Don't know when to stop(abusive!Jersey Kylexreader)

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Okay so this is like an abusive jersey kyle x reader so yeah. Song is Apologize by one republic featuring Justin Timberlake. ONE REPUBLIC IS MY FAVORITE! MYOTB :) Okay jersey kyle at the side. Note: I wrote this a long time ago I don't condone the actions in this one shot o.o


Reader P.O.V

I sat down next to my two friends, Stacy and Shayla. Stacy was a bubbly tough spoken blond on the cheerleading squad the polar opposite of Shayla and I. Shayla had dark black hair and hardly spoke, she had thick glasses that would only look good on her. She only spoke when it was absolutely necessary. They looked at me with a sad and worried expression. "Oh, ___ please tell me he didn't hit you." Stacy whispered concerned. I covered my black eye looking away. I shook my head tearing up a bit. I gave her a big smile.

"I just hit a pole... You know with my face!" I began to laugh the two gave me an unsettling frown. I kept my smile but inside I was screaming, I wanted, no I needed help.

"Is asshole Jersey kid beating you again, come on ___, you can be honest." I shook my head paying more attention to my food than anything.

"Be careful, ___ you'll muff is gonna explode if you keep stuffing your fucking face." A stoic voice replied with a slam of his tray. I jolted up seeing Kyle. I frowned knowing he wasn't happy. "aren't girlfriends supposed to you know look good for their boyfriends?" He asked a little teasingly.

Stacy dumped her food in the trash walking away Shayla followed soon after. "tell us when you decide to trash him instead." I rolled my eyes knowing they were being way too sensitive and overprotective. Kyle spoke all lunch period about Jersey Shore and how I should try and look like the girls on it. I stayed quiet the whole time.

"So we's gonna watch the new episode of Jersey Shore at your homez, right?" He asked. Before I could oppose the lunch bell rang. I despised Jersey Shore but for Kyle I guess I'd watch it. I didn't bothering going to class I knew Shayla and Stacy would just give me a lecture all period ask me why I liked Kyle and why I stayed with him.

I lay in my bed all day just staring at the wall. Why did I like Kyle so much? Why was I so willing to please him.? Was it because no other guy thought of me in the way Kyle did? It was true I really did love Kyle but it was becoming harder to answer all these questions. The doorbell broke my thoughts. I jumped up running down the stairs and swinging the door open, Kyle hated it when I took so long he had to ring it twice. "Hi Ky-"

The two greeted me with frowns. "Hey ready to watch Big Hero 6 my dad got the bootlegged version." Shayla whispered before Stacy could spread her negativity. They let themselves in as I looked at them awkwardly.

"So, you invited your boyfriend over on the same day as our movie night?" Stacy hissed. I rubbed my arm awkwardly. Shayla tried holding her down but failed. "Look,____ Kyle's bad for you he hits you he uses you and I bet he doesn't even like you the way you like him." I gritted my teeth angry.

"What do you know you barely know him!" I screamed. Stacy continued to get in my face as Shayla stayed silent like always.

"My boyfriend would never tell me to stop stuffing my fucking face! That's what I know!" She yelled. I suppressed tears as I continued to scream.

"He's just looking out for me!" She gripped my shoulders clenching her teeth.

"Look,____ you're just in den-" Shayla stepped forward catching us both off guard she separated the two of us gently and whispered as she always did.

"It's either him or us, __." She grabbed the bootlegged DVD and walked out of the house with Stacy behind her.

I sat there alone in silence, I didn't want to lose my only friends. I knew them since pre-k. What the hell was I going to do I loved Kyle just as much as I loved them. A tear slid down my cheek but before I could continue the doorbell rang. I buried my face into my hands. The doorbell rang again. I continued to sob. Now intense knocking echoed in my head. After having enough I wiped my eyes and opened the door. He stormed through sitting down on the couch putting his feet on the little table in front of our television. "Hey you know I hate waiting." He almost hissed. I sat next to him looking away. He continued to talk. "so what's up with those two, Sheina and Stella? Yeah your friends whatever, I ran into them walking here and they flipped me off with a frown. Are they always that fucked up?" He asked. I scooted in my seat uneasy. The words left slowly.

"They want me to break up with you." As soon as the words left me he pushed me against the couch where I was sitting until the couch was laying on its back. His hands were around my neck. "You're not gonna do it right grandma muff?" He asked his voice scratchy. I couldn't respond as he continued to choke me. After about five minutes of trying to kick him off me, I pried his arms off my neck. I breathed in a deep breath.

"We need a break." I said storming off.

Kyle P.O.V

I didn't get what the big deal was, this didn't happen that often. I could find a new girl just like that. I smirked knowing I shouldn't be worried but relieved that she wanted a quote on quote break. I walked home where I knew ma would be angry as usual.


A new girl meant I had to go to school. I had to scope out the hot chicks. I knew the guys would hook me up they always had my back. I walked through the hallways and stopped in front of my asshole friends. "Hey dudes what's going on?" I asked. I expected fat ass to say something but they all ignored me. I rolled my eyes facing Stan. "What up dude wanna hit the arcade after school today." Again he ignored me. Kenny pulled his hood down about to speak when Stan interrupted him.

"Look, Kyle we think you should go, find new friends who are as..." He didn't know how to finish it but Cartman did he stepped forward looking at me skeptical.

"Are as douchey and lame as you." Cartman hissed. "You can go now Jew boy." He said back to facing his locker. I wanted to punch him square in the face but I noticed everyone at the school was giving me the same look. That look of anguish, fear, and disgust. I bit my lip leaving the school, I didn't need them they were all muff cabbages anyway.

I sighed walking back to my house. On the way I could hear clear whispers about me nothing good. "Did you see how fucked up that kid is." I heard one guy whisper. That's when I had enough. I grabbed him by the shirt lifting him up.

"What the hell did you say?" I screamed. He stayed silent I looked around everyone staring at me, what was the use. I let him fall to the ground as I ran. I wasn't going home, no, I didn't need a reminder of why I was the way I was. For god's sake dad left because of mom's Jersey attitude. I just didn't realize it till now.

I didn't know what I was doing here, but it was the only place I knew I had been accepted at least at one time in my life. I rang the door bell for a fourth time now. I tried to hide my anger. The door slowly creeped open. "Kyle..." ____ whispered. I couldn't help but smile at her voice. "you should leave." She whispered. I tried forcing the door open but there was a chain lock on it.

"Please I just want to talk." I whispered surprised at my own words. She gave a great sigh unlocking the door and letting me in. She sat down on her couch looking to the floor.

"I don't want to be on a break ___." I said slowly. She gave me a confused look.

"I don't want to be with someone who hurts me!" She screamed tearing up. I frowned knowing where she was coming from like they said I was an asshole, I was a douchebag. "I can't do this until you promise you won't touch me ever again!" She said now sobbing. I bit my lip knowing what to say.

"I can't promise you anything ___..." I said empty. Her shoulders slumped as she buried her face into her hands. "because it's a Jersey thing..." I whispered almost laughing at the irony.

"I don't want to lose my only friends." She whispered. I grabbed her hand bringing her into a hug.

"And I don't want to lose the only person who thinks I'm worth anything." I kissed her on the lips as she continued to cry softly. "Look,__ I can't promise you anything but I swear I'll try my best I just can't lose you." She wiped her tears and I kissed her once again. "because I love you." She began to blush. I did the same, shocked at my words. What was wrong with me? I smirked knowing this is what real love did to me. She kissed me saying the same.

"I love you to Kyle, no matter what."

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