O.S New girl in Town(Stendy)

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So I wrote this Stendy one shot on my own the lovely couple at the side the song is in too deep by sum 41.


I looked to Stan who sat across from me. He had a little smile on his face. He had been out of it since morning. "Stan?" I asked. His smile grew bigger as a tall slender girl with long brown locks passed us. She had bright easy green eyes. I gritted my teeth as I realized what was happening. "STAN!" He shook his head.

"Uh yeah?" I looked over to the new girl in town, Rose who sat with her friends.

He kept his gaze on her. "You like her don't you." He immediately shook his head.

"No, Wendy I don't like her don't be jelly..." I hated that word. I grabbed my bag and left. When I got home my phone immediately started buzzing. All the texts and calls were from Stan. It didn't matter I didn't want to see him. How could he like her. After finishing my homework I fell asleep on my bed.


In class we got our scores back for a major test we took about a few weeks back. I felt bad for Rose who probably had to make it up which meant she had no study time. I smiled sure she was pretty but Stan probably didn't want some bimbo. Our teacher Ms Kline grabbed our attention. "Class I'd like to congratulate one our students who got the highest grade on this test and in this class..." I was getting ready to stand up knowing she was talking about me. Her next words made me freeze. "Rose Valentino, with only three days to study had the best grade in the class!" She stood in the front of the class giving an elegant bow then sitting at her desk.

"Hey Rose, how'd you find time to study aren't you a totaly gamer?" Kyle began. My head hit the table hard as Stan began to talk.

"No way, first shooter games? Play Station 4 or Xbox 1?" She smiled blushing a little. It made my blood boil. Not only was she pretty and smart she was a gamer too! The rest of the period I had to endure stan and Rose talking about first shooter games and consoles. It made me close to tears I was losing my Stan. No, today we were going to bond all day! We were gonna play arcade games eat and walk along Stark's Pond. I nodded looking over to Stan.

"Stan. do you want to go on a date after school?" I flirtatiously blinked with a smile. His response was somewhat disapointing.

"Sure.." He simply said. I sighed but at least now Rose knew that Stan was my boyfriend. Once the bell rang I ran home to get ready. Around four I ran to Stan's house. His mom answered the door.

"Oh, hi sweetie, Stan's not here right now he's with a couple of his friends." She smiled. My eyes turned dull as I marched towards the town. After searching for a good twenty minutes I found him with the guys and Rose throwing rocks at cars! I growled shouting at him.

"Stan!" I screamed. One of the rocks hit me in the arm and it made me redder. Stan bit his lip. "What happened to our date?" I screamed. He sighed walking down the hill.

He put an arm where the rock had hit me just above my wrist. "Wendy if you just let me explain...." I quickly swiped away storming off.

I knew he was following me. I could hear his footsteps. I turned the corner and that's when he pinned me against the wall. "What's your deal? You've been acting weird all week!" He shouted. I looked away crying. He bit his lip guilt ridden. He gave me a fierce kiss on the lips. "Wendy... You know I love you." He whispered. I turned away silently crying to myself.

"No you love Rose." I saw a smile and I knew he was going to confess that he loved her more.

"No I don't..." He said hugging me with a laugh. I shook my head I was confused why was he laughing.

"Why are you laughing I know you do she's smarter than me prettier and likes video games..." I continued. He let out an exhausted sigh.

"No Cartman likes her Wendy... And she's not smart she copied your test but bubbled in the last answer different because she was afraid of getting caught. So she likes video games who gives a damn and." He pushed my hair behind me ear hugging me tighter. "No one's prettier than you." I smiled stopping my tears as he pulled me into a deep kiss.

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