O.C Just Friends(Kenny)

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Random one idea I had. Criss is my O.C (and my wattpad alias XP) so yeah. Song is just friends by Ed Sheeran. O.Cs thanks to rinmaru avatar maker

There was something wrong with cradling her. His hands gently tucked around her waist breathing in her scent. He lifted his hand to her chest where he swore it was a minute ago. That's what was wrong! All night it was just like this, fully dressed boring sentiment cuddling. He stirred fully awake when her hair left his face where he had been snuggled up against. "Time to go..." Already? He thought.

For the last two weeks, she'd jump into bed and the two would share a precious moment but lately... It was like things had changed. The question was, was it him, or was it her?

Criss and Kenny didn't really talk about what happened in the bedroom outside of the bedroom. The guys had no clue and Kenny supposed that was a good thing, they didn't want guys to think she was some slut she just wanted a special arrangement just with Kenny. It wasn't like she'd jump into bed with just anyone. It wasn't even a planned thing just the heat of the moment.

Kenny didn't know it was Criss when the doorbell rang. He would've never answered the door if he knew, especially since he wasn't wearing pants or a shirt(what it was his lazy Sunday!). She was staring at her notebook when he answered the door, he gave her a confused look but she didn't even look up from her school notes as she pushed past him and entered his house. Without speaking she walked up the stairs. The vein in Kenny's forehead throbbed as he watched her go up the stairs. "Where the hell do you think you're going? And, uh WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" She didn't answer and by the time Kenny was up the stairs, Criss was on his bed laying out school notes for him. She flipped through a couple before acknowledging him.

"Oh, right. Kenny, I'll be tutoring you today. You've been absent for like a week and Garrison said one of us had to come and tutor you, the four of us, Kyle, Stan, Cartman, and I drew straws." She pouted slumping her shoulders dramatically. "Guess who lost?" Kenny rolled his eyes and dropped onto the bed next to her. "Oh, by the way. Could you get dressed? At least put on a shirt, you don't necessarily have the abs to pull off the no shirt look." Kenny bit back his anger.

"It's my fucking house. I can dress however the hell I want, besides it's nothing you haven't seen." That made her smile, it was true. Criss shared a room with her twin brother and her family mostly consisted of men. "Besides I wasn't expecting company. Have you heard of calling?"

"Don't have your number. What, you think all girls just magically have your number?" Kenny's eye twitched but if Criss noticed she didn't let on she put a piece of paper in his hand. "Anyway, we learned about heat transfer, simple physics, let's get this over with okay. I have A LOT of homework." As much as Criss tried to get further away from Kenny it was impossible with having such a small room and even a smaller bed. She was forced to sit right next to him, knee to knee.

"So the cooler the object gets heat from the hotter object." She'd be lying if she said she was comfortable with the closeness of Kenny and the way he was dressed but she refused to show it. That's what made Kenny laugh. He laughed and it made Criss finally look at him for the first time since she got out the homework and notes.

" What?" She sneered. He smiled trying not to agitate her. That's not really what he wanted. He laid his hand on her knee and leaned forward his forehead pressed against hers his eyes locking onto hers.

"Do you think I'm the hot object in this room?" That made her whole face turn burning red. She pulled away and fell onto the bed which made Kenny laugh again. "Guess I'm the object that's transferring heat to you." He laid down next to her and she refused to meet his gaze. He loved how red she had gotten in a mere few seconds. "Hey, do objects have to be touching to transfer energy?" He petted her hair softly and she bit her lip.

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