O.C Beating around the Bush(ChristophexreaderxPete)

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Ashley at the side with Pete and Christophe, Ashley belongs to ChloeJanos song is Vegas skies by the cab.


"This is stupid." I said in my monotone flipping the hair out of my eyes. Henrietta took a long drag of her cigarette. She shuffled the cards for the fifth time.

"You're just pissy because you're losing." She said as I groaned from boredom. "The game is Poker, boys." She said handing the cards out.

"We usually only drink our coffee at Village Inn why the hell are we playing cards?" I complained. Henrietta glared at me. I knew it was because she was winning and there was money on the table. I sighed leaned back into my seat my head up.

"Uh, I just want coffee go bug someone else conformist." My head came up as I heard the sweet monotone. I looked to the right seeing her. She had black hair with a blue streak. She wore a red shirt that didn't cover her entire stomach. I gulped hard at that thought... My eyes then went to the necklace around her neck, a sun, how oddly appropriate. The only thing I didn't like was that she wore sunglasses was she trying to be a damn hipster? And what was it with showing her stomach all girls did that. Conformist, I thought to myself. I stared as she flipped off the waitress.

My eyes wandered to her shirt again, she was at least Michael's age, at least... My eyes widened as I realized I was close to conformist thought. Death, I needed to think of death. "Pete!" My head swung to the left where Michael was glaring me down. "Dude, conformist at twelve o'clock." He said pointing to the girl I had been staring at. I took a deep breath repressing the urge to say something stupid. Just as I was about to introduce myself she sat down with a blond wiith girly hair. I guess I spoke too soon she was definitely a conformist.


We were smoking cigarettes at the loading docks it was the afternoon. I heard her voice again. She was right next to me this time. "Hey, can I use your cigarette to light my own?" She asked softly. I backed away my back hitting the wall and resulting in me falling on my ass. I flipped the hair out of my eye, before I could respond a rough voice spoke.

"Ashley, what are you doing, sheet, you need a light?" He chuckled. I looked to my right to see some weirdo conformist with a French accent and a shovel on his back. "Why don't you ask before running off?" He took the cigarette out of his mouth stepping  closer to the conformist Ashley. He grabbed the cigarette in her hand, pulled her into a kiss and lit it up for her. I was red as I watched them still sitting on my ass.

"Let's go your asshole of a cousin Gregory hates when I'm alone with you." She gave a small wave as she walked away holding the conformist's hand. I growled biting my cigarette in half. Michael patted me on the back.

"What's wrong? Don't tell me you like that preppy conformist, goth wanna be." He said. I sighed forcing his hand off me and walking away.

I didn't even really know why I liked her so much. She was just a conformist right? Maybe it was because she was kind of goth. It was like the minute I saw her I was hooked. I punched the wall of my room knowing this was stupid. I never liked people, I wasn't supposed to that was conformist. 

Ashley P.O.V

I kissed Christophe good night. Gregory introduced us and we immediately connected. We hated a lot of things in common and smoked, but I couldn't help this empty feeling in my stomach. Like, something was missing. I reapplied my lipstick sticking another cigarette in my mouth and lighting it. Maybe it was the fact that Christophe wasn't goth, maybe that's why our relationship felt so... Weird. I snuck out my window going to the graveyard there maybe I could finally think in peace.

"Maybe it was the despair howling in the misery that is my life. As I hold on for dear life the vertex of pain pulls me under drowning me so that I see nothing feel nothing. So that I can't ask those simple damn words. Will you go out with me, ugh too conformist... I should've just asked her out when I saw her, damn." I stepped back seeing a familiar goth sitting near some graves. He was writing on a notepad. I didn't know why but I thought the poem was sweet with a hint of dark despair. I smiled to myself knowing Christophe would never do something like that. 

"Gregory, sheet. I can't dig anymore." I looked to my left remembering that voice. I immediately saw Christophe holding his shovel as Gregory sat on his ass watching. 

"I need that money that was buried with him, keep digging." He hissed. I rolled my eyes ready to go curse him out when Christophe got close and personal.

"I will not do this sheet, just because you forbid me to see your cousin, this is bullsheet." He growled pushing Gregory. Gregory quickly pushed Christophe with full force. He staggered back falling into the grave he had been digging. He gave a loud moan and I quickly ran over.

"Christophe!" I screamed. Gregory gulped hard. I looked down at him his leg twisted up. He had broken his neck.

"Sheet, I'm zorry you have to see this.. Ashley just remember... J'ai t'aime." After that he closed his eyes drowning into calmness. I screamed punching Gregory over and over again.

A soft voice stopped my sobbing. "What are you conformists doing here?" He asked. His eyes glimmered a little when we made eye contact. "Ashley... name's Pete." He said looking away. I felt a sudden blush as he walked closer.

"I l- liked your poem..." I stuttered. He immediately blushed. He rubbed the back of his head.

"Damn, you heard that?" He said. I smiled kissing him on the lips.

"I'm sorry I didn't see it earlier Pete." I whispered. 

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