his eyes looking away his frown not moving from his lips. "Remember we're entering the bad part of Denver. Keep an eye out." Again he rolled his eyes and began to walk ahead of me. I let out a sigh knowing his childish behavior would probably get us killed.

When we turned the corner of Front street I heard Christophe give a hefty grunt and quickly ran to see what was the problem. I sighed seeing a girl with (h/c) hair who wore a mask. Christophe was on the ground rubbing his head and trying to reach his shovel that was now behind the mysterious girl. "Who are you, rogue?"  Trying to hide my annoyance.  Her (e/c) eyes closed for a second and I saw a couple tears. 

"You're the assholes who've been smuggling coke into Denver!" I smiled a little but before I could speak she gave a hoarse scream. "I'll kill you!" I didn't want to take this girl seriously but a she lunged at me I saw her hands make their way to her pockets and saw a faint shimmer of metal. Fuck. I dodged to my right and quickly sent her a hard kick in the stomach. Christophe slowly got up finally gripping his shovel.

"I don't think this beetch, is serious. She hesitated before getting her knife. We should let her go." I looked at him in disbelief.

"Pft, you're joking right? This girl made me roughen my shirt. Besides, we need to find out how much she knows." Christophe gave me a dull expression and laughter escaped from the girl's mouth.

"Ha, you seriously think I'm going to talk to you?" Her statement made my eye twitch. Instead of showing my anger I took a slow deep breath. 

"There are other ways to get you talking." I reached in my satchel and quickly removed my sword from its place. She gulped harder and from the corner of my eye I could see Christophe give an exasperated sigh. I stepped towards her and although she tried not to show it I could see her grow nervous with every step. When the tip of my sword touched her chin she quickly stepped back.

"Fine!" I smiled putting my sword down as she continued to speak. "My name is ____... I don't know much about the drug business. I only knew that two guys were going to be coming to town today. Because... B-because." Her voice trembled a bit and she started to cry. "Your stupid drugs got my brother hooked... a-and... I don't know where he's gone." I bit my lip as she continued to cry. I didn't want to stay here and deal with her she was just being an annoying pain in my ass. Still I'd feel guilty if I left. I cursed at the situation.

"Go run home Christophe." I whispered. Just then I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"Sheet, Gregory. Get the job done before Larry busts our asses. I'll take care of this."  I hesitantly nodded and headed towards the main street to meet him with our stash. 

Christophe P.O.V

I looked at the (h/c) haired girl who continued to cry in her arms. When Gregory was out of sight she calmed herself enough to look up at me. "You look like sheet you know that right?" She blink biting her lip anger filling her eyes. I crouched down laying my hand on her chin. "I meant when you cry... No one should cry especially fucking girls." She gritted her teeth and I retracted my arm just in time to dodge her teeth that wanted to bite me. I smiled a little when I noticed a blush on her cheeks. I hated when Gregory treated people like scum it annoyed the sheet out of me.

That was one of the only reasons I decided to deal with her instead of him, that and part of me feared Gregory would kill her. I hated that about him too, he could kill without a second thought. I shuddered at the thought and looked back at the girl, she was really beautiful once you got over her reddened eyes. "Tch, I'm sorry Gregory is such an ass. I didn't even want to do this but that asshole has me in a contract." She was still silent but slowly approached me. I couldn't react before her hands cupped my cheeks. She smiled leaning closer until her lips collided with mine. 

I stepped back a little shocked. "Fuck Gregory... I mean he's an idiot for treating you like that." I smiled as my face turned a darker shade of red and I pulled her into a deeper kiss. 

"It doesn't matter. As long as I have someone like you with me." 

"I'd be glad to be the one, Christophe."

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