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Dedicated to  djdashlunarspeed for requesting this tweekxreader. Tweek at the side. Song is Won't Stop by ONE REPUBLIC YAY MY OTB! :)


He walked across the coffee shop jittery. He had about seven coffees on the tray he held. He immediately dropped it when someone lay a hand on his shoulder. "GAH!" He screamed. He turned around to see his dad's smooth smile.

"Sorry champ I just wanted to tell you you're in charge of the shop for the day your mother and I have jury duty. We know you  can do it alright." He screamed again.

"What! You didn't tell me anything! GAH!" It was too late his parents were gone. He sighed going into the kitchen to clean up the mess he made. The coffees were for him to take his break but now he couldn't since he was in charge. He started mopping up the floor. It was two in the afternoon. No one was really coming in. He let himself calm down a little. Today was going to be a slow day. 

He played with the money after wiping down the counter five times and washing the cups a third time. There was nothing to do. A bell made him scream. "Gah! I'm coming!" He said from the kitchen. He ran to the counter. "W.. What can I get you?" He stuttered. The (h/c) hair girl giggled a little then looked to the menu.

"Can I get a caramel mocha..." She smiled. Tweek nodded grabbing her money and stuffing it into the cash register.

"Uh... Your name..." He whispered. She gave him a confused look.

He shook his head. "Oh I need your name to write it on your cup... So I know it's your order." She dully looked around the store she was clearly their only customer. "Store policy." She sighed rubbing her hands together it was cold out today.

"____." He nodded then ran to the kitchen again as the girl sat down. He turned on the machine having her order ready in a matter of three minutes. He slowly added the whip cream then added the cover. Finally he wrote her name on the cup. 

"___." He said under his breath trying to remember it. He nodded his head. The delivery part wasn't his strong suit. He began to shake again. "Just one order... One order..." He repeated over and over again as he approached her. She looked up as he was just inches away from the table her (e/c) locking onto him. He bit his lip and tripped drenching her in her iced caramel coffee.

"Oh God I'm sorry!" He repeated over and over again. She was angry at first but after the sixth time she started giggling. She put her hands on his shoulders.

"It's okay... uh, Tweek." She said squinting to read his nametag. He gave a small smile. "but I'm gonna need new clothes." She frowned. Tweek nodded leading her to the kitchen. He grabbed one of the Tweak's coffee shop shirts and an apron just in case because the shirt was white and he didn't want to see anything.

He handed it to her and she smiled. "Thanks." She immediately removed her shirt. 

"GAH! What are you doing!" He screamed backing away and falling on the floor. She laughed as she put the Tweak's coffee shop T-shirt on. 

"Getting dressed, what you've never seen a bra?" He blushed shutting his eyes. "Come on, It's not like I showed you my boobs, I mean I barely have any.... Come on Tweek, it's just a stomach." He opened his eyes to see ___ right infront of him. He screamed again seeing the shirt was still revealing.

"GAH! PUT ON THE APRON!" She rolled her eyes strapping it on. Tweek felt his hot face brewing some hot coffee for himself on. She sat down tapping the table already bored. Silence filled the room until finally Tweek went to get his coffee.

When he came back ___ decided to say what was on her  mind. "You know Tweek, you're not like all the other guys... You're a lot more, respectful." He took a sip of his coffee as she stood up wrapping her arms around him. He jumped.

"GAH! Is th.. That a bad thing?" He questioned setting his coffee down. She rolled her eyes shaking her head.

"No, I'm just trying to say..." She rubbed her arm awkwardly as Tweek gave her all his attention. He turned red remembering her undressing. Why would she do that in front of him? TOO MUCH PRESSURE? "That I like you?" She finally blurted more as a question than a statement. Tweek went back to his coffee. Again she rolled her eyes. She wrapped  her hands around his that were holding the mug. "Say something..."

He looked up twitching a little. "I... think I like you too." She gave a bigger smile whispering in his ear.

"You know Tweek you never gave me my coffee."

"Oh GOD!" He screamed. She grabbed him pulling him into a kiss. He eased into the kiss as all the stress in the world disappeared. Maybe taking care of the shop alone wasn't all too bad.

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